NMS II OSCE I- problems if positive Flashcards
adam’s test
structural scoliosis- scoliosis will go away
functional scoliosis- scoliosis will remain
amoss sign
have to use upper body to get up, pain is elicited
beevor’s sign
opposite abdominal weakness
chest expansion test
spinal ankylosis, rib fracture, sprain/strain, etc
forestier bowstring sign
muscle spasm, AS, pain inhibiting motion, stacking
rib motion test
rib subluxation, muscle strain, pleuritis, fracture, arthridities
schepelmann’s sign
concave side- neuralgia
convex side- myalgia/myofascitis
lean away- posterolateral herniated disc
lean toward- posteromedial herniated disc
lean forward- posterocentral (rhizal) herniated disc
straight leg raiser
sciatica from lumbosacral lesion
potential SOL
bragards sign
reproduction or increase in leg pain
sicard’s sign
irritation of L5 NR MC, L4 or S1 can also be irritated
bechterew’s test
if SLR is positive, then this should be positive as well
if not, maybe suspect exageration of symptoms
slump test
disc bulge or herniation
crossed straight leg raiser
symptoms at same level of SLR- posteromedial IVD bulge or herniation
symptoms at increased angle- posteromedial IVD bulge or herniation first, maybe posterolateral bulge or herniation
fajersztajn’s test
pain at same angle as braggard’s, potential posteromedial IVD bulge or herniation
pain at greater angle than braggard’s- potential posterolateral bulge or herniation