Learn Spanish Level 2 Lesson 4 Flashcards
I’m hungry (ik heb honger)
Tengo hambre
I’m thirsty (ik heb dorst)
Tengo sed
I’m hungry I want to eat something
Tengo hambre quiero comer algo
I’m cold (Ik heb het koud)
Tengo frio
I’m hot (Ik heb het heet)
Tengo calor
I’m frightened (to have fear)
Tengo miedo
Are you cold?
Tienes frio?
I’m very hot
Tengo mucho calor
To sleep (derived from the English word dormitory)
I couldn’t sleep I was very cold
No pude dormir, tuve mucho frio
I was afraid because I could see something
Tuve miedo porque pude ver algo
To fly
He is afraid to fly
Tiene miedo de volar
I wanted
I did
I wanted to do it, but I was afraid
Quise hacerlo, pero tuve miedo
I wanted it, but I couldn’t buy it
Lo quise, pero no pude comprarlo
A blanket
Una manta
I was cold and I wanted a blanket
Tuve frio y quise una manta
I did it yesterday
Lo hice ayer
I did what I could
Hice lo que pude
Normally I find it difficult, but yesterday I did it quickly
Normalmente lo encuentro difícil, pero ayer lo hice rápidamente
To begin / to start
I’m going to start tomorrow
Voy a empezar mañana
I have just begun / I have just started
Acabo de empezar
I start
You start
She/he starts
They start
We start
I started yesterday (past tense)
Empecé ayer
I start today
Empiezo hoy
When do you start? When are you starting?
Cuando empiezas?
He is not starting until tomorrow
No empieza hasta mañana
If we start now, we can finish it today
Si empezamos ahora, podemos terminarlo hoy