Other Verbs Flashcards
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
I am (to be)
Yo estoy
You’re (to be)
informal, single person
Tú estás
She, he, you is/are (to be)
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted está
We’re (to be)
Nosotros, nosotras estamos
They’re (to be)
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras estáis
Thou / thee are (to be)
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes estan
I have
Yo tengo
You have
informal, single person
Tú tienes
She, he, you have
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted tiene
We have
Nosotros, nosotras tenemos
They have
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras tenéis
Thou / thee have
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes tienen
I do
Yo hago
You do (informal, single person)
Tú haces
She, he, you does
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted hace
We do
Nosotros, nosotras hacemos
They do (informal, multiple persons)
Vosotros, vosotras hacéis
Thou / thee do
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes hacen
I go
Yo voy
You go
informal, single person
Tú vas
She, he, you goes
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted va
We go
Nosotros, nosotras vamos
They go
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras vaís
Thou / thee go
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes van
I watch
Yo veo
You watch
informal, single person
Tú ves
She, he, you watches
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted ve
We watch
Nosotros, nosotras vemos
They watch
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras veis
Thou / thee watch
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes ven
I can
Yo puedo
You can
informal, single person
Tú puedes
She, he, you can
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted puede
We can
Nosotros, nosotras podemos
They can
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras podéis
Thou / thee can
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes pueden
I give
Yo doy
You give
informal, single person
Tú das
She, he, you give
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted da
We give
Nosotros, nosotras damos
They give
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras daís
Thou / thee give
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes dan
I know
Yo sé
You know
informal, single person
Tú sabes
She, he, you knows
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted sabe
We know
Nosotros, nosotras sabemos
They know
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sabéis
Thou / thee know
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes saben
I put
Yo pongo
You put
informal, single person
Tú pones
She, he, you puts
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted pone
We put
Nosotros, nosotras ponemos
They put
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras ponéis
Thou / thee put
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes ponen
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
I am
Yo soy
You are
informal, single person
Tú eres
She, he, you are
You: informal, single person
Ella, él, usted es
We are
Nosotros, nosotras somos
They are
informal, multiple persons
Vosotros, vosotras sois
Thou / thee are
formal, multiple persons
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son