OSHA and Infectious Disease Flashcards
Hazardous Materials Regulations
Infectious substance transport is regulated under what Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR)?
(HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171-180)
What governing agency administers the HMR?
US Department of Transportation (DOT)
What three components should packaging consist of for “exempt human specimen” shipping?
- leak-proof primary receptacle2. leak-proof secondary packaging3. an outer packaging of adequate strength for its capacity, mass, and intended use; and with at least one surface having minimum dimensions of 100 mm x 100 mm.
What 6 items must be included as part of a laboratory QC program according to federal regulations (CLIA ‘88)?
- follow manufacturer’s instructions2. have a procedure manual describing processes for testing.3. perform calibration procedures once every 6 months.4. perform control procedures using at least 2 levels of controls for each day of testing.5. document remedial action6. maintain QC records for 2 years.
Describe Category A shipping of potentially infectious agents.
An infectious substance in a form capable of causing permanent disability of life-threatening or fatal disease in an otherwise healthy human or animal when exposure occurs.
Describe Category B shipping for a potentially infectious substance.
An infectious substance not in a form generally capable of causing permanent disability of life-threatening or fatal disease in an otherwise healthy human or animal with exposure.
List three exemptions to Category A and B Infectious Shipping regulations.
- blood or plasma from individuals not suspected of having an infectious disease.2. blood, blood plasma, and blood components collected for the purpose of blood transfusion. should not be suspected of containing infectious substances.3. dried blood spots of specimens for fecal occult blood detection placed on absorbent filter paper or other material.
What should all shipping container containing patient specimens for which there is minimal likelihood that pathogens are present be labeled with?
“Exempt human specimen”
The shipping label “Exempt human specimens” is reserved for what type of sample?
patient specimens for which there is minimal likelihood that pathogens are present and the specimen is transported in appropriate three level packaging.
Define the Hazardous Substances label UN 2814.
UN 2814 - Category A substance that can cause disease in both human and animals.
What is the proper shipping name for a UN 2814 hazardous substance?
Infectious substance, affecting human
Define the hazardious substances shipping label, UN 2900.
Category A substance that can cause disease only in animals.
Define the hazardous substances label, UN 3373.
Category B substance which does not meet the criteria for inclusion in Category A.
What is the proper shipping name for a UN 2900 substance?
Infectious Substance, Affecting Animals Only
What is the proper shipping name for a UN 3373 substance?
Biological Substance, Category B
If you are shipping a substance that is labeled Infectious Substance, Affecting Humans, what is the appropriate hazardous substances code?
UN 2814
If you are shipping a substance with the label Infectious Substance, Affecting Animals Only, what hazardous substances code should be used?
UN 2900
If you are shipping a substance that should be labeled Biological Substance, Category B, what hazardous substance code should be used?
UN 3373
What labeling is required for each packaged shipped containing biological substances?
- shipping name, address, and telephone number2. telephone number of person with knowledge about the shipment3. receiver’s name, address, and telephone number4. proper shipping hazardous substance name (category A or B) adjacent to diamond-shaped mark containing the UN designation.5. temperature storage requirements.
True or False: Shipping packages can be reused.
True. All shipping containers to be reused must be disinfected and all previous shipping labels removed.
True or False: Under CLIA ‘88, not all laboratories are required to implement a quality assurance program to monitor and evaluate the overall quality of lab services.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
What is GHS?
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals is a system for standardizing and harmonizing the classification and labelling of chemicals.
The GHS document is also referred to as what?
The Purple Book
What was the international mandate?
The single most important driving force behind the creation of the GHS (Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals)
When was the International Mandate, which was responsible for the creation of the GHS (Global Harmonized System of Classification of Chemicals) adopted?
1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
What is another name for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), where the International Mandate was created?
Earth Summit
When was the first version of the GHS formally adopted?
December 2003
When was the GHS first endorsed and by whom?
The GHS (Globally Harmonized System ofClassification and Labeling of Chemicals) was endorsed in July 2003 by the UN Economic and Social Council.
United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
International Labor Organization
North American Free Trade Agreement
American Society of Testing and Materials
American National Standards Institute
What is the red square of the National Fire Protection Association color-coded shipping label?
Fire Hazard
What would a 4 in the red diamond mean?
Very Flammable
What would a 3 mean in the red diamond?
Readily Ignitable Fire Hazard
What is a 2 in the red diamond mean?
Ignitable with heat fire hazard
What does a 1 mean in the red diamond?
Combustible Fire Hazard
What does a 4 mean in the blue diamond?
Deadly Health Hazard
What is a 3 in the blue diamond mean?
Extreme Danger Health Hazard
What is each color diamond?
Red – Fire HazardBlue – Health HazardYellow – Reactivity HazardWhite – Specific Hazard
True or False: OSHA requires that laboratories maintain an accurate medicdal record for each employee.
How long does OSHA require that Employee medical records be kept confidential and stored?
term of employment plus 30 years
Are employee laboratory medial records transfered between facilities?
yes; designated by the Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration
What four items are required by OSHA regarding laboratory employee training records?
- dates of training sessions;2. contents and summary of the training; 3. names and qualifications of the person(s) conducting the training sessions; 4. names and job titles of lab personnel attending the training sessions
How long must OSHA training records be stored?
3 years from the date of each training session
What three components are required for the laboraties Hazard Communication Plan required by OSHA?
- ensure that lables on incoming containers of hazardous materials are not removed or defaced; 2. maintain SDS and ensure they are readily accessible; 3. ensure that personnel are apprised of the hazards of the chemicals in the laboratory
What three items must be determined by chemical manufacturers and/or distributors according to OSHA?
- when a chemical is hazardous; 2. whether a chemical is a carcinogen or potential carcinogen; 3. the hazards of mixtures of chemicals
What are the seven OSHA phrases used to classify hazardous substances?
- carcinogen; 2. corrosive; 3. explosive; 4. flammable; 5. irritant; 6. sensitizer; 7. toxic
True or False: OSHA requires that every laboratory have a written hazard communication program that is readily available to all laboratory personnel?
True; includes a list of chemicals, location of chemicals, and the physical/health hazards of each chemical.
What are the five categories listed for the yellow Reactivity Hazard diamond?
4 - may detonate3 - shock and heat may detonate2 - violent chemical change1 - unstable if heated0 - stable
What are the five categories of the red Fire Hazard diamond?
4 - very flammable3 - readily ignitable2 - ignited with heat1 - combustible0 - will not burn
What are the five categories used in the blue Health Hazard diamond?
4 - deadly3 - Extreme Danger2 - Hazardous1 - Slightly Hazardous0 - Normal Materials
What would OXY mean in the White Specific Hazard diamond?
Hazardous Communications Standard
What more recently adopted hazardous chemical labeling requirements has OSHA used to align with the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)?
Hazardous Communications Standard (HCS), 29 CFR 1910.1200
What rule did OSHA publish in 1990 which requires laboratories to ensure that exposure to hazardous chemicals are within permissible exposure limits (PELs)?
Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories
What are five examples in which one would need a chain of custody?
- legal blood alcohol to prosecute DUI cases
- DOT drug testing
- paternity testing
- DNA analysis
- rape cases
Name four common liquified compressed gases.
nitrous oxide
carbon dioxide
Name four common non-liquified compressed gases.
Name the single most common dissolved compressed gas.
Define flashpoint.
the lowest temperature at which the vapor can be ignited in air
Name four common flammable liquids.
What is the flashpoint of flammable liquids?
flashpoint below 100 Fahrenheit (38.7 Celsius)
Name the three types of compressed gases.
- liquified
- non-liquified
- dissolved gases
What sort of container is used to hold compressed gases?
cylinder, vertical chained to the wall
What US department houses Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)?
Department of Labor
What two incidents should be covered by an Emergency Action plan?
fire and toxic chemical release
What is a major component of a Quality Assurance Plan?
documentation of all performance improvement (PI) projects
Performance Improvements
What personnel is required for a PPM procedure laboratory? (2)
director and testing personnel
What branch of government does OSHA belong too?
Department of Labor
According to OSHA, all laboratories must have an emergency action plan for what two instances?
- Fire
2. toxic chemical release
What is the flashpoint of flammable liquids?
below 100 Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius)
Define flashpoint.
lowest temperature at which the vapor can be ignited in air
Name three types of compressed gases.
- liquefied
- non-liquefied
- dissolved gases
Name four types of liquefied compressed gases.
- chlorine
- propane
- nitrous oxide
- carbon dioxide
Name four types of non-liquefied compressed gases.
- oxygen
- nitrogen
- helium
- argon
List four types of flammable liquids.
- ethanol
- methanol
- acetone
- xylene
List the only common dissolved compressed gas.
acetylene (welding)
True or False: PPE must be provided to employees at their own cost.
PPE must be provided to employees at NO cost
Fire, Danger, Stop
biomed waste, fire alarms
Designate Caution
radiation signs
Designate warning
biological hazard
When must biosafety cabinets be certified?
- at installation
- when moved
- annually
Class A Fire
combustible items such as paper, wood, cloth
What class of fire involves combustible items such as paper, wood, or cloth?
Class A
Class B Fire
involves flammable and/or combustible fluids such as flammable gases or greases.
What class of fire involves flammable and/or combustible fluids such as flammable gases or grease?
Class B
Class C Fire
energized electrical equipment
What class of fire involved energized electrical equipment?
Class C
Class D Fire
combustible metals such as magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium
What class of fire involves combustible metals such as magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium?
Class D Fire
Word Association: Red
Word Association: Yellow
Word Association: Orange
Word Association: fluorescent orange
biological hazard
Red Diamond
Fire Hazard
Blue Diamond
Health Hazard
White Diamond
Specific Hazard
Yellow Diamond
What do the four colors of the National Fire Protection Agency diamond sign stand for?
Red - Fire
Blue - Health
White - specific
yellow - reactivity