OS 214 Digestive Exam 3 Flashcards
1) The vomiting center is located in this area A. Basal ganglia B. Hypothalamus C. Medulla D. Cerebellum
2) A 22 year old woman diagnosed with bulimia is observed by her boyfriend to be quietly chewing and swallowing several times in between mealtimes. What is this behavior called? A. Emesis B. Rumination C. Retching D. Gastroesophageal reflux
3) A man is kicked in the testicles during a robbery attempt. He promptly vomits his lunch. What is the explanation for his reaction?
A. Testicles have afferent fibers traveling via the nucleus tractus solitarius to the emetic center
B. Testicular trauma activates the chemoreceptor trigger zone
C. Testicles have pathways in common with the vestibular system
D. Trauma to the testicles triggered syncope and resulting emesis
4) A pregnant woman develops morning sickness at 8 weeks AoG. Which neurotransmitter receptor is primarily responsible for her misery? A. Cannabinoid CB-1 B. Neurokinin NK-1 C. GABA D. Histamine H2
5) A 55 year old man received chemotherapy for colon cancer two days ago. Today he developed nausea and vomiting. Which receptor is responsible for his nausea and vomiting? A. Neurokinin NK-1 B. Histamine H2 C. Muscarinic M1 D. Histamine H1
6) During vomiting, from which anatomic structure does forceful retrograde contraction originate? A. Lower esophageal sphincter B. Gastric cardia C. Duodenum D. Jejunum
6) During vomiting, from which anatomic structure does forceful retrograde contraction originate? A. Lower esophageal sphincter B. Gastric cardia C. Duodenum D. Jejunum
Answer: D – The fact that her vomitus is undigested food gives you a clue to the origin of the problem. Undigested food corresponds to an esophageal problem, partially digested food corresponds to the stomach, and bilious vomiting indicates a postampullary problem. In this case, the problem is esophageal. Achalasia is a disorder where the esophagus lacks neural innervation, leading to a lack of peristalsis.
8) Protective reflexes during vomiting does not include the following A. Glottis is closed B. Soft palate is raised C. Breathing is momentarily stopped D. Tongue retracts
9) Surgery with highest risk for post operative nausea and vomiting A. Strabismus and middle ear surgery B. Oropharyngeal surgery C. Cardiac surgery D. Vascular surgery
Answer: A – Because the vestibular system is one source of signals causing nausea and vomiting, while being intimately related to the eyes and middle ear. Hence surgery involving these may affect the vestibular system and thus cause nausea and vomiting.
10) Drug that can be used safely for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy A. Thalidomide B. Carbamazepine C. Ondansetron D. Phenytoin
Answer: C – The others are teratogenic
11) Vomiting episodes which are stereotypical, with a predictable onset and duration separated by asymptomatic or almost asymptomatic intervals that range from 2 weeks to 6 months. A. Rumination syndrome B. Cyclical vomiting syndrome C. Bulimia nervosa D. Gastric outlet obstruction
12) Initial best diagnostic test in the work-up of nausea and vomiting to rule out intestinal obstruction A. Endoscopy B. Plain abdominal x-rays C. Stool exams D. CT scan
13) Best diagnostic test for gastric outlet obstruction A. Barium swallow xrays B. CT scan C. Manometry D. Colonoscopy
14) In complete mechanical intestinal obstruction, the immediate cause of vomiting is
A. Marked intraluminal pressure build-up
B. Dilatation of proximal intestinal segment
C. Peritonitis from transmural extravasation of intestinal toxin
D. Intraluminal accumulation of succus entericus
15) Vomiting can cause longitudinal mucosal and even transmural lacerations at the level of the gastroesophageal junction is called A. Boerrhave’s syndrome B. Mallory-Weiss tears C. Barrett’s esophagus D. Esophagitis
Constipation 16) 26/M complains of passage of hard, lumpy stools more than 25% of the time, incomplete evacuation 50% of the time, and passes stools 2x/week. This patient has A. Constipation B. Outlet obstruction C. Colonic inertia D. Normal findings A
17) 65/F complains of difficulty in passing bowel movement. Colonoscopy showed normal findings. Colonic transit study was done which showed passage of 80% of the markers by day 5. This is indicative of A. Constipation B. Outlet obstruction C. Colonic inertia D. Normal findings
18) 48/M complains of decreased caliber of stools, hematochezia, no weight loss. Colonoscopy done showed a fungating mass occupying 50% of the circumference of the bowel wall at the sigmoid colon. This is most likely A. Intraluminal B. Extraluminal C. Mural D. Constipation
Answer: C
Intraluminal – parasites, hard stool, foreign body
Extraluminal – adhesions, endometriosis, gynecologic tumors
19) 60/M complains of passage of stools 2x/week and passage of hard bulky stools. Digital rectal exam showed hard, stools in the rectal vault. Plain abdominal x-ray showed fecaloid material from the transverse colon to the sigmoid. Colonoscopy was normal. To normalize his bowel function, you would prescribe A. Enema and/or suppository B. Mineral oil C. Colonic irritants like senokot D. Bulk laxatives like metamucil
Answer: C – diagnosis is bowel impaction that reaches the transverse colon already
20) The correct sequence of the defecatory process is A. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 B. 1, 5, 4, 3, 2 C. 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 D. 1, 4, 3, 5, 2
1 – Distention of the rectum 2 – External anal sphincter relaxes and anal canal contents evacuated 3 – Internal anal sphincter relaxation 4 – Puborectalis muscle relaxatioin 5 – Valsalva maneuver
21) The process of defecation is effected when the following takes place
A. The anorectal angle is around 95 degrees
B. The internal anal sphincter contracts and the external anal sphincter relaxes
C. The external sphincter and the puborectalis muscle relax
D. There is a mass movement of stools from the colon to the rectum
21) The process of defecation is effected when the following takes place
A. The anorectal angle is around 95 degrees
B. The internal anal sphincter contracts and the external anal sphincter relaxes
C. The external sphincter and the puborectalis muscle relax
D. There is a mass movement of stools from the colon to the rectum
Answer: A – because meconium should be passed within 24 hours
23) Basic in the management of constipation in children is A. Education and demystification B. Disimpaction C. Laxatives D. Pavlovian reflex
Answer: A – B is correct for acute cases, but for chronic cases A is better (according to the feedback haha)
24) 6/F previously toilet-trained presents to the clinic for constipation. Her mother noted that the problem began when she started attending school. She takes in a fair amount of fluids but is not keen with eating vegetables. She has a piece of fruit for lunch and dinner. On PE, the abdomen was soft with palpable masses over the left lower quadrant and dry firm stools within the rectal vault. As the health personnel manning the clinic, your initial management for this child would consist of
A. Insert glycerin suppository
B. Start oral laxatives
C. Advise 7 portions of fruits and vegetables
D. Have the child sit in the toilet commode after each meal
Answer: A – to relieve the impacted feces