Orthpedic tests Flashcards
Adam’s sign
Adam’s sign
Scoliosis: Feet together, legs strait, bend forward at waist:
Positive: curve not improved with forward bend
Tests for siatica
tests for SI joint dysfunction
Pelvic rock
Tests for thorasic outlet
Malingering tests
Burns bench test
Hoover test
Bicep tests
meniscal tests
Apley compression test
Bounce test
McMurrays test
Ligament tests
Anterior drawer: ACL
Posterior drawer: PCL
Lachmans: ACL, PCL
Valgus, Varus: MCL, LCL
Patellar tests
Patellar apprehension
Patela femoral grind: chondromalacea patella
Strait leg raise
Rotator cuff
Apley scratch drop arm apprehension Hawkins kennedy neer test
supraspinatus test
Hawkin kennedy
Neer test
De quervains tenosenovitis
Carpal tunnel
Elbow: lateral epicondylitis
Cozen: Lat epicondylitis
Disk lesions
Kemps valsalva Galensens nachlas Kidners Milgams Minor sign
nerve compression cervical
cervical distraction
cervical compression
Kemps: radiating pain.
Thorasic outlet if pulse disapears
Check radial pulse from behind, arm 45 degree back, Turn head tword pulse for 30 seconds.
Sciatica: shooting pain down siatic
passive strait leg raise to pain, back off, then flex foot.
Sciatic: sx down back of leg
Sitting, neck flexed, straighten legs one at a time them boath.
East test
Thorasic outlet syndrome: arm weakness, numbness, tingling
open and close hands for 3 minutes
Kemps test
Facet: local pain
Radiating: nerve root compression
passive flexion, rotation, lateral flexion and extension.
Kernigs test
supine, pasively flex knee and hip 90 then extend knee.
lasegue: strait leg raise
Pain <30: spondylolethesis
Pain >30 and <70: Disk herniation L4-S1
Passive lift of leg to 70 degrees.
Milgams test
Disk herniation: Can’t hold for 30 sed
supine, patient holds feet 2” off table
Soto hall
meningitis: Pain
supine, hand on sturnum, flex head to chest.
Space occupying lesion: back pain
hold breath, bear down
Wrights test
Thorasic outlet syndrome: Pulse disappears
From behind, feel radial pulses from 45-90 degrees of abduction.
Apley scratch test
Tendinitis/Rotator cuff
Cant touch hands behind back.
Codmans drop arm test
Rotator cuff tear: Arm drops suddenly at 90 degrees
Pt abduct to 180 then slowly lower back down
Glenohumeral apprehension test
Rotator cuff, disclocation: feels apprehension
Muscle arm, Rotate externally with pressure P to A on humeral head.
Hawkins kenedy
supraspinatus tendon impingment: pain with internal rotation.
Shield arm, then internal rotate forearm like windshield wiper
Neer test
Supraspinatus impingment: Pain
Passive:scapular plane, thumb down.
Lippman test
Bicipital tendinitis: Pain
arm 90 degree, palpate bicep tendon, Passive rotate forearm
Yergasons test
Bicipital tendinitis: pain
Arm 90: palpate bicep tendon: Passive rotate forearm against resistance
Bicipital tendinitis: Pain, bicep groove
flex at shoulder to 60 degrees with palm up against resitance from doctor.
Lateral epicondylitis: pain lat elbow
Wrist extension with pinky rotate midline(pronate)
De quervain tenosenovitis: wrist pain over abductor policis.
Fist with thumb inside with ulnar deviation
Mills test
Lateral epicondylitis: pain lat epicondyle
Flex wrist: pinky out:
Carpal tunnel: pain
flex forearm and wrists together 30-60seconds
Carpal tunnel: tingling or shooting pain over median nerve distribution
Tap over median nerve on wrist
Valgus varus stress at elbow
Valgus: Medial colateral ligament (knock knee)
Varus: lateral colateral ligament (bow knee)
anterior drawer
anterior cruciate ligament ACL rupture
posterior drawer
posterior cruciated ligament PCL rupture
Apley compression test
Meniscus tear: Pain with compression
Prone, knee at 90, press down on foot rotating internally and externally
Apleys distraction test
Callateral ligament injury: Pain with excessive motion.
prone, knee at 90, pull on ankle while pressing down on theigh.
Apprehension test, patellar
chronic patellar disclocation: apprehension/pain
Press the patella laterally
bounce home test
Knee meniscal tear: pain when knee falls into extension
Lachmans test
ACL or PCL injury.
Anterior and posterior drawer test done at 20 degrees rather than 80. should be less painful
Patella femoral grinding test
Chondromalacia patella: pain in patellofemoral joint
web of hand superior to patella with pressure while patient contracts quadriceps
Galensens test
SI joint lesion, L4 nerve root, : SI joint pain
supine, opposite knee to chest, same side leg off the table and pushed down.
Obers test:
tight iliotibial band
difficult adduction of effected knee, lateral knee pain with abduction.
patricks test
SI joint disfunciton: SI joint pain
flex, abduct, externally rotate patients hip.
Yeoman’s test
SI joint dysfunction: SI joint pain
Prone: flex pts knee to 90 then extend same hip