Orthopedics/Rheumatology Error List Flashcards
What is Guillin-Barre Syndrome
Ascending Weakness
Acute/Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy with symmetric LOWER TO UPPER EXTREMITY WEAKNESS
What causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome
C. Jejuni
Immunizations (Flu)
Sx of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Weakness and Paresthesias, usually symmetric
Decreased DTR
Tachycardia, Hypotension, HTN, Breathing Issues
Dx of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
CSF: High protein, Normal WBC
Tx of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Plasmaphoresis to remove autoantibodies
IVIG to suppress inflammation and induced remyelination
What is Multiple Sclerosis
Autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of CNS
Causes plaques and neurologic defeicits
What are the 3 different stages of MS
Relapsing-Remitting: Episodic Exacerbations
Progressive: Decline without acute exacerbations
Secondary Progressive: Relapse Remitting that becomes progressive
Sx of MS
Optic Neuritis: Unilateral eye pain worse with eye movement, Diplopia, Visual loss, color loss, blurry vision
Sensory deficits: Weakness, Parasthesias, Fatigue
Spinal Cord: Bladder or Bowel Dysfunction, Nystagmus, Staccato Speech
Dx of MS
MRI with Gadolinium is gold standard: see White Matter Plaques
CSF: See increased IgG
Tx of MS
Steroids for acute exacerbations
Beta-Interferon for Relapse-Remitting
Amantadine for fatigue
What are Generalized Seizures
Diffuse brain involvement
What is an Absence Seizure, Sx, Dx, Tx
Brief impairment of consciousness
Brief staring episodes, Eyelid Twitching
Dx: EEG see bilateral symmetric 3Hz spike and wave action or may be normal
Tx: Ethosuximide, Valproic Acid
What is a Tonic-Clonic Seizure, Sx, Dx, Tx
Loss of Consciousness with rigidity and arrest of respiration followed by repeitive jerking
Has post-ictal phase: Flaccid coma/sleep
Dx: EEG see generalized high amplitude rapid spiking
Tx: Valproic Acid, Phenytoin, Carbamazepine
What is Myoclonus seizure, Sx, Dx, Tx
Sudden brief sporadic involuntary twitching
No Loss of Consciousness
Tx: Valproic Acid, Clonazepine
What is Atonic Seizure, Sx, Dx, Tx
Drop Attacks, Sudden Loss of Postural Tone
What is Status Epilepticus, Sx, Dx, Tx
Repeated, Generalized seizures without recovery >30 min.
Tx: Lorazepam or Diazepam, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital
What is a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Due to ruptured aneurysms which are usually caused by HTN
Sx of SAH
Sudden onset, worst headache of my life, brief loss of consciousness, N/V, Meningeal Irritation (nuchal rigidity), seizures
Dx of SAH
CT scan without contrast (want to see hte blood)
If negative but still suspicious, do LP
If increased ICP and RBC present it’s SAH
Can also do CT angiography
Tx of SAH
Bedrest, no exertion, no straining
Anti-anxiety meds, stool softeners
BP control, seizure control
What is Friedrich’s Ataxis
Autosomal recessive that causes sx in children, teens, and young adults
Sx of Friedrich’s Ataxis
Starts as gait ataxia, difficulty walking, then worsens and spreads to arms and trunk
Loss of sensation in extremities
Reduced DTR, Scoliosis, Dysarthria, Chest Pain, SOB, heart palpitations, Vision Impairment
Dx of Friedrich’s Ataxia
Electromyogram, Nerve Conduction Studies, EKG, Echo
Tx of Friedrich’s Ataxis
Physical Therapy
What is Fibromyalgia
Central Pain Disorder
Sx of Fibromyalgia
Aches, Pains, Fatigue, sleep distrubances, tender points
Anxiety, depression, IBS