OSCE Stations Flashcards
Examination: Parkinson’s Disease
-patient should be sat on a chair away from edge of the chair with hands apart and face up
- look around bed for walking aids, medications
- look at patient at rest for any signs of tremor
- Slow initiation of movement
- poor arm swing (often worse on right side)
- simian posture
- slow turn
- festinating gait
- pull test - PD patient will fall back
Arms (Tremor, Tone, Brady):
- increased tone + tremor = cogwheel rigidity
- resting tremor unilateral pill rolling (count backwards from 20-1)
- synkinesis (tap other hand whilst testing tone (sudden increase)
- finger-nose
- duck beak hands
- piano hands
Face, Speech, Eyes:
- inspect face for hypomimia, slow blink rate, sialorrhoea (drooling), seborrheic dermatitis
- open question - slow monotonous speech
- H-shape eye movements, vertical gaze palsy (Progressive supranuclear palsy)
- offer glabellar tap
-undo top button
Special Tests:
- micrographia copy sentence, copy spiral
- (glabellar tap)
- thank patient
- full neuro exam + Hx
- examine drug chart
- lying standing BP (Multiple system atrophy)
- MMSE (lewy-body dementia)
Examination: Cerebellar
- look around bed for walking aids, medications
- look at patient for signs of alcholism e.g. ascities, jaundice, spider naevi, look for tremor, look for truncal ataxia
- wide-based ataxic gait
- heel-toe (reduced coordination)
- rhombergs test (-ve in cerebellar disorder)
- pronator drift
- rebound
- disdiadokokinesis
- Finger-nose looking for intention tremor and dysmetria (overshoot or undershoot due to poor coordination)
- tone (hypotonia)
- knee reflexes (pendular)
Speech, eyes:
- open question
- 42 west register street
- baby hippopotamus
- british constitution
- looking for slurred stoccato speech
- Horizontal eye movement looking for nystagmus (fast phase beats towards side of lesion)
-undo top button
- thank patient
- full neuro exam + Hx
- examine drug chart (drugs causing cerebellar syndrome = phenytoin, lithium, carbamazapine)
Examination: Tremor
- resting tremor? (parkinson’s)
- hypomimia (parkinson’s)
- truncal ataxia (cerebellar)
Screening tests:
- resting tremor count backwards from 20-1 (Parkinson’s)
- finger-nose test intention tremor? (cerebellar)
- postural tremor? outstretched arms (benign essential tremor)
- Is it a slow festinating gait (parkinson’s)
- Is it a wide based ataxic gait (cerebellar)
Continue with either parkinsons exam or cerebellar exam depending on findings. or if no signs do a section from each in turn.
Examination: Hand
- look around the bed for walking aids or medication
- look at the nails for psoriatic changes such as pitting or onycholysis.
- look at the fingers for a swellings or deformities. Osteoarthritis typically shows herbedens and bouchard nodes. RA spares the DIP joints look for boutonierres and swan neck deformities. Look for signs of scleroderma such as calcified deposits, telangiectasia, sclerodactly and raynauds.
- look at the dorsum for MCP subluxation or ulnar deviation (RA) or squaring of the thumb (osteoarthritis)
- look at the palm for thenar wasting or scars (Carpal tunnel)
- look at the elbows for psoriatic changes and nodules (RA)
- look at the ears for gouty tophi (gout) and the face for microstomia (scleroderma)
- feel temperature of hand
- palpate each joint with the two hand technique looking for joint effusions.
- MCP squeeze looking for pain
- test sensation over median, ulnar and radial distributions.
- check pulses
- power grip
- opposition
- finger and thumb pinch power
- prayer and reverse prayer
Special tests:
- Phalens aka reverse prayer (Carpal tunnel)
- Tinels (carpal tunnel)
- Froments (ulnar nerve palsy)
- Finklesteins (DeQuervain’s tendonitis)
- Allens (asses vascular supply)
- pick up pen
- undo top button
- Thank patient
- orthopaedic examination of all joints
- Full UL neurovascular exam
- Full Hx looking for extra articular manifestations of RA, scleroderma
Examination: Peripheral Vascular
Wiper QQ:
-Ideally patient in underwear
- Look around bed for signs of diabetic monitoring
- Look for VAC pumps
- Look for Amputations or any ulcers
Upper Limb:
- Inspect for cyanosis, ulcers, gangrene, amputations, cigarettes stains, and/or pin-pricked finger tips (diabetic monitoring)
- Palpate hand for warmth and test CRT. Feel radial pulse and brachial pulse. Offer BP on each side, lying and standing
Neck and Face:
- Look for carotid endarterectomy scars
- Test each of the carotid pulses in turn (not together)
- Look in eyes for corneal arcus (hyperlipidaemia) and xanthelasma (hypercholesterolaemia).
- Auscultate carotids for bruits (ask to hold breath)
- Palpate should be pulsatile but no expansile.
- Auscultate for renal bruits
Lower Limb:
- Inspect for ulcers, gangrene, amputations, scars such as Varicose Vein stripping or CABG harvest, look at skin colour, and hair loss.
- Palpate all the leg pulses i.e. femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis
- Feet, look between toes for damage, test CRT and feel for warmth:
- Auscultate for femoral bruits.
Special tests:
-Buergers Tests
- Thank patient
- offer to help dress if appropriate
- Full CVS examination + venous exam
- Doppler assessment of pulses
- Urine dipstick
- Swab any ulcers
- ECG (to exclude AF as cause of embolic ischaemia
Examination: Hernia
Wiper QQ:
- offer chaperone
Inspect Standing:
- look for hernia, size, location
- Look for surgical scars
- ask patient to cough
Inspect Lying:
- Lift patients head and then legs off bed
- look for hernia, size, location
- ask patient to cough
- describe the lump (size, shape, consistency, tenderness, colour, temperature
- can you get above the lump?
- is there a cough impulse
- ask the patient if they are able to reduce the hernia
- even if you cant see a hernia palpate inguinal hernias bilaterally and ask patient to cough
Percuss + Auscultate:
- bowel sounds
- offer to transilluminate hernia (does not transluminate)
Direct vs Indirect:
- reduce hernia
- find deep inguinal ring (midway between pubic tubercle and anterior iliac spine)
- compress the deep inguinal ring
- an indirect will be controlled by compression a direct hernia will not.
- just an estimate
- Thank patient
- offer help to dress
- Femoral pulses and inguinal lymph nodes
- Resp exam
- Abdo exam
- PR
- External genitalia
Examination: Varicose Veins
- Ideally patient exposed waste down
- Patient standing for examination
- look around the bed for compression stockings, anticoagulants.
- Does the patient have a large abdominal mass? Are they pregnant?
- Look at the legs for site, size, and distribution of VVs
- Look for any skin changes such as haemosiderosis, lipodermatosclerosis, ulceration, eczema
- note the temperature of the leg, and feel for tightness of lipodermatosclerosis
- palpate the course of any VVs
- feel for a cough impulse (Morrissey’s test) at the saphenofemoral junction (4cm lateral and inferior to the pubic tubercle)
- Tap the varicose veins distally whilst palpating SFJ feeling for transmitted impulse suggesting incompetent valves
-Listen to VVs for bruit which would suggest AV malformation
Special Tests:
- Offer Torniquet test (milk veins, torniquet SFJ, assess refilling of VVs, repeat on SPJ)
- Offer perthes test (assess deep veins, apply torniquet at SFJ, walk for 5 mins, abnormal will get pain and increased VVs
- Thank patient, offer to help dress if appropriate
- Full peripheral arterial examination
- Doppler examination of pulses, and valves
- PV + PR looking for causes of increased abdominal pressure
Examination: Speech and Swallow
- Look for hearing aids, walking aids, dentures, NBM signs
- Look for signs of stroke, facial droop/asymmetry, hemiplegic posturing
3 Questions:
- Any hearing problems?
- Is english your first language?
- Are you left or right handed?
Open Question:
- Ask a general question (can you tell me what your normally do in a day at home?) and interpret response as follows
- Receptive/ Wernicke’s Dysphasia: understanding imparied, but fluent speech, often doesn’t make sense
- Expressive/ Broca’s Dysphasia: Understanding is intact, unfleunt/broken speech, difficulty finding words
- Dysphonia: decreased volume of speech, vocal cords often imparied
- Quality of speech: nasal = bulbar palsy, Donald Duck speech -= psuedobulbar palsy
- Test for receptive dysphasia (temporal lobe) by asking 1 stage command e.g. touch your ear, 2 stage command e.g. touch your right ear, 3 stage command e.g. touch your left ear with your right hand. be sure not to give visual cues.
- Test for expressive dysphasia (frontal lobe) by asking to write a sentence
- Test for conductive dysphasia (arcuate Fasciculus) by asking to repeat sentence e.g. No ifs and or buts
- Test for nominal dysphasia (Parietal lobe, angular gyrus) by asking to name objects, ask them to point to an object out of three, also ask them to choose the object that acheives a function e.g. choose the item you write with
- ‘mmm’ assesses CN 7
- ‘kkkk’ assesses CN 9/10
- ‘ta ta ta ta’ assesses CN 12
Fatigue/ MG:
-look for fatigue ask to count down from 20 - 1
- Ask if any pain or difficulty on swallowing, any choking or coughing when swallowing
- Saliva first put fingers on hyoid and thyroid cartilage feel for movement and check mouth for residual
- if okay progress through teaspoon of water, sip, gulp, yogurt, solid
- offer to perform jaw jerk
- Thank patient
- Test cognitive function (AMTS, MMSE)
- Full cranial nerve and UL, LL exam
- Formal SALT assessment
- Barium Swallow
Examination: Stoma
- Where is the stoma
- upper right quadrant tend to be for defunctioning colostomy
- Lower right quadrant tend to be for ileostomy
- Lower left quadrant tend to be for colostomy
Bag (Contents):
- What is in the bag?
- Ileostomy produce continuous liquid stool
- Colostomy produce intermittent semi-solid normal like faeces
- What does the stoma look like?
- Ileostomy tend to be raised/spouted
- Colostomy tend to be flush
- single lumen indicates an end ileostomy/colostomy
- Double lumen tends to be for defunctioning for easy reversal
- inspect skin around stoma for signs of infection, fistuale, skin excoriations, is the stoma retracted or prolapsed?
- vascularity? Dusky or pink and healthy?
- palpate around stoma = cough test feeling for parastomal hernias
- offer digital examination of stoma
-Look for scars
- Thank patient
- Offer full abdominal examination
- Offer to examine perineum (Does the patient have an anus if not think AP resection)
Examination: Hydration status
-In underwear 45 degrees initially
- Look around bed for NBM signs, Fluid restrictions, Fluids running, Water jug
- Look at patient, do they appear oedematous, SOB, are they bleeding?
3 Questions:
- Are you thirsty?
- Any diarrhoea or vomiting?
- Any dizziness when standing?
- Are they warm?
- Well perfused?
- Capillary refil time
- Radial Pulse and Respiratory rate
- Brachial pulse
- offer BP lying and standing
- Do the eyes appear sunkern?
- Do the mucous membranes appear dry?
- Does the tongue appear dry?
- Decreased skin turgor is a sign of dehydration = rubbery skin
- Central Refill time
- Palpate apex beat
- Ascultate heart - 3rd heart sound = heart failure
- Lung bases, bibasal fine crepitations = pulmonary oedema
- Sacral oedema
- Inspect for ascites or high-output stoma
- Shifting dullness ?ascites
- Ballot kidneys
- Palpate and percuss for bladder
-Peripheral oedema
- Thank patient offer to help dress
- In summary this patient is hypovolaemic/euvolaemic/hypervolaemic
- Ask to look at fluid balance chart
- Ask to look at weight chart
- Ask to look at drug chart and fluids prescribed
- Ask to look at bloods, esp U+E
Examination: DR ABCDE
- Identify hazards about patient
- Wash hands
- Hello sir/madam can you hear me?
- Ask for observations
- Aware of any cervical spine injuries
- Consider calling for help
- If patient talking airway is patent
- Look inside mouth for obvious obstruction
- Listen for upper airway noises e.g. Snoring/ stridor
- Feel for breath with cheek
- Treat by removing visible obstruction using magill forceps or yankuer sucker, Airway manoeuvres e.g. head tilt, chin lift (if no suspected C-spine injury) jaw thrust
- Airway adjuncts such as oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways
- if compromised airway call for help e.g. anaesthetist / PERT team (2222)
- Look for central and peripheral cyanosis, does breathing look effortful?, is there symmetrical chest movement
- Auscultate lungs
- Feel, percuss the chest, is the trachea central, Is chest expansion adequate
- Measure respiratory rate and SaO2
- Treat with high flow O2, ABG, CXR, and treat underlying cause if identified
- Look at the patient for palor, sweating, bleeding, peripheral oedema, JVP
- Listen to heart sounds
- Feel pulses assess HR and character of pulse, Cap refil time, Peripheral oedema
- Measure HR, BP, Urine output, Temperature
- Treat with 2 large bore (grey) cannulae, one in each antecubital fossa, Take bloods for FBC, U+E, G+S, CRP, Clotting profile, Troponin, Cultures. Get an ECG and treat any identified cause.
- Glucose
- Pupils
- General examination, any bleeding, Rashes or swelling?
- Do not leave patient
- Reassure patient
- Look at notes and PMHx
- Systemic handover using SBAR format
Examination: Thyroid
- Patients should be sat down with chair away from wall
- Fully expose neck
General Inspection:
- Look for medications around the bed, abnormal amount of clothing regarding weather
- Look at the patients skin, hair and general appearance
- Warm? Sweaty?
- Thyroid acropatchy (clubbing of fingers with soft tissue swelling)
- Dry skin?
- Pulse, tachycardic?
- Tremor?
- Any proptosis/exopthalmus (bulging eye)
- Lid retraction
- Corneal drying
- Ask patient to close eye to see extent to which eyelids cover eyes
- Lid-lag? (delay in in eyelid to follow eye when looking down)
- Opthalmoplegia (difficulty following fingers with eyes)
- Offer to test visual acuity
- Inspect size shape and symmetry, ask patient to swallow should move up, protrude tongue (shows thyroglossal cyst)
- Palpate from behind patient (warn them) palpate at rest feeling inferior to the thyroid cartilage for the isthmus and then each of the glands. then palpate whilst swallowing and protruding tongue
- inspect neck for scars
- Palpate trachea centrality
- feel lymph nodes
- percuss posterior sternum for dullness indicating retrosternal goitre
- Ausculate as high activity thyroid may have bruit
Extra Features:
- Proximal myopathy - (arms up like a chicken don’t let me push the down, fold your arms across your chest and stand up)
- Reflexes - hypothyroidism shows slow relaxing reflexes
- Pembertons test - ask patient to lift arms if goitre is obstructing SVC patients face will go red and neck veins will engorge.
- Thank patient
- full Hx
- Cardiovascular exam
- look at drug chart
- Bloods (TFTs, FBC, autoantibodies)
- Imaging (US)
- FNA/biopsy
Clinical Skill: Venepuncture
- Wash hands, introduce self, check patients wrist band/confirm patient details, ask if patient had the procedure and explain if not, gain consent, check if the patient has an allergies, specifically latex
- Gather equipment: alcohol wipes, barrel, needle, blood tubes, tourniquet, gloves, gauze, tape
- Return patient, confirm they are still happy to have the procedure
- expose area up to 3 inches above antecubital fossa
- reposition patients arm with forearm and palm facing upwards
- apply tourniquet and palpate suitable vein
- Don new pair of gloves and wash area with alcohol wipe
- prepare needle and open
- anchor skin 3 inches below point of insertion and warn patient of sharp scratch
- insert needle bevel up and look for flash back, shallow insertion angle and procede slightly forward
- fill blood tubes
- remove tourniquet keeping needle in situ
- remove needle and dispose in sharps bin
- apply gauze and keep pressure on the wound for 2 minutes
- tidy area
- Thank patient
- invert the tubes 2-3 times and label them
- wash hands
Clinical Skill: Cannulation
- Wash hands, introduce self, check patients wrist band/confirm patient details, ask if patient had the procedure and explain if not, gain consent, check if the patient has an allergies, specifically latex
- Gather equipment: alcohol gel, gloves, alcohol wipe, IV cannula, bung, needle, 0.9% saline, syringe, gauze, tourniquet
- don gloves
- Return to patient confirm they are happy to have the procedure
- apply tourniquet and palpate suitable vein
- Don a new pair of gloves and wash area with alcohol wipe
- remove safety sheath from cannula, anchor skin and warn patient of sharp scratch
- Insert needle bevel up at 30 degrees, advanced needle until flashback occurs.
- Shallow angle and advance 2mm forward. hold needle and advance cannula.
- Put gauze under the cannula, release tourniquet, and remove needle disposing in the sharps bin
- attach bung to end of cannula and use strips to secure wings of cannula
- clean the cannula site of blood
- apply the plaster to the cannula
- flush the cannula warn of cold feeling, with 0.9% cannula- look for resistance or pain, if so stop flushing and start again
- Thank patient
- signs and date cannula in notes
Clinical Skill: ABG
- Wash hands, introduce self, check patients wrist band/confirm patient details, ask if patient had the procedure and explain if not, gain consent, does that patient have an allergies particularly local anaesthetic (1% lidocaine)
- Check for contraindications, is that patient on any blood thinners? e.g. warfarin of aspirin, does that patient have any issues with clotting of the blood?, Does the patients have any problems with the liver
- Perform allens test to test circulation, patient makes a fist, then apply pressure to ulnar and radial artery, patient relaxes hand, release pressure on ulnar artery, colour should return to the hand within 9 seconds
- Gather equipment: Arterial blood gas needle, red drawing up needle, orange needle, syringe, 1% lidocaine without adrenaline, gauze and tape, gloves.
- Return to patient confirm they are still happy to have the procedure
- Wash hands and put on apron, position patients hand with wrist in extension, palpate radial artery
- don gloves and clean site with alcohol wipes
- warn of sharp scratch and infiltrate 0.1-0.2mls of 1% lidocaine subcutaneously over planned injections site be sure to aspirate before injecting
- wait 60s for anaesthetic to work
- attach needle to heparin syringe and expel heparin
- withdraw plunger slighly.
- use one hand to palpate the artery and with the other insert the needle at a 30 degree angle
- as the artery is punctured the syringe should begin to fill with bright red blood in a pulsatile manner
- once acquired amount of blood is acquired quickly remove the needle and press gauze down firmly on the wound ideally for 5 minutes
- insert needle into rubber block and remove and safely dispose of the the needle,place cap on syringe
- dress wound with gauze and tape
- Thank patient ask if they have any questions
- take ABG sample to analyser - document in notes procedure, results and any complications
Clinical Skill: Catherisation
- Wash hands, introduce self, check patients wrist band/confirm patient details, ask if patient had the procedure and explain if not, gain consent, ask if the patient has any allergies specifically to anaesthetic, offer chaperone
- wash hands, don apron and prepare and clean trolley
- gather equipment: 2 pairs of gloves, catheter kit, male catheter 12/14 french, apron, water filled syringe, 1% lidocaine gel, saline 0.9%, sterile receiver, catheter bag
- set up sterile field
- return to patient confirm they understand and are still happy to have the procedure
- expose the patient
- wash hands again and two pairs of gloves
- place sterile absorbent pad underneath the patients genitalia
- hold the penis with non-dominant hand and gauze, pull back the foreskin and gauze and using cotton balls clean penis from urethral meatus to base of glans
- dispose of top layer of gloves and don new pair of gloves
- tear a hole in the sterile drape and place over penis
- place the sterile receiver underneath penis, attach catheter bag to catheter
- hold the penis with gauze in the non-dominant hand pointing towards the ceiling and warn patient of slight stinging but should go numb quickly, inject 10ml lidocaine slowly.
- hold penis vertically for 3-5 minutes for gel to take effect
- removing top layer of gloves
- remove the top of the catheter bag being careful not to touch the tip of the catheter
- warn the patient that your are about to insert catheter and then slowly insert into meatus
- continue inserting, pulling back the wrapper of the catheter and advancing the catheter, may feel some resistance when passing prostate, do not force catheter if problems stop and withdraw and consider reattempting or speaking to urology
- as you enter the bladder urine may start to drain
- continue until catheter fully inserted
- once fully inserted inflate ballon with 10ml of water from syringe, warn the patient and ask if they have any pain
- once fully inflated withdraw catheter until resistance is felt
- if not already attach catheter bag
- place catheter bag below level of patient
- replace patients retracted foreskin
- clean up patient, and area disposing of gloves and equipment, cover them up and offer help to dress
- thank patient, ask if the patient is in any discomfort or has any questions
- wash hands
- Document procedure in the notes including residual volume, appearance and any complications
Examination: Visual Acuity
- ask the patient whether they use glasses or contact lenses for distance vision. if so they should keep these on the the examination
- position the patient 6m from a Snellen chart, or 3m from if using a mini-Snellen chart but still record as normal
- ask the patient to cover one eye and read the lowest line on the chart, if they cannot do this ask them to read the one above, repeat this until they complete a line fully
- repeat with the other eye
- if vision isn’t perfect i.e. 6/6 then use pinhole test to see if vision improves if it does then the problem is with a uncorrected refractive error
- record data a 6/ with the number of the lowest line read
- if the patient reads most of the lines letters it can be recorded as 6/ minus the number misread on that line
- if the patient read only a few letters of a line recorded as the higher line as 6/ plus the number read below that line
- a letter suffix should be added as appropriate UA for unaided, C Gl for with glasses, S Gl for without glasses but usually wears them, C Cl for with contact lenses, and PH for improved with pinhole
- If they cannot read the top line of the snellen chart half the distance from the chart and record this as 3/ and the line they could read
- If no letters can be seen by the patient procede to examine each eye in turn for counting fingers CF
- if still not able then wave the hand if they can detect hand motion then HM
- if still not able then then shine a light into their eye and if can perceive light record as LP
- If not able to see light record as NLP
- Thank patient
- assess back of the eye with opthalmascope
- examine the 3rd,4th and 6th cranial nerves
Examination: Lymphadenopathy
- Look around patient for any medications, does the patient appear comfortable at rest?, do they look cachetic? any obvious swelling of limbs (?lymphoedema)
- Examine the lymph nodes of the head and neck, starting with the submental, submandibular, pre-auricular, anterior cervical, supraclavicular, infraclavicular, posterior auricular, occipital
- Examine the axilla, apical, anterior, posterior, lateral
- Examine the inguinal nodes
- Examine the popliteal fossa
- If you feel a node describe it using the 3S’s, 3 T’s, and 3 C’s. Size Shape Site, Temperature Tethering Tenderness, Colour, Contour, Consistency
- Thank patient
- Present findings
- Finish with full history
Clinical Skill: Suturing
- Wash hands, introduce self, confirm patients details, explain procedure, ask for allergies specifically anaesthetic
- Gather equipment: gloves, suture pack, thick and thin curved needles, 0.9% saline, gauze, lidocaine, orange needle, red drawing up needle, syringes
- clean a trolley or use patients bed side and set up sterile field
- don gloves
- inspect the wound, any pus or necrosis, any skin changes e.g. cellulits, are there any foreign objects, if suspecting or can see foreign objects request x-ray to assess depth of penetration, also check patients tetanus booster status
- clean the wound using saline irrigations
- attach red drawing up needle to draw up 1% lidocaine (max dose is 3mg per kg, 1% lidocaine has 10mg per 1ml), safetly dispose of needle and attach orange needle. penetrate the tissue at various sites of the wound (i.e. corners) pull back on the plunger first and then inject whilst drawing the needle out slowly
- Ideally wait 5 minutes for anaesthetic to take effect, check if the patient can feel a sharp sensation
- Change gloves, open suture pack, reposition patient so wound is lying horizontal infront of you. put the needle in the needle holder, Use the toothed forceps to open the wound, penetrate the wound about 1/2 cm from the edge and 1/2cm deep. unclamp the needle, and then reclamp and using the non-toothed forceps pull the needle through, swap back to needle holder and repeat on the other side of the wound but from inside out.
- To tie the suture pull the needle through leaving ~2-3cm sticking out of the skin, hold the needle holder parallel to the suture and wrap the long suture thread around the needle holder and then rotate the needle holder 90degrees grasp the small suture tail and then pull tight by pulling the suture to opposite polls, repeat 2 times using the long suture thread to wrap only once, make sure the first knot is tight
- the next suture should be 1cm away and repeat until the wound is closed
- Thank patient
- explain the sutures should be taken out after 5-7days (unless dissolvable sutures used)
- advise to keep area covered with dry dressing and to avoid getting dressing wet
- Advise to seek medical advice if signs of infection e.g. fevers, redness, swelling or increased pain
- give them a leaflet of suture wound care
Explain: Endoscopy
- Be sure to chunk information and check patients understanding
- ‘Do you know why you have come in today?’
- ‘What do you understand about the procedure?’
- give the reason of the procedure i.e investigate bleeding/anaemia, dyspepsia
- Sedation if needed, LA sprayed on the back of the throat if OGD
- You lie on your side on a couch
- Fibre-optic tube about 1cm in diameter passed into rectum or through mouth down the oesophagus to the stomach
- enables the doctor to look at these regions with camera for anything abnormal
- doctors may take a sample, called a biopsy, which willbe sent for tests under a microscope. Doctors may also remove any abnormal tissue for example a polyp
- the procedure lasts about 15 minutes
- complications common are pain in abdomen with inflation with gas which is normal may help to pass wind, or sore throat.
- uncommon complications include tearing, bleeding, perforation, infection
- Will feel drowsy after but can go home same day, cannot drive so will need somebody to pick them up
- check if the patient has any other questions, if not thank them and wash hands.
Clinical Skill: ILS
- Wash hands
- check for danger and response
- If no response call out for help
- carry out airway manoeuvre such as head tilt and chin lift if no c-spine injury
- look, listen and feel for movement of the chest, breath sounds, carotid pulse for 10 seconds
- if no breath or pulse and cardiac arrest is confirmed call 2222 for PERT team and ask for defibrillator trolley
- Start CPR 30:2 (15:2 in children) chest compression to breaths, breaths given by bag valve mask with two people, at a rate of 100-120 and compressing the chest 1/3 (5-6cm) of its depth over the lower 1/3 of the sternum
- Continue until defibrillator arrives
- apply pads one on right sternal heave, and one on the apex beat
- explain to team to pause for no more than 5 seconds to assess the rhythm
- Shockable rhythms are pulseless VT or VF, Non- shockable rhythms are aystole, or Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)
- If shockable explain to team that you are going to deliver a charge, everyone is to step pack whilst charging except the person delivering chest compression and then on command they are to step away whilst shock is delivered.
- set defibrillator to pads and charge whilst continuing CPR, for the first shock a biphasic defibrillator can be set to 150-200J subsequent shocks to 150-360J. Monophasic can be set to 360J
- Administer 1st shock and restart CPR for 2 minutes
- reassess rhythm and change algorithm where necessary
- Administer 2nd shock and then restart CPR for 2 minutes
- reassess rhythm and change algorithm where necessary
- Administer 3rd shock and then whilst CPR is taking place give IV 1mg of Adrenaline i.e. 10ml of 1/10000 and 300mg IV Amiodarone
- continue Shock and CPR cycle giving adrenaline after every other shock.
- During 2 minutes cycle, assess and treat reversible causes of cardiac arrest i.e. Hypovolaemia, Hypothermia, Hypo/hyperkalaemia, Hypoxia, Tension pneumothorax, Tamponade, Toxins and Thrombus
-give IV Adrenaline 1mg i.e. 10ml of 1/10000 as soon as possible
-give CPR for 2 minutes
-reassess rhythm and change algorithm where necessary
give CPR for 2 minutes
-reassess rhythm and change algorithm where necessary
-Continue cycle with IV Adrenaline 1mg 1/10000 after every other cycle i.e 3rd, 5th
-stop if return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), shockable rhythm develops, decision to stop by arrest team
-get new sets of obs, waveform capnography, intubation, ITU transfer, ABCDE assessment, consider Thermoregulation
Clinical Skills: IV fluids
- be sure to ask about allergies, especially if giving antibiotics
- check if patient has a cannula in situ
- reposition arm to expose cannula
- Check the date of cannula, ideally less than 3 days but up to 5 if no sign of complications e.g. Swelling, redness, phlebitis
Check Fluid against prescription chart looking at:
- name of fluid
- strength of fluid
- volume of the fluid
- route of the fluid
- time to be given over
- any additional drugs to be given
- makes sure the fluid has not already been given
- the prescription is signed
- Gather equipment: gloves, alcohol swab, giving set, fluid prescribed/drug, saline flush,
- don gloves
- ensure giving set tube is closed
- insert giving set needle into fluid bag
- fill the giving set chamber to half full
- open the giving set tap and run the fluid to the end of the line and then close the tap ensuring no bubbles
- return to patient recheck details
- remove gloves, wash hands and don new gloves
- clean the cannula site with a alcohol wipe
- flush cannula ensuring it was easy to flush, did not leak, and did not cause pain.
- insert the giving set tip into the cannula
-Squeeze the giving set chamber until it is half-filled with fluid, then set to whatever rate is prescribed. To do this, you must calculate the ‘drip rate per minute’:
Drip rate per minute = amount of fluid (L) / hours in minutes it should be given over X 20
- Count the drops over a minute to make sure that this number is the same as the one you calculated, so you know you are administering the fluid over the correct duration
- Thank the patient, tidy up your equipment and wash your hands, document fluids given on drug chart and fill in fluid balance chart where appropriate
Explain: Lumber Puncture
- Be sure to chunk information and check patients understanding
- ‘Do you know why you have come in today?’
- ‘What do you understand about the procedure?
- Give reason for the procedure e.g. to take CSF which surrounds the spine to look for signs of infection, bleeding or to confirm a neurological diagnosis
- patient is placed on their left side with the back on the edge of the bed, knees flexed to the chin
- local anaesthetic (check allergies) will be given to the skin and deeper layers on the lower back where the sample will be taken
- a needle is inserted in between the spaces of two intervertebral bodies and CSF is collected and the amount is only small of the total amount in the space
- Complications may occur such as , bleeding, infection at the site of puncture, meningitis, result could be poor, CSF leak
- After the procedure the patient will stay in hospital overnight as results will not be back for a while and patient ill need to lie flat on their back for at least 4 hours post-procedure to help prevent CSF leak and headache
- Check if the patient has any other questions or concerns
- Thank patient and wash hands
Clinical Skills: Manual Handling
- make sure you have as many people as needed for the movement
- be sure to check if patient has any injuries
- check how many people the patient usually has to help them
Moving a load:
- assess the area
- stand close to the load
- bend the knees
- assess the weight of the load grabbing opposite corners
- straighten your legs to lift
- hold the box close to you
- keep your back straight
Assisted stand:
- position appropriate walking aids if needed
- position behind patient one hand on lower back one on the front of the chest
- patient should be positioned in a chair at the edge of the chair with the arms braced on the armrest
- instruct patient that they will be rocked back and forth and on ready-steady-stand they will push themselves up with the arm rest
- perform the procedure supporting them whilst they stand
- stay with patient whilst they move if unstable.
Sliding Patient:
- reposition bed, remove head board and rails
- with two people roll patient, place folded sliding sheet underneath them
- roll to the opposite side and pull the bottom of the folded sliding sheet, using the sheet against itself to place the sheet flat
- ensure the patient is centred on the sliding sheet
- position correctly and rehearse and perform sliding manoeuvre (ready steady slide)
- ensure patient is comfortable and reassure
- remove sliding sheet
- replace head board and side rails
- thank patient
Log roll:
- Explain patient
- leader controls head and coordinates
- 5 people needed
- Roll patient in synchronised fashion maintaining straight spine
- PR and check spine for pain
- Roll back down
Transfer to bed:
- 4 people needed
- raise trolley to level of bed
- two people roll patient towards them
- put sheet underneath patient with one side bunched up
- roll patient to the other side and pull half sheet through
- place sliding mate underneath patient and over gap between beds
- all 4 grab scrunched sheet and on ready-steady-slide pull/push patient onto the bed
- roll patient and remove sliding board
- thank patient
Communication: breaking bad news
S etting up the interview- choose environment have a plan of what to say and think of what patient might ask
P erception - assess patients perception what do they know what do they understand so far what are they expecting
I nvitation- how much information do they want
K nowledge and information- warn patient of bad news start basic and give patient time and depending on how much they wanted to know chunk further information
E motions - give time for emotions and respond accordingly identifying anxieties were appropriate
S trategy and summary - explain what comes next ask patient to repeat back to you what was said to ensure they have understood and offer leaflets and future appointments to rediscuss, write down information.
History Taking: Psychiatric History
PC: Patient demographics, referred by? presenting complaint in own words
HPC: nature of the problem, duration, frequency, timing, associated symptoms, precipitating/aggravating/ relieving factors
PPHx: any previous contact with services e.g. GP, outpatient, admission. Any past treatment if so length and outcomes. Medications that worked and those that did not. Depot, ECT, Lithium, Clozapine?
DHx: current medication type, dose, frequency, route, blood screening required? Allergies?
PMHx: illnesses, operations, treatment
FHx: history of medical or psychiatric illness
- Childhood: Birth (NVD or complications), SCBU, Developmental Delay (milestones), early separation, neurotic traits (thumb sucking, school refusal, bed wetting)
- School: age started school, peer relationships, academic achievement, relationship to teachers (authority), suspension/expulsion, “special” school, exams and qualifications
- Employment: all jobs and durations with reasons for leaving/moving, any notable period of unemployment?
- Relationships: menarche, first sexual experience, history of abuse, longest past relationship and others, sexual orientation, current relationship
FoHx: forensic history e.g. Criminal
Behaviour, Arrests, prison, probation, dates seriousness, forensic psychiatrist
SHx: housing situation, finances, debts, friends, social interests, religion, substance misuse (alcohol and illicit drugs, how much, how long, what, blackouts, withdrawal, reasons, hospital admissions)
Collaborative history from family or other carers
Examination: Cranial Nerves
- ensure you have correct equipment, cotton ball, pen torch, fundoscope (offer), tuning fork, tendon hammer, snellen carts and ishihara plates (offer)
- Olfactory nerve (1): ask the patient if they have noticed any change in their sense of smell, formally test with distinct odor e.g. coffee, vinegar, orange.
- Optic nerve (2): test Acuity, Colour, Fields, Light reflexes and perform fundoscopy. The first can be down with a snellen chart, and the second with ishihara plates. To test visual fields ask patient to look directly at you whilst covering one eye and wiggle fingers in each of the four quandrants starting at your peripheries working your way to the centre. also test for visual extinction here. Visual reflexes comprise of direct and concentric refleces shine in one eye and check both constrict. offer to perform fundoscopy.
- Oculomotor nerve (3), Trochlear nerve (4), and Abducens nerve (6): asking the patient to keep their head perfectly still, ask to follow finger whilst moving it along horizontal plane reporting any dizziness or double vision, looking for nystagmus. also draw a large H.
- Trigeminal nerve (5): Test sensory supply to face using cotton wall and blunt pin in each division, maxillary, mandibular, opthalmic, and offer corneal reflex. also test motor supply of muscles of mastication feeling the bulk of the masseter and temporalis and asking the patient to open mouth against resistance
- Facial nerve (7): motor branches of muscles of facial expression also supplies anterior 2/3 of tongue so ask about change in taste and then ask patient to crease up forehead or raise eyebrows, keep eyes closed against resistance, puff out cheeks, show their teeth,
- Vestibulocochlear nerve (8): innervation to hearing apparatus use Rhinnes, and Weber tests to differentiate between conductive and sensori-neural hearing loss. Rhinnes is air vs bone conduction, webers fork is placed on centre of forehead.
- Glossopharyngeal nerve (9): provides sesnory supply to palate, tested by gag reflex.
- Vagus nerve (10): provides motor supply to pharynx ask patient to say ahh check for deviation towards side of lesion.
- Accessory nerve (11): provides motor supply to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius to test ask patient to shrug shoulders and turn head against resistance.
- Hypoglossal nerve (12): motor supply of tongue, ask patient to stick out of tongue and move it side to side, will deviate to side of lesion.
- Thank patient
- full neurological examination of upper and lower limbs
- take a full history
Examination: Knee
- Deformity, Wasting, Asymmetry, Rashes, Fasciculations, Scars
- Swelling or bruising
- Feel for temperature change suggesting inflammation
- Bend the knee to about 70 degrees and sit on the edge of the cough facing the knee, feel the bony contours around the joint and the attachment of the ligaments and tendons e.g. quadriceps tendon, medial collateral ligament, lateral collateral ligament, patella ligament and note any tenderness.
- Test for synovial thickening by grasping patella between thumb and middle finger and attempting to lift it off the femoral groove, normally it can be gripped quite firmly but if the synovium is thickened fingers slip off.
- feel the medial and lateral aspects of the patellofemoral joint by straightening the leg and pushing the patella either side feeling the undersurface of the bone for tenderness. A feature that is often encountered in patellofemoral osteomalacia or osteoarthritis.
- Ask patient to bend and straighten knee fully, note range of movement
- Repeat the process while placing a hand over the front of the knee feeling for crepitus and testing passive movements.
- patella tap/bulge test for intra-articular fluid
- collateral ligaments (hold leg in extension with foot under arm and both hands around knee test mediolateral movement no movement at extension repeat at 30 degrees
- anterior/posterior drawer test +/- lachmans
- Thank patients
- Wash hands
- neurovascular examination of limb
- Appropriate imaging e.g. MRI or X-ray
Examination: Ear
Wash hands, Introduce self, confirm patient details, explain examination, gain consent
- pinna, auricule, helix, antihelix
- any visible wax or discharge, blood
- preauricular sinuses
- any scars behind the ear
- hearing aids
- the meatus itself is it wide?
- tug gently on the pinna - any tenderness?
- Press over the mastoid process - any tenderness?
- palpate the tragus - any tenderness?
- Palpate for any cervical or periauricular lymphadenopathy
- gently hold ear up and back to straighten the ear canal
- gently insert the otoscope
- look at the canal wall - any wax/discharge/bleeding
- look at the tympanic membrane any perforation, light reflex present, bulging drum, retracted drum, grommets, cholestatoma, fluid bubbles.
Special Tests:
- Whispered voice hearing tests
- Rhine test
- Weber test
- examine facial nerve for signs of damage
- formal audiometric testing
Examination: Nose
- External appearance of the nose from front, sides, top and bottom
- any scars, skin changes, asymmetry
- use a thudichum speculum to look into the nose, look at nasal vestibule, septum, inferior tubinate if pale and boggy think allegic rhinitis
Examine nasal airfow:
-using a silver tongue depressor under nose look for teaming
Examine sensation of maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
- examine the throat
- test patients sense of smell
- consider using flexible nasoendoscopy
- thank patient
Clinical Skills: Neonatal life support
- at all stages do I need help?
- Dry the baby (unless less than 28wks place under radiant heat (put in bag).
- Set a clock in motion, and assess colour, tone, breathing + pulse, grimace (APGAR) if not breathing after 60 seconds then…
- control the airway head in neutral position
- Support breathing, 5 inflation breaths, aim for inflation pressure of 20cm H2O (max 40cmH2O) Confirm response: visible chest movements or increased heart rate.
- if no response, check head position and try a jaw thrust, then 5 inflation breath, confirm response via visible chest movements or increased heart rate.
- If still no response get 2nd person to help control the airway and inflation breaths, any sucking out of the pharynx should be under direct vision. Repeat 5 inflation breaths insert Oropharyngeal airway and repeat inflation breaths, consider intubation, confirm response with increased chest moments or increased heart rates.
- when chest is moving continue with ventilation breaths if no spontaneous breathing.
- Check heart rate, if absent of less than 60 start chest compression, do 3 chest compression to 1 breath for 30secs.
- reassess pulse if improving stop chest compression, if not breathing, go on ventilating, if heart rate still low or absent continue both.
- consider IV or umbilical access and drugs e.g. Adrenaline 0.1mL of 1:10000 IV/kg
Examination: Newborn Baby Check
- any eye, hip, or congenital heart disease issues in childhood with any first degree relative?
- any problems with antenatal scans?
- Breech presentation?
- has baby passed stool + urine?
-lungs and chest whilst calm, note any murmurs
- red reflex
- rashes, colour, position, tone, asymmetry, any lumps or bumps, bruising.
- ears normal
- check for anus
- put on back check spine
- umbilicus
- fontanelles
- clavicles
- check for cleft pallet (couple with sucking reflex)
- abdomen
- femoral pulses
- abdomen, any masses
- Palpate testes
- Barlow + Ortlani tests for DDH
- sucking reflex
- Moro reflex
- grasping reflex
- Thank parents
- dress baby
- report findings
- arrange neccessary follow up
Communication: HIV Pre-test consenting
- Wash hands, Introduce self, confirm patient details, explain
- Reasons for test: explain indicators or ask why patient wants test now.
- Ever been tested before? If so when and what was result?
- Exposure? Last UPSI, Any risk factors, country of origin, MSM, IVDU, blood transfusions outside UK, seroconversion symptoms (fatigue, fever, sore throat, rash, headache, lymphadenopathy
- Benefits of testing. HIV is treatable with normal life expectancy on treatment and knowing positive enables to reduce the chances of transmission. Reassurance if negative.
- Basic information on test? POCT has window period of 6-12 wks but results today, blood test has window period of 4-6 weeks but results take longer.
- Agreement. Do you have consent to have test today?
- Follow up? If the result is positive arrange an appointment with consultant/ health advisor. How would they like results.
History Taking: Sexual History
- Introduce self , confirm patient details, explain, consent
- Why have they come to you? (What’s brought them in)
-Any symptoms?
Women - vaginal discharge, dysuria/frequency, vulval itching/soreness, genital skin changes, abdominal pain, dyspareunia, post-coital bleeding, systemic symptoms
Men - Urethral discharge, testicular pain, dysuria/frequency, itching, genital skin changes, systemic symptoms
- Menstrual history -LMP, regularity, length of cycle, dysmenorrhea intermenstrual bleeding.
- Obs + Gyn history - smears (dates/results), any surgery?, current contraception, possible pregnancy/
- sign post for sexual history, acknowledge sensitivity
- when did they last have a sexual encounter
- partner demographics I.e. Sex, regular or casual, age
- what types of sex did they have? Oral Anal (received or gave or both) Vaginal Digital
- was contraception used for all sexual encounters, any issues?
- any other partners in the last 3 months?
- any previous STIs or tests/results
- any medical or surgical problems
- any current medications, recent antibiotics?
- Social history, smoking alcohol recreational drug use.
- HIV risk history, ever had a partner who was HIV possible, ever had sex with a bisexual or participated in MSM, ever injected drugs, paid or been paid for sex
- Thank patients.
Examination: Testicular
- offer chaperone
- don gloves
- Inspect the genial region and surrounding areas for any skin changes (rash/brushing/swelling), scars, obvious masses.
- inspect the penis and glans (ask patient to retract foreskin)
- inspect the scrotum asking the patient to hold their penis out of the way, remember to examine posterior aspect by lifting the scrotum, looking for skin changes (rash/ulcers/erythema), scars, masses, necrosis, swelling, brushing.
- Examine each testicle, starting with the normal testicle, ask the patient to report any pain or discomfort, use thumb and index finger to gently Palpate the testicle. If a mass is felt assess the size/shape, regularity, consistency, pain, whether you are able to get above the mass. Is it fixed to testicle? Is their a cough impulse? Does the mass transilluminate.
- Palpate the epididymis located at the posterior aspect of the testicle, pain suggest epididymitis, Phren’s test = if testicular pain is relieved by elevating the testes this is strongly suggestive of epididmitis
- Palpate the spermatic cord starting at the superior aspect of the testicle using the thumb and index, roll the cord assessing its length for masses and tenderness.
- assess the local lymph nodes in the inguinal region for evidence of lymphadenopathy.
- thank patient
- allow time to dress
- dispose of gloves
- wash hands
- summarise findings
- to complete full abdominal examination and USS of the testicles.
Clinical Skills: Controlled Drugs
Controlled Drugs prescriptions must:
- be indelible (in pen)
- be dated
- be signed by the prescriber
- include the prescribers address
- include the name and address of the patient
- include the date of birth of the patient
- include the form of the preparation e.g. Tablets, Capsules
- include the strength of the preparation
- include the total quantity in both words and figures or number in words and figures of doses to be supplied
- include the dose to be taken
E.g. Diamorphine 30mg Injection (SC) Supply 6(six) ampoules 60mg daily by subcutaneous infusion over 24 hours No more items on this prescription
Communication: Explain TURP
- Wash hands, introduce self, confirm patient details
- “Do you know why you have come in today?”
- “What do you understand about the procedure?”
- Reason for the procedure e.g. Alleviate symptoms of BPH
- patient to be nil-by-mouth for at least 6 hours
- anaesthetic will be used either spinal or general
-thin device with a camera at the end is inserted into the urethra. The prostate is visualised and the prostate tissue is then removed.
- stay overnight with catheter which is usually removed within 24hours
- patient will be seen in outpatients for follow up in a few weeks time
-Haemturia, injury to urethra/bladder, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation, TURP syndrome, urinary retention, condition can recur
- Any other questions or concerns?
- Provide a leaflet and opportunity to discuss further.
- offer reassurance and close consultation.
Clinical Skill: Inhaler Technique
- wash hands, introduce self, confirm patient details
- check patients understanding of their inhaler
- explain what the inhaler device is, show it to the patient
- explain when the inhaler device should be used e.g. Preventer, remind to rinse mouth after the use. Reliever for during attacks
- Check understanding
- explain the steps as you demonstrate
- prepare the inhaler (take of lid, shake if MDI)
- load the dose (if applicable), squirt once to check
- breath out gently as far as comfortable
- tightly seal lips around mouthpiece
- breath in, quick and deep for Dry powder, slow and deep for MDI
- remove inhaler from mouth and hold breath for as long as possible (10 seconds)
Assess Inhaler technique:
- ask the patient to carry out the procedure themselves whilst you observe
- tweak as necessary (point out positives then introduce improvement)
Spacer devices:
- explain they allow more medication to get to the lungs if people struggle.
- Prepare inhaler
- attach inhaler to spacer device
- breath out gently as far as possible
- seal lips around the spacer moutpiece
- release the dose required
- breath in and out through the space mouth price several times listening for the click of the one way valve.
- device should be washed with detergent once a month and left to air-dry.
- rinse mouth after use of steroid inhaler
- any questions
- provide information leaflet
- advise to get in touch if any issues
- thank patient and wash hands.
Communication: Assessing Capacity
- Wash hands, introduce self, confirm patient details
- Starts with open question e.g. Can you tell me a bit about what has brought you in today?
How might one make efforts to ensure patient has best capacity:
- Avoid jargon
- Using pictures
- Treating concurrent pain
- Allowing time for patient to process information
- Asking questions at the best time of day for patient
- Having a relative/friend present
- Ensure a quiet comfortable setting.
Assess patients ability to:
- understand current situation
- understand the risk of refusing treatment
- understand the alternative choices for treatment
- sustain the information for long enough to weigh up the implications of treatment versus non-treatment or alternative choices.
- communicate a decision about treatment
- rationalise reason for this decision
- Express a wish to test the patients mental state.
- May wish to speak to next of kin if possible
Communication: Explain Febrile Convulsions
- Wash hands, introduce self, confirm patient details
- “Can you tell me what you understand has happened so far”
- Febrile convulsions are a fit that happens when a child has a fever.
- it is not epilepsy
- They are relatively common and in most cases are not serious.
- Around 1in20 children have at least one at some point.
- They most often occur between the ages of 6months and 6 years.
- The risk of developing epilepsy is slightly increased from 1in100 to 1in50 (1in20 if complex seizures)
- about 1/3 of children will have another febrile seizure during a subsequent infection
- if it happens again place child in recovery position and if the seizure last longer than 5 minutes or you notice any other symptoms such as a non-blanching rash then call for an ambulance.
- any questions
- give information leaflet
- offer opportunity for further questions.
History: Depression
- Wash hands, introduce yourself, confirm patient details, confirm reason for presentation “what brought you in to see us today?”
- Enquire about mood and general feelings e.g. How have you been feeling recently
- Screen for core symptoms e.g. Feelings of depression, Anhedonia, fatigue. E.g. “In the past month have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless, found that you no longer enjoy things you used to or find little pleasure in life, been feeling overly tired?”
- Assessing symptoms of depression e.g. Sleep cycle, mood, appetite, libido, concentration, perception of future, perception of self “do you often criticise of blame yourself when things go wrong?
- Rule out differential psychiatric diagnoses e.g. Mania “have you ever experienced periods of feeling particularly high/energetic”, evidence of psychoses “people who feel the way that you have been describing can sometimes experience some unusual events and feelings…have you every heard voices speaking when there seems to be no-one around?, do you fear that people may be out to get you? Have you ever felt that something or someone is able to put thoughts into your head? Have you ever felt that something or someone can remove thoughts from your brain. Have you every seen or heard any sensations that seem odd or inexplicable?
Assess risk e.g. When people feel down and depressed, they can sometimes feel that things are so bad that life is no longer worth living, have you ever felt like this? Have you had any thoughts of taking your life” (if so how often) Have you ever made any plans or actually tried to take your own life. Have you tried to hurt yourself in any way or ever thought about it? What things do you have that stop you from harming yourself? Are you managing to eat a drink as you normally would? Has you alcohol intake change? Or have you been relying on drugs or alcohol to help make you feel better? Have you felt able to see your friends/family?
Past psychiatric history, have you ever felt like this before, have you ever had any other periods of feeling particularly low? Have you ever had any problems with your mental health, any experience with counsellors or hospitals because of mental health?
Past medical history
Drug history
Family History
Social history: smoking, alcohol, any financial or housing concerns, Relationship issues? Spoken to friends or family? Support? Is mood affecting work?
Do you feel like there is something wrong?
- summarise and ask if there is anything to add?
- any questions?
- thank patient
History: Suicide Risk Assessment
- wash hands, introduce self, confirm patient details
- “I understand you have been through a tough time recently, do you think you can tell me what happened to bring you here?”
The event:
- Before e.g. events leading up to suicide attempt, life events, depression, planning? Suicide note/tell anybody?, precautions
- During e.g. How, tablets? How many? Where from? What their intention was? When and where, how discovered, efforts to avoid discovery, alcohol/drug intoxication
- After e.g. Feelings now, angry/regretful, future feelings? What has changed?
Future risk:
- depression symptoms screen
- PMH, past suicide attempts/ self harm
- social history, social, work relationship stresses
- rest of psychiatric history
Suicide risk factors:
-male, old or young, unemployed, depressed, lack of social support, chronic illness, previous attempts, drug/alcohol abuse
- thank patient and questions
- offer risk low/moderate/high
- crisis, informal admission, section?
Examination: Ankle and foot
- is the patient demonstrating a normal heel strike/ toe off gait?
- is each step of normal height (high stepping gait sign in foot drop)
- Symmetry of feet/ankle
- toe alignment
- bunions
- scars
- swelling or erythema of the foot or ankle
- examine shoes for asymmetrical wearing
- foot arches
- achilles tendon, any obvious deformity or erythema
- ask patient to lay
- assess temperature of both legs
- assess pulses
- palpate the achilles tendon
- palpate MTP joints, tarsal joint, ankle joint, subtalar joint, medial/lateral malleoli, proximal fibula
- foot plantarflexion
- foot dorsiflexion
- foot inversion
- foot eversion
- toe of the above
Special Tests:
-simmonds to assess for rupture of the achille, kneel on chair and squeeze calf normally foot plantar flexes
- thank patient
- wash hands
- examine knee and hip joint
- Full NVS of lower limb
- imaging of joint
Examination: Hip
-ask if patient has had a hip replacement if so internal rotation, addiction and flexion greater than 90 should be avoided due to risk of dislocation
- ask patient to stand
- look at front to assess pelvic tilt, quadriceps wasting, scars
- look at the side to assess lumbar lordosis
- look from behind to assess for scoliosis, gluteal wasting, pelvic tilt
- observe gait and evidence of trendelenburg or antalgic gait?
- ask patient to lie down
- palpate the tissues overlying the hip joint for tenderness/warmth
- palpate the greater trochanter
- assess leg length (apparent = umbilical to tip of medial malleolus, true = ASIS to medial malleolus)
- flexion assess individually normal ROM is 120
- internal rotation normal ROM is 40
- external rotation normal ROM is 45
- Abduction whilst stabilising the contralateral iliac crest normal ROM is 45
- Adduction whilst stabilising the contralateral iliac crest normal ROM is 30
- hip extension lie prone, normal ROM is 10-20
Special Tests:
- Thomas test (fully flex the hip until lumbar lordosis flat, then extend inability to extend = fixed flexion deformity)
- trendelenburg tests (hands on both iliac crests ask patient to stand on one leg, normally the iliac crest on the side with the foot up should rise if it falls it is positive (abnormal) suggesting weak hip abductors on the contralateral side)
- Thank patient
- wash hands
- summarise
- to complete full NVS examine joint above and below and consider further imaging if indicated
Examination: Elbow
- in anatomical position for any scars, swelling/erythema, carrying angle (usually 5-15)
- look at the side for fixed flexion deformity, olecranon bursitis, scars etc
- look at back of elbow for rheumatoid nodules and psoriatic plaques
- temperature
- palpate the jointlines e.g. Epicondyles and olecranon
- Assess elbow flexion (NROM 145)
- elbow extension (NROM 0)
- pronation/supination
- feel for crepitus
Special Tests:
- Medial epicondylitis aka golfers elbow (ask patient to actively flex the wrist whilst elbow is flexed localised pain over the medial epicondyle is +ve finding)
- lateral epicondylitis aka tennis elbow (as the patient to actively extend the wrist while elbow is flexed localised pain over the lateral epicondyle is +ve finding)
- Thank patient
- wash hands
- summarise
- examine joint above and below, full NV of upper limbs
- further imaging if neccesary
Examination: Shoulder
Look: (anterior, lateral, posterior) scars, asymmetry, swelling, muscle wasting.
- assess temperature of shoulder joints
- palpate sterno-clavicular joint, clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, coracoid process, head of humerus, greater tuberosity of humerus, spine of scapula.
- compound movements
- hands behind your head (external rotation and abduction)
- hands as far u your back as you can (internal rotation + adduction)
- flexion FROM = 150-170
- extension FROM 40
- Abduction FROM 160-180
- Adduction FROM 30-40
- External rotation FROM 70
- Internal rotation (average T5)
- assess scapular movement during abduction
Special Tests:
- supraspinatus ask patient to abduct from neutral against resistance earl abduction suggests tendonitis
- painful arc, panicle abduct arm to maximum point ask mpatient to lower, impingement causes pain between 60-120
- external rotation against resistance, pain or loss of power suggests infraspinatus/teres minor tendonitis/tear
- internal rotation against resistance tests subscapularis
- Thank patient
- wash hands
- summarise
- to complete full NV and examine spine and elbow
- further imaging as necessary
Communication: Warfarin Counselling
Checks patient understanding about warfarin therapy
Explains to patient the need for warfarin (e.g. Its indications)
Explain that the medication is taken once a day and that the dose required may vary on different days depending on control of INR
Explain that treatment will be monitored in an anticoagulation clinic by blood tests to check the INR (A measure of clotting) as warfarin increases INR.
Explain that the patient will receive a yellow book and this is used to record their INR level and warfarin dosage
Explain that on the first few days a high dose called a loading dose is given
Explain the possible side-effect e.g. Bleeding, skin necrosis, alopecia, DNV, jaundice.
Warn patient about possibility of over anticoagulation and need to seek medical help, e.g. Epistaxis, haematuria, bleeding gums, excessive bruising.
Explain alcohol intake to decrease as causes increased anticoagulation, diet must decreased in food with vitamin K e.g. Green vegetables. Avoid contact sports
Warn patient about getting pregnant whilst on warfarin as teratogenic
Tells patient to alert any health professionals and read all drug instruction leaflets carefully before taking warfarin with other medicines.
Gives advice regarding missing doses of warfarin (do not take double) and also do not suddenly stop taking warfarin
Suggest that a medical alert bracelet be worn
Invites questions and checks understanding throughout.
Clinical Skills: Lumbar Puncture
- Wash hands, introduce, patients name DOB, wrist band, Explain procedure, get written consent.
- Risks: headache, bleeding, paraesthesia, pain, infection, failure, CSF leak, trauma
- Do not perform if risk of increased ICP e.g. Decreased GCS, focal neurology, pupil abnormalities, papilloedema, seizures.
- Check patients clotting/platelet, and any anticoagulation medications, get an assistant
- Prepare equipment, sterile pack, cleansing snap-sponge, 10ml syringe and 3 needles (1 orange 2 green), spinal needle (black 22G needle) LP manometer, cotton gauze swabs, sterile gloves, 10ml 1% lidocaine, 4 white topped collection bottles labelled 1-4, 1 glucose biochem bottle, 3 way tap
- Confirm patient still happy, open sterile pack to form sterile field
- expose patients back, lying on their left hand side with neck and hips and knees flexed as much as possible (foetal position)
- locate insertion point by identity iliac casts the disk space in the horizontal plane between the iliac crests is L3-L4 the insertion point is mid way between the L3/L4 or L4/L5 mark insertion point with pen indentation
- wash hands and apply sterile gloves using sterile technique, sterilise area with snap-sponge in circle motion from middle outwards, apply sterile drape
- draw up 10ml lidocaine with assistant, change to orange needle and infiltrate a small bleb of anaesthetic over insertion site, change to 2nd green needle and insert perpendicular to skin to anaesthetise tract aspirate when advanced needle and before injection and anaethsie area leave needle in and disconnect syringe and wait for anaesthetic to take effect. Assemble manometer while waiting
- remove green needle, insert spinal needle perpendicular to skin aiming towards umbilical using two hands, slowly advance the needle regularly withdrawing the stiletto at small increments of increasing depth observing for drops of CSF, should feel a give once inside the subarachnoid space.
- remove the stiletto and connect the manometer to the needle via the 3 way tap when off switch pointing posteriorly to close posterior tap. Take opening pressure
- Ask assistant to place collection bottles under the posterior tap in labelled order when ready turn the 3 way tap switch anteriorly to close the tap connected to the spinal needle allowing CSF to drop from manometer into the collection tubes, when all the cSF is used up turn superior to bypass manometer. Collect 10-15 drops per tube. And 5-10 for biochem.
- remove the manometer and 3 way tap replace the stilletter and then remove the needle (reduces headache incidence)
- apply sterile dressing
- to complete thank patient advise them to stay lying for at least an 1 hour, ask nurses to perform neurological observations twice during the hour. Bin equipment and label samples tubes urgently and send tubes 1 and 3 for MC&S, tube 2 for protein and glucose, tube 4 for xanthochrmia (keep this sample dark in an envelope) and perform venepuncture for blood glucose and protein level. Fully document LP procedure and consent in notes
Clinical Skills: Ascitic Drain
Indications: Refractory ascitis secondary to portal hypertension, palliation in malignant ascites, respiratory distress due to diaphragmatic splinting.
Contraindications: local infection, thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy (INR over 2), pregnancy, organomegally, bowel obstruction
Complications: bleeding, infection (SBP), perforation, intravascular depletion and renal impairment, recurrence.
Wash hands, introduce, explain procedure, consent patient (risks include infection, bleeding, pain, failure, perforation, leakage, can use ultrasound to confirm fluid and insertion site.
Set up sterile trolley with sterile field, gloves, chlorhexadine swabs, 10mls lidocaine, orange needle, green needle, 10ml syringe, 20ml syringe, scalpel, cannula dressing x2, urinary Cather bag, blood culture bottles, paracentesis catheter (bonnano catheter)
Position patient spine in bed with head on pillow, select an appropriate point on abdominal wall in the right or left lower quadrant, lateral to rectus sheath. Clean site and apply sterile drape.
Anaesthetise skin with lidocaine using orange needle and deeper tissues using green needle aspirating as you insert needle to ensure not in a vessel.
Take the bonnano catheter and advanced needle to tip of catheter thus straightening it out. Insert the catheter using a z track i.e. Perforate skin perpendicularly and then a dvance obliquely in the sub cutaneous tissue for 1-2cm before returning to a perpendicular position to puncture peritoneal cavity.
Gradually advance the Catheter into the peritoneal space. Pull the needle back whilst advanced catheter to hilt and completely remove needle.
Fix with two sterile cannula dressings and affix the drainage bag after obtaining samples with 20ml syringe for the blood culture bottles.
Post procedure monitor pulse BP and respiration 15 minute for 1 hour 30 mins for 1 hr then hourly for 4 hours, ensure and record drain and urine output
Examination: Acromegaly
Introduction: Wash hands, introduce self, ask patients name and DOB, explain examination and get consent
General inspection: Increased foot, hand and head size. Mildly Hirsute, OA signs such as Kyphosis.
Hands: Inspection and palpation with hands on pillow, large spade-shaped, feel joints for OA evidence, Palms sweaty, glucose stick marks on finger pulps (Diabetes), signs of carpal tunnel syndrome
Face: Coarse facial features, acne, enlarged nose and ears, macrognathia, hypophysectomy scar under upper lip
Eyes: visual fields (bitemporal hemianopia in pituitary adenoma) prominent supra-orbital ridges.
Mouth, prognathism, wide spaces between teeth, macroglossia and ridges from teeth on sides of tongue.
Neck: Thyroid goitre, JVP (cardiomyopathy), acanthosis nigricans.
Chest: thick, skin tags, acanthosis nigricans in axilla, listen to heart look for signs of cardiac failure listen to bases.
Limbs: proximal myopathy, (patient stand up with arms crossed, shrug shoulder against resistance. Gait (tolling gait with bowed legs.
Conclusion: thank patient, i would complete my examination by measuring blood pressure doing a thyroid exam, a cardiovascular exam and formally testing visual fields.
I would also want a plasma IGF-1, and an Oral glucose tolerance tests, and MRI pituitary.
Examination: Marfans
Wash hands, introduce, explain, permission, confirm patient name DOB
General inspection: tall and thin, scoliosis
Hands: arachnodactly (ask them to wrap fingers around their wrist), measure arm span (wide), flexible joints.
Face: long thin face, myopia, high arched palate, test visual acuity.
Chest: pectus carinartum/excavatum, aortic regurgitation (early diastolic murmur), mitral prolapse (late-systolic with mid-diastolic click)
-(autosomal dominant mutations on Fibrillin-1 gene on chromosome 15) genetic testing, eye exam, echocardiogram.
Examination: Breast
WIPER, get chaperone.
- Inspect sitting on edge of bed breasts for any asymmetry, scars, lumps or swellings, nipple abnormalities or skin changes whilst patient has hands down. Ask patient to lift hands and repeat inspection, then ask patient to place her hands on hips and push inwards to tense pectoral is muscles.
- then lay patient down with arms above head and examine each breast individually starting with the normal side. Examine all areas of the breast from periphery to nipple. Palpate around and underneath the nipple to check for discharge and lumps. Take hold of patients arm and examine the axilla. Repeat on other side.
- Palpate the supracalvicular fossa on both sides.
- thank and cover patient.
- wash hands
- describe any lumps SSS, TTT, CCC
- to complete triple assessment with imaging +/- biopsy, and cytology
Clinical Skills: Death certification
What to do when a patient has died:
- Assess patient and confirm death, clearly documenting in the notes
- Discuss the death with the consultant in charge of the patient
- Liaise with the bereavement office to organise an appropriate tie to attend with the patients medical notes to complete death certificate.
- Complete medical certificate of cause of death form
- perform a full external examination of the patient body in the mortuary (ensure no implantable devices, check for bruising/pressure sores, any suspicious findings)
Completing The Death Certificate:
- Personal details of the diseased Age in years and place of death
- Last seen alive by me (record date), information from post mortem, seen after death (who saw deceased after death)
Cause of death:
- Consider main causal sequence of condition that lead to death
- the disease that led directly to death should be documented in 1a line.
- CANNOT write, FAILURES (CCF is ok), asphyxia, asthenia, cachexia, cardiac arrest, coma, exhaustion, frailty of old age (only used in those over 75)
- Part 2 are conditions that contributed to death e.g. Parkinson’s, IHD
- Sign certificate include GMC number, residence is the hospital working in, and consultants name included at bottom if died in hospital
-There is a counter foil on the left hand side which gets left in the death certificate book you need to document the patients name and cause of death and conditions contributing to deaths and document personal details again.
Reasons to refer to the coroner:
-Unknown cause of death
-Sudden or unexpected death
-Deceased person not seen by a doctor within 14 days of death
-Death is considered suspicious/unnatural/violent
-Death may be due to an accident, self neglect or neglect from others
-death may be due to an abortion
-death occurred during an operation or before recovery from anaesthetic
-the death occurred during or shortly after a period of police custody
-the death may be suicide
Examination: GALS
Wash hands, introduce self, confirm patient details, explain and gain consent, expose patient to their underwear.
Screening Questions:
- Do you have a pain in your muscles, joints, or back:
- Are you able to dress yourself independently without any difficulty?
- Are you able to walk up and down the stairs independently without any difficulty?
Gait: ask patient to walk to the end of the room and back whilst you observe:
- Symmetry
- Smoothness, heel strike + toe off, step height
- Speed of turn
- Arm swing
- Antalagic? Wide-based? Festinating? Circumducting? High-stepping?
- Front e.g. Shoulder bulk, carrying angle, quadriceps bulk, knee deformity, foot deformity
- Side e.g. Kyphosis, hyperlordoisis, knee joints, foot arches
- Behind e.g. Shoulder muscles, spinal alignment, iliac crest alignment (pelvic tilt may suggest hip abductor weakness), gluteal bulk, popliteal swellings, hind foot abnormalities.
- Ask the patient to place their hands behind their head (shoulder abduction and eternal rotation
- ask the patient to hold their hands in front of them with palms down and joint swelling or assymetry, then turn over (pronation) inspect thenar muscle bulk
- as the patient to make a fist, test power grip, precision grip, MCP squeeze
- ask the patient to tilt their head to each side, moving their ear towards the shoulder (lateral flexion of cervical spine)
- place 2 fingers on the lumbar vertebrae, ask the patient to bend and touch their toes, observe young fingers as they flex (should move apart)
- lay the patient on the examination couch
- assess passive full knee flexion and extension, and passive flip flexion and internal rotation.
- patellar tap for effusions
- MTP squeeze
- Thank patient, wash hands, summarise findings
- To complete my examination I would like to perform a full orthopaedic examination on joints with suspected pathology, and request further imaging of joints e.g. X-ray/CT/MRI with suspected pathology.
Communication: SBAR Handover
Introduce self, name role, location. Confirm whom you are speaking to.
Explain purpose of the call e.g. To handover a patient/ discuss a request/patient.
- Patient details, DOB, HN
- Patient Location
- The main issue
- Admission details, date, admission reason, treatments
- Past medical history
- any other relevant aspects of history
- Vital signs
- Examination findings
- Investigations received/pending
- Management so far
- Diagnosis/differentials
- Management plan + outstanding jobs
- What would you recommend?
Communication: Mental Health Act.
Was hands, introduce self, open question, what does the patient want to know/ already understand?
Explain what the mental health act is:
-The mental health act 1983 is the law under which a person can be admitted, detained and treated for a mental health condition in hospital against their wishes. It comprises of different sections which involve admittance for treatment and for assessment of mental health disorder.
Section 2 allows a patient to be detained for up to 28 days for assessment +/- initial treatment. The application for the section is made by a relative or approved mental health professional along with recommendations from two doctors one of which has special experience in managing mental health disorders.
Appeal can b made to the Mental Health Tribunal within the first 14 days of section 2. The patient may ask for a list of mental health solicitors who may represent them and are entitled to free representation at tribunals under the legal aid scheme
Section 2 of the mental health act cannot be renewed but a section 3 act may be enforced where the patient may be detained for treatment which the doctors deem to be either necessary for the patients health or the safety of others.
Section 3 duration is of 6 months. This section may be renewed after a further 6 months, then annually thereafter if required.
Explain that the patient has no right to refuse treatment for their mental health condition however there are some treatments that cannot be given e.g. ECT without the patients direct consent.
The act only deals with mental health disorders and the patient will not be treated against their will for medical problems unless their medical disorder is life-threatening and they are deemed not to have capacity.
ICE + Summary, Chunk and Check
Thank patient.
Communication: DNACPR
Wash hands, introduce self, open question, what does the patient want to know/already know?
DNAR order:
- What does patient understand?
- Explain that it only applies to CPR not medical treatment
- Patient will still receive current medical management and therapy.
- Explain that CPR is very distressing to put a patient through and not usually successful in frail patients.
- Explain that it is in the patients best interests to be kept comfortable and with dignity and self-esteem
- DNAR is a medical decision made by the consultant or most senior doctor in charge
- It is not possible to appeal against it or refuse it however family opinions will be taken strongly in consideration and relayed to consultant.
-Reassure patients that medical team are still very much involved and have not given up.
Close, summary, chunk and check, ICE, Invite questions/ leaflet/future discussions.
Communication: Advanced Directives
Wash hands, introduce self, elicit what the patient understands/wants to know.
State that an advanced directive is a legally binding set of instructions that a patient wishes to be carried out regarding their future medical treatment and it is put into action only when the patient can no longer provide these instructions themselves (aka lack capacity)
Another type of advanced directive is known as power of attorney where the patient appoints a person they trust to make decisions on their behalf.
Advanced directives are useful for stating wishes regarding decision such a s the use of life-saving treatment, CPR, administration off fluids or parenteral nutrition at the end of life.
Advanced decisions cannot be used to ask for a specific treatment or something that is illegal e.g. Assisted suicide or refusal of treatment for a mental health condition.
It is not necessary to seek legal advice to draw up an advanced directive, however it is recommend to prevent a failure for wishes to be carried out.
You can change an advanced directive at a later date if you have capacity or change mind as long as patient still has capacity.
Advanced directive may be deemed invalid if it is felt the patient created the document under duress or the document it not signed or witnessed. The advanced directive should also be scenario specific as much as possible.
ICE, chunk and check, summary, further questions/discussion
Communication: Angry patient
Wash hands, introduce self, open question.
Acknowledge patients anger, validate their feelings, allow patient to vent, accept responsibility for error/mistakes and apologise. Explain how mistake may have arisen.
Offer to do something to help the patient alleviate their dissatisfaction, e.g. Highlighting allergy in red, discussion of incident with colleagues, measures to prevent happening again.
Advise patient on hospital complaints prosecute with PALS should they wish to submit a letter of complaint
Summaries, invite questions.
Communication: SSRI Therapy
Wash hands, introduce self, check what patients understands so far?
SSRIs are antidepressants which alter the balance of some of the chemicals in the brain (Neurotransmitters). SSRI antidepressant affect a neurotransmitter called serotonin. An altered balance of serotonin and other neurotransmitters is thought to play a part in causing depression and other conditions.
The tablets are taken once a day and treatment is for a minimum of 3-6months after feeling better. It takes 4-6 weeks for the effects to being and initially (first 2 weeks) may feel worse.
Important side-effects include, D+V, weight change, headaches, drowsiness (take in evening) and withdrawal like symptoms on abrupt cessation, increased risk of suicide so seek support if feeling worse.
Any questions, give leaflet, summarise check understanding.
Communication: Methotrexate therapy
Wash hands, introduce self, check patients understanding so far.
Methotrexate is a disease-modifying agent which both reduces inflammation and suppresses the immune system. Early use improves outcomes and symptoms.
It is taken once a week with folic acid at another time, the dose is built up slowly. Usually given as a tablet. It is a long-term treatment and takes 4-6months for its effects to be apparent.
Will require blood monitoring specifically FBC, LFTs, U+Es before starting then every 2 weeks until dose stabilised and then every 2-3months
Side-effects include alopecia, headaches, GI upset, myelosupression, go to A+E if you have fever/infective signs, unexpected bleeding/brushing, anaemia. Can also cause damage to liver so be careful with alcohol and lungs so go to doctor if breathless.
Communication: Levodopa
Wash hands, introduce self, check patients understanding of events so far/ purpose of interview.
Levodopa works to replace some of the dopamine your brain is no loner able to make. This will help to reduce your symptoms in particular your rigidity and slow movement. Given with carbidopa which inhibits peripheral levodopa degeneration.
Taken daily or given as depot every 2-4wks. Start at a small dose and then build up over a week or 2 adjusting on patients response. Treatment is for long term, tell doctors if wanting to get pregnant. Several days to weeks to being taking effect.
May need bloods test occasionally to check Liver function.
Side-effects include psychosis, n+v, dyskinesias, postural hypotension, But other drugs such as domperiodone (peripheral dopamine antagonist) and Selegilline (MAO ihibtor that inhibits dopamine degeneration in CNS so lower levodopa dose can be used).
Invites questions, summarise, leaflet.
Communication: Bisphosphonates
Wash hands, introduce self, check patients understanding of events so far/ purpose of interview.
Bisphosphonates are drugs that prevent the bone from being broken down and helping to rebuild new bone. Lifestyle factors can also help with this such as exercise, no - smoking and eating a well balanced diet.
Tablets are taken once weekly, witha full glass of water 30 minutes before food. Should remain upright for 30 minutes after swallowing. The tablets are taken long term.
Side-effects include headache, heartburn, bloating, indigestion, GI upset, osteonecrosis of jaw.
Check patients understanding, chunk and check, leaflets, ICE.
Communication: Statin Therapy
Wash hands, introduce self, check patients understanding so far/ explain purpose of interview.
Statins stops the liver making cholesterol. Cholesterol is one of the factors that predisposes to artery problems causing heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. It is also important to address the other factors e.g. Non-smoking, weight loss, salt restriction
Tablet is taken once daily at night and is a long term treatment. It’s decreases the risk over many years.
Will need a blood test for the liver before starting and again at 3 months and 1 year.
Side effects include muscle pains, hair loss, itching and nausea, abdo pain, diarrhoea.
Any questions, ICE, leaflet, follow up
Communication: Steroid Therapy
Wash hands introduce self, explain purpose of interview, consent, and check patients understanding so far.
Explain why the steroids are being prescribed, and the course of treatment
Main side-effects include Peptic ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, diabetes,, osteoporosis, increased risk of infection, mood change, weight gain, proximal myopathy, acne, skin thinning.
In order to prevent some of the more serious side-effects from occurring Vitamin D and calcium supplements may be given to prevent osteoporosis, and an anti-acid tablet (PPI) is also given to prevent peptic ulcer disease.
Informs patients if they start to feel thirsty or a passing increasing amounts of urine to see GP for testing for diabetes.
Informs patients that during their time on the medication they will need to have their blood pressure more closely monitored.
Warns patients not to suddenly stop the steroids at any point without speaking to a doctor as this can cause a severe reaction which may require hospitalisation (addisonian crises)
Do not take any additional NSAIDs whilst on steroids and alert doctors if you start to develop severe stomach pains or vomit any blood.
They will be started on high dose at first and then titrated to lowest possible does to balance effects of disease and side-effects.
Invite questions, ICE, summarise, Chunk and check, leaflet
Explain: CVP monitoring
Wash hands, introduce self, check patients understanding of events so far and initial questions?
Central venous pressure allows monitoring of the pressure of the right side of the heart. It is useful in for diagnosis e.g. Right ventricular function, tamponade, heart block, and ensuring central lines are placed correctly, and aiding the management of hypotension.
A venous catheter is inserted with ultrasound guidance into a vein in the neck.
Risks include arrhythmias, brachial plexus injury, cardiac perforation, embolism, Haemorrhage, infection, pneumothorax
These risks are reduced by using ultrasound guidance and it is a procedure performed in well monitored areas e.g. ITU.
Thanks patients, chunk and check, summarise, ICE
Explain: Exercise Tolerance Testing
Wash hands, Introduce self, check patients understanding of event so far/ purpose of interview
An exercise tolerance test is an investigation used to assess the severity of coronary heart disease.
The test uses an ECG to record the electrical activity of the heart whilst you exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike. The exercise starts off at an easy pace and is gradually made more strenuous. The test lasts 15-20 minutes. Blood pressure will also be measured at intervals throughout.
At any stage you can tell the person doing the test if you feel it is too difficult and the test will stop, it will also stop if you develop unpleasant pains or become very tired or short of breath.
There is a small rare risk of developing a heart attack of heart irregularity during the test but medical help is near to deal with any possible problems.
Any questions/ summarise, ICE. Leaflet.
Explain: Echocardiogram
Wash hands, introduce self, checks patients understanding so far/ purpose of the interview.
Echocardiogram is an ultrasound scan of the heart. It uses a devices that produces sounds waves to give accurate pictures of the heart muscle, and valves, and it is also possible to measure the pressures and velocities of blood movement in these areas.
During the test you will need to undress your top half and lie on a couch cold jelly will be applied to the chest wall and a sonographer will move a probe around on top of the chest wall to create the images. It is painless, does not use radiation, and takes about 15-30minutes.
The test can also be done using a probe that goes down the gullet (oesophagus), to give clearer views of the heart. For this procedure a sedative usually midazolam is given and a local anaesthetic and so you will need someone to drive you home. But it is more invasive.
Any questions? ICE? Leaflet, chunk and check, summarise
Explain: Confirmation of Death
Indicate you would check resuscitation status of the patient before anything else, if DNACPR not present or unsure begin CPR.
Wash hands, Confirm patient identity (wrist band)
General inspection, skin colour obvious signs of life
Look for signs of respiratory effort
Does the patient respond to verbal stimuli?
Does the patient respond to pain (Trapezius squeeze, supraorbital pressure)
Assess pupils using pen torch (after death they become fixed and dilated)
Feel for a central pulse- carotid artery
Auscultations listen to heart sounds for at least 2 minutes, listen to respiratory sounds for at least 3 minutes (Varies on local guidelines)
Assess for pacemaker
Wash hands and exit room
Document death complete death certificate
(Brainstem death testing involves, corneal reflexes, ocular-vestibular reflexes, apnoeic testing)
Clinical Skills: Choking
Assess severity
Mild airway obstruction able to cough, encourage coughing continue to check for deterioration to ineffective cough or until obstruction relived
Severe obstruction if conscious give five back blows and then 5 abdominal thrusts rotating until obstruction relieved
If unconscious start CPR.
Explain: Insertion of a PICC
A PICC is a long hollow tube inserted into one of the large veins in your arm. One end of the tube sits in a vein just above the heart and the other send comes out underneath the skin in your arm.
We use these type of catheters to give certain types of treatment that may irritate or damage smaller veins, or if you need medications over a long period of time.
It is a sterile procedure performed under local anaesthetic. CXR is done to check position.
Risks include infection, bruising, pain at site, stenosis of vein, malpositioning of PICC, Failure to insert, phlebitis
Clinical Skill: Chest Drain insertion (Blunt Dissection)
Ensure patient has venous access and is breathing O2 fully monitored.
- Abduct the ipsilateral arm fully
- don sterile gown an gloves, clean skin with antiseptic and cover with sterile drapes.
- identify 5th intercostal space just anterior to the mid-axillary line
- infiltrate area with LA e.g. 1% lidocaine
- prepare the chest drain, remove and discard the trocar (use 28-32FG in adults)
- make a 2-3cmm skin incision in the line of the ribs
- use blunt dissection with artery forceps to open the tissues down to the pleural space
- puncture the pleural space with the artery forceps
- insert a gloved index finger into the pleural cavity to ensure there are no adhesions and that you are within the thoracic cavity
- insert the chest drain ensuring all drainage holes are inside the chest (usually 15-20cm)
- connect drain to underwater sea look for swinging with respiration
- suture drain in place and cover with adhesive dressing
- confirm placement with CXR, look for bubbling
Clinical Skills: Chest drain insertion (Seldinger)
Patient should be seated leaning forwards with support on table or lying back on a bed with the arm on the affected side raised above the head.
- Perform surgical style hand washing and don sterile gloves and gown.
- Clean the sin and then cover with sterile drape
- Infiltrate local anaesthetic via a bleb using a 25G orange needle, and then deeper using a 21G green needle.
- Insert the introduce needle with the bevel facing up in the mid-axillary line 5th intercostal space overlying the 6th rib. Advance the needle aspirating until fluid or air is easily aspirated and seen in the syringe. Advance the needle by 1mm to 2mm to ensure the whole bevel of the needle is within the pleural cavity. Do not advance the needle any further, as you risk damaging soft tissues if you insert it blindly. Note the depth at which you could aspirate fluid or air.
- If you are draining a pleural effusion, rotate the needle through 180 degrees so the bevel of the needle is pointing down. If you are draining a pneumothorax, keep the needle with the bevel facing up. This well help direct the guide wire, and subsequently the drain into the best position.
- Remove the syringe and quickly insert the guide wire into the cavity through the seldinger needle. Once in position remove the introduce needle, leaving the guidewire in situ. Do not let go of the guidewire at any point.
- Make a small incision with a scalpel around the guidewire.
- Insert the dilator over the guidewire to a depth 1cm more than the recorded depth of fluid /air aspiration, then remove the dilator, leaving the guidewire in situ again. You should keep the guidewire still throughout, as this is the point where kinking the wire often occurs, making the produce far more difficult.
- Thread the chest drain over the guidewire, keeping the guidewire still. Ensure the drain is inserted enough so that all the fenestration are within the pleural cavity (Usually to a depth of at least 10cm)
- Ask your assistant to prepare the underwater seal by placing sterile water up to the marking on the bottle.
- The chest drain usually comes with a stiffener though the lumen of the drain to help with insertion. When removing the guidewire, the stiffener should also be removed at the same time in one movement.
- The drain should be quickly connected to an underwater seal or clamped to prevent air entering the pleural cavity through the drain. This can be minimised by asking the patient to perform a valsalva manoeuvre while removing the guidewire and stiffener.
- Suture the chest drain in position, and place a piece of rolled up gauze underneath the tube to support it, apply a transparent dressing over the top to keep clean while still allowing the site to be checked.
- Document the procedure in the notes, along its the depth of the drain and any complications. Ensure the drain is swinging and bubbling.