Other System Diagnosis Flashcards
Ankylosing Spondylitis
- system condition characterized by inflammation of the spine and the larger peripheral joints
- Males are at two to three times greater risk than females with peak onset observed between 20-40 years of age
- clinical presentation initially includes recurrent and insidious onset of back pain, morning stiffness, and impaired spinal extension
Arterial Insufficiency Ulcer
- charcaterized by the narrowing of arterial vessels that impedes the delivery of oxygenated blood to tissues
- peripheral artery disease is typically linked to the development of arterial insufficiency ulcers; risk factors include athersclerosis, HTN, obesity, DM, and smoking
Breast Cancer
- may spread to the lymphatic system and commonly metastasizes to the brain, lungs, bones, adrenals, and liver
- Breast cancer makes up 30% of all female cancers and is the second leading cause of death for females in the US
- Prognosis and 10 yr survival rates for women are over 85% for stage I; 66 % stage II; 36% stage III; and 7% for Stage IV disease
Burn - full thickness
- Burn causes immediate cellular and tissue death and subsequent vascular destruction
- eschar forms from necrotic cells and creates a dry and hard layer that requires debridement
- absent sensation and pain due to destruction of free nerve endings, however, there may be pain from adjacent areas that experience partial thickness burns
Burn- partial thickness
- superficial partial-thickness burn involves the epidermis and upper portion of the dermis; deep partial thickness burn involves the epidermis, majority of the dermis and structures within the dermis
- characterized by a red color that will blanch when touched; deep partial thickness burn is characterized by red discoloration, however it will not blanch
- will typically heal w/o residual deficits in the absence of infection or delay healing
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- increases in sympathetic activity causes a release of norepinephrine in the periphery and subsequent vasocontriction of blood vessels resulting in pain and an increase in sensitivity to peripheral stimulation
- affects all age groups, but s likely found in individuals 35-60 with females being 3x more likely than males
- Pt experience intense burning and chronic pain in the affected extremity that eventually spreads in a proximal direction
Diabetes Mellitus Type I
- insulin is functionally absent due to the destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas; where the insulin would normally be produced
- starts in children ages 4 to older, with the peak incidence of onset coinciding with early adolescence and puberty
- common symptoms include polyuria, poludipsia, polyphagia, nausea, weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, and dehydration
Diabetes Mellitus Type II
- characterized by an inappropriate cellular response to insulin, preventing adequate absorption of blood glucose; excess blood glucose results in a persistent hyperglycemic state
- may develop slowly prior to showing initial sympyoms that can include polydipsia, polyuria; blurred vision; delayed healing, frequent infections, and acanthosis nigricans
- medical management is typically focused on lifestyle changes and pharmaceutical intervention through various oral or injectable pharmacological agents
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
- nonarticular rheumatic condition with pain caused by tender points within muscles, tone, and ligaments
- greater incidence in females potentially affecting any age
- widespread history of pain that exists in all four quadrants of the body
Human Immunodeficciency VIrus
- primary risk factors for contracting HIV include unprotected sexual intercourse, intravenous drug use, or mother to fetus transmission
- w/o tx, HIV advances in three stages 1. acute HIV infection 2. clinical latency and 3. AIDS
- leading cause of death for patients with the virus are AIDS, non-AIDS-defining cancers, liver disease and cardiovascular disease
Juvenile Rheumatoid artheritis
- autoimmune disorder found in children less than 16 years of age that occurs when the immune cells mistakenly begin to attack the joints and organs causing local and systematic effects throughout the body
- Girls have a higher incidence of JRA and are most commonly diagnosed as toddlers or in early adolescence
- clinical symptoms include persistent joint swelling,pain, and stiffness
lymphadema post-mastectomy
- caused by an excess load of lymph fluid or inadequate transport capacity within the lymphatic system secondary to the loss of homeostasis
- primary contributing factor in the development of lymphedema following a mastectomy is the damage and/or removal of the axillary lymph nodes and vessels
- intervention should focus on manual lymph drainage, short stretch compression bandages, retrograde massage, exercise , compression therapy, and use of a mechanical pump
Neuropathic Ulcer
- occurs most frequently in the diabetic population and are often referred to as diabetic ulcers
- at-risk areas include those that are routinely subjected to pressure during normal WB, atypical stresses due to structural changes or improper fitting footwear
- Will typically heal by secondary intention with appropriate wound healing interventions and the absence of complications
- metabolic bone disorder where the rate of bone resorption accelerates while the rate of bone formation slows down
- Pt may complain of low thoracic or lumbar pain and experience compression fractures of teh vertebrae
- bone mineral density test accounts for 70% of bone strength and is the easiest way to determine osteoporosis
Pressure ulcer
- unrelieved pressure deprives the tissues of oxygen which causes ischemia, subsequent cell death, and tissue necrosis
- high risk areas pressure ulcers include the occiput, heels , greater trochanters, ischial tuberosities, sacrum, and epicondyles of the elbow
- impaired cognition, poor nutrition, altered sensation, incontinence, decr lean body mass, and infection contribute to the development of a pressure ulcer
Rheumatoid Arthritis
- systemic autoimmune disorder of the connective tissue that is characterized by chronic inflammation within synovial membranes, tendon sheaths, and articular cartilage
- incidence is three times greater in females than males and is diagnosed most frequently between 30-50 years of age
- blod work assists with the diagnosis of RA though evaluation of the rheumatoid factor, white blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hemoglobin, and hematocrit values
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- connective tissue disorder caused by an autoimmune reaction in teh body
- females are at greater risk than males with the most common age group ranging from 15-40 years of age
- clinical presentation includes a red butterfly rasj across teh cheeks and nose, a red rash over light exposed areas, arthralgias, alopecia, pleurisy, kidney involvement, seizures, and depression
urinary stress incontinence
- occurs during activities where there is an incr in abdominal pressure through straining, sneezing, coughing, or lifting
- risk factors include pregnancy, vaginal delivery, episiotomy, prostate or pelvic surgery, aging, DM, CNS dysfunction, and recurrent urinary infection
- accounts for 50-60% of all incontinence cases and is manifested solely by the involuntary loss of urine with any form of exertion or increased abdominal pressure