OT Assessments Flashcards
The Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index
Assesses the impact of a person’s visual impairment on ADLs and IADLs
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)
A semi structured interview used to identify a person’s perception of their performance in the areas of self-care, productivity, and leisure. Also used to rate importance of activities and their perception of performance.
The Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool (MOHOST)
Provides info regarding the impact of volition, habilitation, skills, and the environment on occupational performance
Lighthouse Near Visual Acuity Test
Assesses NEAR visual acuity
Snellen E Chart
Assesses DISTANCE visual acuity
Tumbling E Chart
Assesses DISTANCE visual acuity for individuals who are illiterate or has aphasia
Pelli-Robson Contrast Sensitivity
Assesses contrast sensitivity
Confrontation Visual Field Testing
Assess peripheral visual field. Client fixes on a central target and acknowledges the appearance of stimuli in the visual fields
Amsler Grid
Assess central visual field
Brain Injury Visual Assessment Battery for Adults
Standardized assessments for evaluation of the visual functions important in ensuring that visual perceptual processing is accurately completed: visual acuity (distant and reading) contrast sensitivity function visual field oculomotor function visual attention and scanning
- A 6 level scale screening tool to estimate an individual’s cognitive level - for populations w/ psychiatric disorders, ABI, or dementia
- Person performs three leather lacing stitches progressing in complexity
Allen Cognitive Level Test
- Structured observation of BADL and mobility skills are performed to detect underlying neurobehavioral dysfunction
- System of error analysis is utilized to document the underlying performance components (neglect, spatial dysfunction, body scheme disorder, apraxia)
- Functional Independence scale with 0 = unable to perform to 4 - independent
- Neurobehavioral specific impairment Scale with 0 = no neurobehavioral impairment is observed to 4 = unable to perform secondary to neurobehavioral dysfunction
Arnadottir Occupational Therapy Neurobehavioral evaluation (A-ONE)
- A test of occupational performance that is appropriate for those living with variety of impairments including cognitive and perceptual impairments to persons 3 y/o +
- Examines person’s functional competence in two or three familiar and chosen BADL or IADL tasks
- Therapist observes and documents motor and process skills that interfere w/ task performance
- 16 motor and 20 process skills are scored for each task
- Skills are scored 1 = deficit ro 4 = competent
Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS)
- Used with adults with unilateral neglect to examines presence of neglect and its impact on functional task performance
- Include 9 activity-based subsets (i.e., picture scanning, menu reading, map navigation, address and sentence skyping, card sorting, and telling/setting the time)
- Include 6 pen/paper subtest (i.e., line crossing, star cancellation, letter cancellation, figure and shape copying and line bisection)
Behavioral Inattention Test
Catherine Bergego Scale
- Standardized checklist to detect presence and degree of unilateral neglect during observation of everyday life situations, as well as measure self-awareness and behavioral neglect
- Functional scale consisting of 10 items related to neglect with dressing, washing, eating, communicating, exploratory activities and play)
Cognistat Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination
Explores, quantifies, and describe performance in central areas of brain-behavior relations (level of consciousness, orientation, attention, language, constructional ability, memory, calculations, and reasoning)
- Standardized performance test that assess executive function deficits during the performance of real-world tasks (cooking oatmeal, making phone calls, managing medications, paying a bill)
- A Structured cueing and scoring system is used to assess (initiation, organization, sequencing judgement, safety, and task completion)
- Score range 7-42 (higher score = greater cueing and more severe EF deficits)
Executive Function Performance Test (EFPT)
Lowenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (LOTCA)
- Use for persons who have experienced a STROKE, TBI, or TUMOR
- Measure basic cognitive functions that are needed for managing everyday tasks
- 20 subtests in 5 areas: orientation, visual. Spatial perception, visual motor organization, and thinking operations
- 1= low abilities to 4= high abilities
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) or Folstein Test
- Brief 30 point questionnaire test that is used to screen for cognitive impairment
- Commonly used to screen for dementia
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
- Screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction that assess different cognitive domains: attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking calculations, orientation)
- Total score = 30 ; score of 26+ is NORMAL
Used for persons with memory dysfunction
Offers initial evaluation of the individual’s memory function
Monitors memory skills throughout the rehabilitation program
Contains 11 categories with 9 subtests
Scoring: 0-9= severely impaired memory, 10-16 moderately impaired memory, 17-21= poor memory, 22-24= normal
Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test
- For individuals 16years old + who are experiencing visual perceptual deficits after head injury or stroke
- Consist of 16 performance tests that assess form and color constancy, object completion, figure-ground, body image, inattention, an spatial awareness
- Utilizes deficit-specific tasks in isolation from ADL tasks
- Scoring is based on accuracy of task completion dn time taken to complete each task
Rivermead Perceptual Assessment Battery