made an association between the rare Kell phenotypes, including the McLeod phenotype, and the rare
X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).
1971: Giblett and colleagues
McLeod carriers exhibit two RBC populations: one having ___ and normal ______, the other having
the _______ and ________
Kx and Kell antigens ; McLeod phenotype and acanthocytosis
McLeod males with CGD make ________
anti-Kx + Km
(McLeod Phenotype & Syndrome)
Reacts strongly with ____ RBCs, weaker with normal ____ phenotype RBCs, and not at all with ______ phenotype RBCs
Ko ; Kell ; McLeod
_________: made by McLeod males without CGD
used to describe other phenotypes with very weak Kell expression, often requiring adsorption-
elution tests for detection
RBCs may appear to acquire Kell antigens.
described a K– patient who acquired a K-like antigen during a Streptococcus faecium infection
McGinnis and coworker
Most ____________________ are directed against undefined high-prevalence Kell antigens, but identifiable autoantibodies to K, Kpb, and K13 have been reported.
Kell system autoantibodies
Mimicking specificities have also been reported, such as when an apparent anti-K is eluted from DAT+ K– RBCs and the anti-K in the eluate can be adsorbed onto K– RBCs.
1950: named for Mr. Duffy, who was found to have the first described example of _______
1951: discovered an antithetical antigen, _____, found in the serum of a woman who had three pregnancies.
1955: _____________
- reported that the majority of African Americans tested were Fy(a–b–).
- The gene responsible for this null phenotype was called ______
Sanger and colleagues ; Fy
common genotype in blacks, especially in Africa; the gene is rare in whites.
- observed that Fy(a–b–) RBCs resist infection in vitro by the monkey malaria organism Plasmodium
- later shown that Fy(a–b–) RBCs also resist infection by Plasmodium vivax (one of the organisms causing
malaria in humans )
______, ______: rarely encountered in duffy
Fy3, Fy5
RBCs that are Fy(a–b–) are also Fy: ____, _____
–3, –5.
____ is also not present on Rhnull RBCs, regardless of the Fya or Fyb status of those RBCs.
____ blood group system: symbol FY or 008 by the ISBT
most important in routine blood bank serology
Fya & Fyb
Fya & Fyb can be identified on fetal RBCs as early as _______ gestational age and are well developed at birth.
6 weeks
found in body tissues, including brain, colon, endothelium, lung, spleen, thyroid, thymus, and kidney cells.
Fya & Fyb
destroyed by ficin, papain, bromelin, and chymotrypsin, and by ZZAP (which contains either papain or
ficin in addition to DTT)
Fya & Fyb
Fya & Fyb not affected by _____ alone, _____, or glycine-acid EDTA treatment.
reduce the molecular weight of Fya and Fyb, but not destroyed antigenic activity and neither does purified trypsin
Fya and Fyb in position 42
Fya = glycine
Fyb = aspartic acid
common antibody and is found as a single specificity or in a mixture of antibodies.
Anti-Fya: occurs ____ times less frequently than anti-K.
20 times less common than anti-Fya and often occurs in combination with other antibodies.
- IgG and react best at the antiglobulin phase.
- Antibody activity is enhanced in a low ionic strength medium.
- associated with acute and delayed HTRs.
- associated with HDFN that ranges from mild to severe.
Anti-Fya & Anti-Fyb
1968: Duffy gene (ACKR1, formally known as _____) was linked to a visible, inherited abnormality of _________
DARC ; chromosome 1
located near the centromere on the long arm of chromosome 1 at position 1q21-q22.4
syntenic to the Rh locus, which is located near the tip of the short arm;
Fy locus
There are three common alleles at the Fy locus: ___, ____, ______.
_____ and _____ encode the antithetical
antigens Fya and Fyb, respectively, and ___ is a silent allele and is the major allele in blacks.
Fya, Fyb, and Fy.
Fya and Fyb ; Fy
Molecular testing for the GATA mutation is helpful for transfusion management for patients with
sickle cell disease.
- Typing for Duffy antigens has been performed on the RBCs of chimpanzees, gorillas, and old- and
new-world monkeys.
The results suggest that ____ developed first, then ___, and that ___ arose during human evolution.
Fy3 ; Fyb ; Fya
____: described in 1965 as a new allele at the Fy locus
Inherited weak form of Fyb that reacts with some example of anti-Fyb
____:1971, anti-Fy3 was found in the serum of an Fy(a–b–) white Australian female( individuals who lack the
Duffy glycoprotein)
reacted with all RBCs tested except those of the Fy(a–b–) phenotype
not destroyed by enzymes
found in whites, Cree Indian families, and blacks
Fy(a–b–) phenotype
1973, Colledge and coworkers discovered anti-Fy5 in the serum of an Fy(a–b–) black child who later
died of leukemia
next bg system
kidd (009) system
simple and straightforward system consisting of only 3 antigens.
The Kidd (009) System
1951, ____ and colleagues reported finding an antibody in the serum of Mrs. Kidd, whose infant had HDFN
___, was found 2 years later
null phenotype _______ was described in 1959
___ has been detected on fetal RBCs as early as 11 weeks
___ has been detected at 7 weeks
The Kidd (009) System is not denatured by _____ or ______
papain or ficin
(The Kidd (009) System: Antibodies)
demonstrate dosage, are often _____ (reaction)
(The Kidd (009) System: Antibodies)
_______ is more frequently encountered than anti-Jkb, but neither antibody is common
(The Kidd (009) System: Antibodies)
usually ___ (antiglobulin reactive) but may also be partly ___
IgG ; IgM
(The Kidd (009) System: Antibodies)
Made in response to ______ or _______
pregnancy or transfusion
(The Kidd (009) System: Antibodies)
Antibody reactivity can also be enhanced by using _____ or _____ (to promote IgG attachment), by using four drops of serum instead of two (to increase the antibody-to-
antigen ratio) or by using enzymes such as ____ or _____
LISS or PEG ; ficin or papain
(The Kidd (009) System: Antibodies)
Many bind _____
(The Kidd (009) System: Antibodies)
titer of anti-Jka or anti-Jkb quickly declines ______
in vivo
(The Kidd (009) System: Antibodies)
decline in antibody reactivity and the difficulty in detecting Kidd antibodies are reasons why they are a common cause of _____ (delayed)
lack Jka, Jkb and the common antigen Jk3
Jk(a-b-) Phenotype
Jk(a-b-) Phenotype is most abundant among ________
it has also been identified in Filipinos, Indonesians and Chinese
polynesians ;
Most Jk(a-b-) nullas are _______ for the rare “silent” allele jk
antiglobulin-reactive antibody that looks like an inseparable anti-JkaJkb
Anti-Jk3 (Alloanti-Jk3)
Anti-Jk3 (Alloanti-Jk3) reacts with all RBCs tested except the _______
reactivity is enhanced with enzyme pretreatment of the RBCs
associated with severe immediate and delayed HTRs and with mild HDFN
Anti-Jk3 (Alloanti-Jk3)
Autoantibodies with Kidd specificity (anti-Jka, anti-Jkb, and anti-Jk3): rare; have been associated with __________
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
next bg system
The Lutheran (005) System
1945, _______ was found (and described in detail a year later) in the serum of a patient with
lupus erythematosus, following the transfusion of a unit of blood carrying the corresponding
low-prevalence antigen
new antibody was named Lutheran for the donor; the donor’s last name was Lutteran but the donor blood sample was incorrectly labeled
1956, ______ and ________ described anti-Lub
Cutbush and Chanarin
1961 _____ and colleagues described the first Lu(a–b–) phenotype
detected on fetal RBCs as early as 10 to 12 weeks of gestation and poorly developed at
The Lutheran (005) System Antigen
(The Lutheran (005) System: Antigen)
Lutheran glycoprotein is widely distributed in tissues
________: Brain, Lung, Pancreas, skeletal muscle, and hepatocytes
(The Lutheran (005) System: Antigen)
resistant to the enzymes _____ and ______ and to ____________ treatment
ficin and papain ; glycine-acid EDTA
(The Lutheran (005) System: Antigen)
(most) do not react with RBCs treated with sulfhydryl reagents ____ and _____
(Lua and Lub Antigens)
Lutheran antigens are located on a ______ transmembrane protein
type 1
(Lua and Lub Antigens)
multifunctional adhesion molecules that bind ______, notably in sickle cell disease
(Lua and Lub Antigens)
Lu gene is located on
chromosome 19
IgM naturally occurring saline agglutinins
anti-Lua react better at _____________ than at 37°C
room temperature
Some are capable of binding complement, but in vitro hemolysis has not been reported
their characteristic loose, mixed-field reactivity in a test tube
first example of was a room-temperature agglutinin, and IgM and IgA antibodies have been noted
most examples of anti-Lub are IgG and reactive at _____ at the antiglobulin phase
made in response to pregnancy or transfusion
Alloanti-Lub reacts with all cells tested except the _______, and reactions are often weaker with Lu(a+b+) RBCs and cord RBCs
rare antibody that reacts with all RBCs except Lu(a–b–) RBCs
anti-Lu3 looks like inseparable anti-Luab and recognizes a common antigen, _____
Antiglobulin reactive.
anti-Lu3 made only by individuals with the recessive type of ______
carry trace amounts of Lutheran antigens as shown by adsorption-elution studies
do not make anti-Lu3
Dominant Type Lu(a-b-)
truly lack all the Lutheran antigens and can make an inseparable anti-Luab called anti-Lu3
Recessive Type Lu(a-b-)
Lu(a–b–) family members were male and carried trace amounts of Lub detected by
Recessive X-Linked Inhibitor Type