Other movements Flashcards
Articulate the reasons for including the kipping pull-up in a fitness program.
The kipping pull-up is CrossFit’s default pull-up. It allows the athlete to accomplish more work in less time (higher power) due to the use of the hips to assist the upper-body pull.
How many strict pull-ups does Crossfit recommend before starting the progression of the kipping pull-up?
Why CrossFit recommends closed grip?
To have feedback for the athlete and the coach when the athlete loses his grip.
What is the correct setup for the kipping pull-up?
- Hands just outside shoulder width.
- Hang with arms extended.
What is the good progression of the kipping pull-up?
Kipping swing
- Initiate the swing with the shoulders.
- Alternate between arched and hollow positions.
Two swings and a kip
- Push into the bar with straight arms as you move to the arch position after the second swing.
- The goal is to begin to elevate the body without pulling with the arms
Two swings and a pull-up
- Complete two kip swings followed by one pull-up.
- Complete two kip swings, then continue the pull-up.
- At the top of the pull-up, push away from the bar.
- Return in the same path taken on the ascent and complete two swings with control.
- Consecutive kipping pull-ups
Kipping pull-up
What is the fault and how to fix it?
Initiating the swing with the legs.
Have the athlete go back in the progression to the kip swing and initiate the movement from the shoulders.
Kipping pull-up
What is the fault and how to fix it?
Not pushing away after clearing the bar, sending the athlete straight down instead of following the arc of the kip swing
- Have the athlete pause at the top of the pull-up, focusing on pushing away from the bar.
- Have the athlete perform two kip swings in between each pull-up, practicing a sound return.
- Give the athlete a target at the back to encourage him or her to push away. (A)
Kipping pull-up
What is the fault and how to fix it?
Losing midline stabilization by overextending the spine or exaggerating the swing.
Have the athlete work on the kip swing in a tighter position by keeping the legs together and the knees straight. Have the athlete put a towel between his or her feet to encourage a tight body position. (B)
Kipping pull-up
What are the five key points of the kipping pull-up?
- The setup: grip the bar with hands outside the shoulders and thumbs around the bar.
- The swing initiate the swing at the shoulder
- The hollow position: the rapid redirection from front to back combine with a quick press down against the bar at the back of the swing generates momentum to assist the pull.
- The pull: At the moment of weightlessness, pull with the arms until the chin is over the bar. Keep the chest up with the eyes forward.
- Finish: push away from the bar to begin the descent
Kipping Pullups
What are the three common faults?
- Initiating the swing with the legs
- Not pushing away on the descent
- Over-extension in the swing
Thruster what is the best grip for Thrusters?
Unlike the loose fingertip grip used in the front squat, the thruster requires a full grip on the bar and a lower elbow position.
What are the three points of performance?
Bottom position
- Bellow parallel
- Full grip
- Elbows high
- Timing core to extremity
- Finish
What are the common faults?
- Early pressing
- Initiating the squat early
What is the progression of the thruster?
- Front squat
- Push press
- Thruster
What is the fault? and how to correct it?
Pressing the bar before extending the hips.
Use a tactile cue and instruct the athlete to hit the hand before pressing.