Learn Spanish Level 2 Lesson 7 Flashcards
The past tense of ‘we’:
You use either
-amos (for -ar verbs)
-imos (for -er or -ir verbs)
This means that for -ar and -ir verbs the past tense for ‘we’ is the same as the present tense. For example: hablamos (we speak / we spoke) and salimos (we go out / we went out)
Hablamos (-ar verb: Hablar)
Salimos (-ir verb: Salir)
Comimos (-er verb: Comer)
To buy
We buy
We bought
We bought it yesterday
Lo compramos ayer
We spoke a lot of Spanish
Hablamos mucho Espanol
We went out yesterday, it was fun
Salimos ayer, fue divertido.
We learned a lot
Aprendimos mucho
For the irregular verbs we also use -imos:
I have, I had
We have, we had
Tengo, tuve
Tenemos, tuvimos
I go, I went,
We go, we went
Voy, fui
Vamos, fuimos
I do, I did
We do, we did
Hago, hice
Hacemos, hicimos
We had to eat something
Tuvimos que comer algo
To understand (to comprehend)
We couldn’t understand why he did it
No pudimos comprender por que lo hizo
We were hungry, but we couldn’t find a restaurant
Tuvimos hambre, pero no pudimos encontrar un restaurante
We wanted to see it
Quisimos verlo
Our (ownership)
Nuestro / nuestra
Our car is in the garage
Nuestro coche esta en el garaje
We are talking about a location here so we use ‘esta’ instead of ‘es’
Our house is very small
Nuestra casa es muy pequena
We are describing a characteristic here so we use ‘es’ instead of ‘esta’
To sell
We sold our house
Vendimos nuestra casa
Ours (multiple)
Nuestros, nuestras
Our friends live in Madrid
Nuestros amigos viven en Madrid
Our children are in England
Nuestros hijos están en Inglaterra
We went to Spain with our two daughters
Fuimos a Espana con nuestras dos hijas
There is / there are
There was / there were
There was a conference
Había una conferencia
To attend
There was a conference that I wanted to attend
Había una conferencia que quise asistir
Some words are masculine even though they end on an ‘a’, but they tend to end on ‘ma’.
Some examples of these ware:
A problem
The climate
Un problema
El clima
There was a problem with our reservation
Había un problema con nuestra reserva
Persons, people
There were three people
Había tres personas