OSCE I- problems Flashcards
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you observe the nose?
trauma or disease
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you test smell on both sides?
cortical lesion (decreased smell) viral infection, allergic rhinitis, tumor, etc.
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you observe the internal nose?
trauma or disease
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you test visual acuity?
Foster Kennedy syndrome
Tay Sachs
Optic Atrophy
Primary optic atrophy
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you observe the eyes
lack of sleep
lazy eye
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you do confrontation?
tunnel vision
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you test pupillary light reflex?
Holmes-Adie syndrome
Argyll Robertson pupil
optic nerve damage
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you do an opthalmoscopic exam?
tay sachs
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform the 6 cardinal fields of gaze?
medial longitudinal fasciculus lesion
disease of CN III, IV, VI
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform the corneal light reflex
medial longitudinal fasciculus lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform accommodation?
medial longitudinal fasciculus lesion
CN III lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you inspect muscle volume and strength associated with CN V?
LMN lesion
corticobulbar lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform the corneal blink reflex?
neuroparalytic keratitis
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform a sensory exam of the face?
trigeminal neuralgia
TMJ syndrome
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform jaw jerk reflex
TMJ syndrome
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you check musculature of the face?
corticobulbar lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you check taste of anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
corticobulbar lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you observe the external ears?
trauma, cancerous lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform Weber test?
auditory canal obstruction
tympanic membrane trauma
ossicle trauma
accumulation of fluid in the middle ear
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform Rinne test?
auditory canal obstruction tympanic membrane trauma ossicle trauma accumulation of fluid in the middle ear air conduction/sensorineural problem
If Weber lateralized to the right and Rinne was 10/10 on right and 10/20 on the left?
air conduction problem on the right
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform an otoscope exam?
auditory canal obstruction
tympanic membrane trauma
ossicle trauma
accumulation of fluid in middle ear
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you rotate the head for dizziness?
vestibular disease
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform caloric irrigation?
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform swivel chair test?
cervicogenic dizziness
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you have the patient say ahh?
paralysis of CN X unilaterally
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform the gag reflex?
paralysis of CN X unilaterally
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you check phonation?
paralysis of CN X unilaterally
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you check taste of posterior tongue?
paralysis of CN X unilaterally
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform shoulder elevation?
unilateral UMN lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you check muscle strength of SCM and trapezius?
unilateral UMN lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you stick out tongue?
bilateral cerebral lesions
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you do tongue in cheek test?
bilateral cerebral lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you perform the Romberg test?
open and closed: cerebellar or vestibular mechanism lesion
closed: dorsal column pathology
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t hop on one foot?
open and closed: cerebellar or vestibular mechanism lesion
closed: dorsal column pathology
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t squat on one foot?
open and closed: cerebellar or vestibular mechanism lesion
closed: dorsal column pathology
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do finger to nose?
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do finger to finger?
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do finger to nose to finger?
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do heel to shin?
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you have trouble with diadokinesia?
cerebellar dysfunction
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do Holmes Rebound Phenomenon?
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do tandem gait?
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t tell where your joint is?
posterior column disease
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t feel Abadie’s sign?
dorsal column lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t feel Pitre’s sign?
dorsal column lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t feel Biernacki’s sign?
dorsal column lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t feel 2 point discrimination?
posterior column medial lemniscal pathway lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do sterognosis?
association cortex problem
opposite parietal lobe
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do barognosis?
association cortex problem
opposite parietal lobe
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do topognosis?
association cortex problem
opposite parietal lobe
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t do graphognosis?
association cortex problem
opposite parietal lobe
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t feel light touch?
anterior spinothalamic lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t feel vibration?
anterior spinothalamic lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t feel pain?
lateral spinothalamic lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when you can’t feel temperature?
lateral spinothalamic lesion
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when supraspinatus is weak?
nerve compresson at C5 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when deltoid is weak?
nerve compression at C5 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when biceps are weak?
nerve compression at C5/6 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when brachioradialis is weak?
nerve compression at C5,6 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when triceps are weak?
nerve compression at C7 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when wrist extension is weak?
nerve compression at C6 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when finger extension is weak?
nerve compression at C7 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when finger flexion is weak?
nerve compression at C8 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when finger abduction is weak?
nerve compression at T1 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when finger adduction is weak?
nerve compression at T1 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when biceps reflex is diminished?
nerve compression at C5 NR
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when brachioradialis reflex is diminished?
nerve compression at C6
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when triceps reflex is diminished?
nerve compression at C7
What are the possible problems if you find something wrong when finger flexion reflex is diminished?
nerve compression at C8