OSCE communication skills Flashcards
Explain what clozapine is
Clozapine is an antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia in patients who haven’t responded to first line treatments, or don’t tolerate them for whatever reason
““Sometimes, we find that despite trials of different medication people still struggle with some of the symptoms of schizophrenia; such as hallucinations, paranoia, disorganization or unusual beliefs. This can make it difficult for people to live the lives they would like to
When people have tried at least two different antipsychotic medications and continue to experience symptoms we often refer to this as ‘difficult to treat schizophrenia’ or ‘treatment-resistant schizophrenia’.”
Explain how to take clozapine
Clozapine is available as a tablet or in liquid form
We prescribe it first at a low dose, and then gradually increase this dose up over a few weeks, to work out the dose that works for you
It’s important that you don’t miss any doses, as if you do we will need to start you from the low dose again and repeat the titration process
Advantages of clozapine
6 out of 10 people with treatment-resistant schizophrenia benefit from clozapine
Common side effects of clozapine
- sedation (take at night)
- constipation (diet, laxatives)
- tachycardia (refer to cardio, or β blockers)
- weight gain (diet, metformin)
- hyper-salivation (time)
- BP (hypo and hyper)
- hyperglycaemia (meds)
Rare but serious side effects of clozapine
Agranulocytosis (<1%), neutropenia (3%)
- increased risk of severe infections
- seek urgent advice if pt develops flu-like sx
- lowers seizure threshold
- increased risk at high doses
- coprescribe anticonvulsants (valproate) at high doses
- refer any pt with tachycardia at rest, CP, arrhythmias, HF
GI hypomobility
- associated w constipation side effect
- higher risk of ileus + obstruction
Monitoring of clozapine
- BP
- FBC, U&Es, HbA1c, lipids, troponin
- weekly bloods for first 18w
- then fortnightly until 1yr
- then monthly after 1yr
Important other information when prescribing clozapine
- Clozapine levels rise significantly if pt stops/reduces smoking
Structure of a clozapine counselling station
- Focused history
- Explain what clozapine is (∴ advantages too)
- Explain how to take it
- Common side effects
- Explain the monitoring, and therefore the risks, and safety net for flu-like sx
Focused history for clozapine counselling
- Sx of schizophrenia
- Current management
- Previous hospital admissions
- Previous medications trialed (inc efficacy, compliance, and adverse effects)
Focused history for statin counselling
- Ascertain if it’s for primary or secondary prevention
- CVD risk factors (smoking, alcohol, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle)
QRISK (treat if 10%+)
- smoking
- diabetes
- heart disease in 1DR <60
- AF
- BP treatment
- migraines
- RA
- severe mental illness
- atypical antipsychotics
- regular steroids
- erectile dysfunction
10% = 1 in 10 chance of CVD in 10 years
Explain what statins are and how they work
“Cholesterol is essential for life as it is used in many processes within the body. However, too much of the ‘wrong sort’ of cholesterol can increase the risk of potentially fatal cardiovascular events such as heart attack or stroke.”
“Statins work by limiting the production of new cholesterol within the body, as well as clearing ‘bad cholesterol’ from the blood. This aims to reduce the total amount of bad cholesterol circulating in the body and, in doing so, reduces the likelihood of future heart attacks or strokes.”
Explain how to take statins
Once daily tablet
Taken at the same time (simva/prava should be taken at night)
If a tablet is missed, take it ASAP, but do not take two in one day
Monitoring of statins
Pre-treatment cholesterol levels and LFTs
Follow-up test after 3m and 12m
Explain that the patient won’t feel any different, but it’s important they continue to take the medication continuously for maximum benefit
Side effects of statins
- myalgia (not a cause for concern)
- muscle toxicity (severe myalgia, must be reported)
- nausea
- constipation
- diarrhoea
- flatulence
- headaches
Reassure pt that statins are well-tolerated, and long-term safety is very well proven (lots of negative media coverage causing reduced adherence)
Interactions with statins
- grapefruit
- some abx
- some immunosuppressants
- some fibrates
Key point: “consult your Dr before starting any new medications”
Lifestyle advice for statins
Statins work by reducing your risk of cardiovascular events, but you can also make some lifestyle changes that will reduce this risk even further. This includes:
- regular physical activity (moderate intensity, 30m a day, 5d a week)
- healthy foods (can provide advice on food pyramid, dietician referral, etc)
- smoking cessation
- reducing alcohol intake
Structure of a statin counselling station
- Pt history
- Explain what statins are and why they are prescribed
- Monitoring
- Side effects
- Interactions
- Lifestyle advice
Focused history for levothyroxine counselling
- Sx of hypothyroidism
- Current medications (for interactions)
Explain hypothyroidism and thus the need for levothyroxine
“Your thyroid sits at the base of your neck and produces a hormone called thyroxine that regulates many aspects of your metabolism, such as heat control, weight and energy levels. When your thyroid doesn’t produce enough thyroxine, we call this hypothyroidism.”
If pt mentioned their sx of hypothyroidism in focused history, integrate these into your explanation, e.g.
“You mentioned that you have been feeling tired recently, which we know is one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.”
“Levothyroxine is a medication that can be used to top up the level of thyroxine in people whose bodies are unable to make enough thyroid hormones on their own. By using this medication, we can restore normal levels of thyroid hormones and prevent you from experiencing the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism.”
How to take levothyroxine
OD, 30mins before breakfast
(coffee + food reduces absorption)
Lifelong medication which pt should not suddenly stop taking or adjust their dose without consultation first
Missed dose: take ASAP, but do not double dose
Monitoring of levothyroxine
2-3w after first starting
2-3m after a dose change
Annually thereafter
Side effects of levothyroxine
‘Over’dose = hyperthyroid
- heat intolerance
- weight loss
- insomnia
- fine tremor
‘Underdone = hypothyroid
- cold intolerance,
- weight gain
- low mood
- dry skin
- constipation
Other information with levothyroxine counselling
- free prescriptions for life
- give a leaflet
Indications for PrEP
not part of counselling per se, just illustrative
- trans women having anal sex (condomless)
- anyone having condomless sex with someone known to be HIV+ (unless partner is non-transmittal)
RFs, consider PrEP:
- anticipated high-risk sexual behaviour
- bacterial rectal STI or hep C in past year
- use of PEP in past year
- unable to use condoms
Contraindications for PrEP
PrEP is only PART of the HIV tx, meaning if the pt was HIV+, only receiving 2/3 drugs could lead to resistance
Explain what PrEP is
PrEP is a combination of 2 anti-retroviral drugs, which work by preventing HIV from multiplying within T cells
Evidence shows significant reduction in HIV infections in those prescribed PrEP, up to 99% if taken properly
“PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is a medication that you take before and after sex which can help prevent you from being infected with HIV.”
“It is a combination of two medications which stop the virus infecting your cells. We have been using these drugs to treat HIV for a long time.”
“Studies have shown that if PrEP is taken reliably, it reduces the chance of being infected with HIV via sexual intercourse by up to 99%.”
How to take PrEP
Daily dosing: single pill every day
- appropriate for anyone
- protection from 72hr for anal sex
- protection from 7d for vaginal sex
Event-based dosing: tablet before and after sex
- appropriate for anal + vaginal sex, but more complicated + requires pre-planning
- 2 pills 2-24hr before sex, 1 pill 24 hr after 1st dose, another pill 24hr after 2nd dose (FOUR PILLS IN TOTAL)