Neurology Flashcards
Contents of lacuna vasorum
femoral a./v., femoral branch of the genitofemoral n., lymphatics
Contents of the lacuna musculorum
iliopsoas m., lateral cutaneous femoral n, femoral n.
Superior gluteal n
Inferior gluteal n.
Common peroneal n.
Tibial n
Obturator n
Femoral n.
innervation of extensor hallucis brevis
deep fibular n.
innervation of extensor digitorum brevis
deep fibular n.
innervation of abductor hallucis
medial plantar n.
innervation of flexor digitorum brevis
medial plantar n.
innervation of abductor digiti minimi
lateral plantar n.
innervation of quadratus plantae
lateral plantar n.
innervation of lumbricals
(4 total) 1st: medial plantar n. 2-4: lateral plantar n.
innervation of flexor hallucis brevis
medial plantar n.
innervation of adductor hallucis
lateral plantar n.
innervation of flexor digiti minimi brevis
lateral plantar n.
innervation of dorsal interossei
1-3: deep branch of the lateral plantar n.
4: superficial division of the lateral plantar n.
innervation of plantar interossei
1-2: deep branch of the lateral plantar n.
3: superficial division of the lateral plantar n.
innervation of tibialis a.
deep fibular n.
innervation of extensor hallucis longus
deep fibular n.
innervation of EDL
deep fibular n.
innervation of peroneus tertius
deep fibular n.
innervation of peroneus longus
superficial fibular n.
innervation of peroneus brevis
superficial fibular n.
innervation of tensor fascia lata
superior gluteal n.
innervation of semitendinosus
tibial portion of the sciatic n.
innervation of semimembranosus
tibial portion of the sciatic .
innervation of biceps femoris long head
tibial portion of the sciatic
innervation of biceps femoris short head
common fibular n.
innervation of pectineus
femoral n.
innervation of the dorsal toes
dorsal digital n., which are branches of deep fib n. (1-2) and superficial fib n. (3-5)