Osteology of the Foot Flashcards
Where is the tarsal canal or sinus tarsi located?
within the calcaneal sulcus which is between the middle and posterior talar facets of the calcaneous
Talus (superior view)
Talus (inferior view)
Talus (medial view)
Talus (lateral view)
Talus (posterior view)
Calcaneus (superior view)
Calcaneus (inferior view)
Calcaneus (medial view)
Calcaneus (lateral view)
Cuboid (superior view)
Cuboid (posterior view)
Cuboid (lateral view)
Cuboid (anterior view)
Cuboid (posterior view)
Navicular (anterior view)
Navicular (posterior view)
Navicular (superior view)
Navicular (inferior view)
What are the articulations of the calcaneus and which joints do these make?
Talus (subtalar joint); Cuboid (Calcanealcuboid joint)
Which tendon runs on the posterior surface of the sustentaculum tali?
tendon of flexor hallucis longus
Which 2 tendons run along the lateral surface of the calcaneus?
Fibularis brevis
Fibularis longus
What two structures combine to make the tarsal canal?
Calcaneal sulcus and sulcus tali
The posterior end of the talus contains two tubercles and between them lies:
groove for tendon of flexor hallucis longus
What are the 4 articulations of the medial cuneiform?
1st metatarsal, navicular, intermediate cuneiform, 2nd metatarsal
What tendon attaches at the base of the medial cuneiform?
tibialis posterior m.
What tendon attaches at the anterior and inferior aspect of the medial cuneiform?
tibialis anterior m.
What tendon attaches at the lateral plantar aspect of the medial cuneiform?
fibularis longus m.
What are the 6 articulations of the lateral cuneiform?
intermediate cuneiform, cuboid, 3rd metatarsal, 2nd metatarsal, 4th metatarsal, navicular
Which tendons pass in the groove at the base of the metatarsal heads?
flexor digitorum longus and brevis
The cuboid contains the peroneal sulcus which contains the tendon of what muscle?
peroneus longus
What muscle attaches to the base of the 5th metatarsal?
peroneus brevis
Draw the mnemonic to understand the primary ossification centers of the foot bones.
What is the name of the most common accessory bone of the foot? Where is it located? What is its clinical significance?
Os trigonum; it’s an unfused lateral tubercle (posterior aspect of body of talus); can cause issues with talocrural joint, subtalar joint, or irritate tendon of flexor hallucis longus