Osteo / COVID Flashcards
What are the diagnostic criteria for osteopenia and osteoporosis?
Osteopenia: BMD (bone mineral density) between 1 and 2.5 SD below average for young, healthy people
OP: BMD greater than 2.5 SD below average for young, healthy people
Osteoporosis risk factors for both men and women
Men: older than 55, smoker, unmarried, COPD, sedentary
Woman: post - meno, estrogen deficiency, thin/small frame
What is the most common osteoporotic fracture
Vertebral body fracture (VBF)
Medications for osteo, with side effects and general effects
Bisphosonates: Decrease Oc bone resorption - GI distress, osteonecrosis of the jaw, msk pain
SERM’s: Increase BD - hot flashes, leg cramps - lower LDL
Calcitonin: Slows bone loss - rhinitis, malignancy
Denjumab: Antibody inhibiting Oc formation and function - infection, hypocalcemia
Teriparatide: Injectable parathyroid hormone, New bone formation in spine and hip - dizziness, leg cramps
Medication preferred for prevention and treatment of osteo
What is the medical management of those with osteoporosis?
Surgical: vertebroplasty kyphoplasty
Medication: Bisphosonates, SERM’s, Calcitonin, Denjumab, Teriparatide
How long can the acute pain last after a VBF?
6-8 weeks
What are the key areas to evaluate an individual at risk for or with osteoporosis?
Body mechanics
Muscle testing
What are the recommended exercise guidelines in the management of this population?
Weightbearing and resistance exercises
High loads, low reps
Increase intensity
-60 min
-30 min for 3 x per week
What is mobility retraining?
Patient avoids positions putting additional stress on vertebral body
Example: avoiding trunk flexion
Teach patient to move from the hip, rather than the back
What are the three most common complaints in those with long COVID?
Extreme fatigue
Post-exercise malaise
Brain fog
What condition can vitamin D deficiency lead to?
Osteomalacia – softening of bone
Criterion standard for evaluating BMD?
Key muscles to test c OP?
Scapular retractors
Abdominals (stabilizers)
Trunk extensors
Hip extensors
Typical OP posture?
Increased kyphosis
Decreased lordosis
Forward head
Flexion contractures