Neurology Flashcards
What cranial nerves are implicated in vestibular schwannoma?
V = absent corneal reflex VII = unilateral facial numbness VIII = vertigo, unilateral hearing loss
Painful third nerve palsy indicates…?
Posterior communicating artery aneurysm
What is the difference between a medical and surgical third nerve palsy?
Medical = pupil sparing (e.g. diabetic neuropathy) Surgical = pupil affected, dilated (e.g. tumour)
Jacksonian march suggests focal seizure in which lobe?
Frontal lobe
Jacksonian march = clonic movements travelling proximally
What are the typical categories of seizure behaviours seen in different lobes?
E.g. frontal lobe causes ___ seizures
Temporal = HEAD (hallucinations, epigastric rising/emotional, automatisms, deja vu/dysphasia post-ictal)
Frontal = motor (e.g. Jacksonian march, head/leg movements, posturing, post-ictal weakness)
Parietal = sensory (e.g. paraesthesia)
Occipital = visual (e.g. floaters, flashes)
Diagnostic investigation for acoustic neuromas?
MRI of cerebellopontine angle
Nerve supplying extensor muscles of hand?
Radial nerve (inc. wrist extension, finger extension)
Long term prophylaxis for cluster headaches?
Reduces blood vessel dilation, which is pathophysiology of cluster headaches
What causes subacute combined degeneration of the cord?
B12 deficiency, usually 2º to pernicious anaemia
Clinical signs in subacute combined degeneration of the cord
Dorsal columns and lateral corticospinal tracts implicated
Proprioception and vibration sensation lost first, progressing to distal paraesthesia
UMN signs in legs: Babinski positive, brisk knee jerk, absent ankle jerks
Proptosis + absent corneal reflex should make you think of what cause?
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
How does syringomelia present, and what parts of the spinal cord are implicated?
Cape-like loss of PAIN and TEMPERATURE sensation due to compression of the SPINOTHALAMIC tract fibres decussating in the anterior white commissure of the spine
Describe Uhthoff’s phenomenon
Reduced visual acuity after exercise
It’s a feature of multiple sclerosis