Orthopedic Tests Video Flashcards
DVT, what would you expect to find on physical exam?
A. absence of pleural rub
B. (+) Homan’s sign
C. High ankle BP
D. (=) Trendelenburg test
B. (+) Homan’s sign
Left shoulder pain d/t bicipital tendonitis Point tenderness suggests there may be inflammation or injury to _________ and you confirm this by performing ________.
A. Bicipital tendon; Neer’s test
B. Bicipital tendon; Speed’s test
C. Glenohumeral capsule; Neer’s test
D. Glenohumeral capsule; Speed’s test
B. Bicipital tendon; Speed’s test
A diagnosis of ____, supported if symptoms most aggravated by _______.
A. Bicipital tendon; abduction and ext rotation
B. Adhesive capsulitis; adduction and
pronation of the arm
C. Adhesive capsulitis; resisted flexion and
supination of the arm
D. Bicipital tendon; resisted flexion and
supination of the arm
D. Bicipital tendon; resisted flexion and
supination of the arm
Which of the following improves her range of motion and is safe and effective?
A. isometric shoulder exercises
B. over-the-head free-weight lifting
C. “wall climbing” shoulder exercises
D. None, exercise contraindicated
C. “wall climbing” shoulder exercises
What’s a Ddx for the vertebral column?
Scoliosis, TOS, sciatica, disc herniation, meningitis, vertebral artery compression, space occupying lesion
What’s Adam’s sign for?
How do you perform?
Structural scoliosis
Involves having patient bend forward
What’s Adson’s test for?
How do you perform?
Involves taking radial pulse and lifting arms to see if pulse is still detected
What’s Braggard’s test for?
How do you perform?
Sciatica d/t IV herniation
During SLR, dorsiflex foot of leg that’s raised
What’s Bechterew’s test for?
How do you perform?
Involves extending knees while seated
What’s Burn’s bench test for?
How do you perform?
Touch floor while kneeling on a chair (hence, why it is a bench test)
What’s Cervical Spine Compression test for?
How do you perform?
Nerve root compression
Push down on the head
What’s Cervical Spine Distraction test for?
How do you perform?
Nerve root impingement
Pull up on head ((+) decrease of pain)
What’s East’s or Roos’ test for?
How do you perform?
Hands up! Open/close hands for 3 minutes.
What’s Hoover’s test for?
How do you perform?
Supine, flex hip
What’s Kemp’s test for?
How do you perform?
Disc herniation
Rotate, extend, lat flex - push on lumbar Ups
What’s Kernig’s test for?
How do you perform?
Flex hip then extend knee
What’s Lasegue’s test for?
How do you perform?
Disc herniation or sciatica
Straight leg raise
What’s Linder’s test for?
How do you perform?
Supine, flex neck
What’s Milgram’s test for?
How do you perform?
Disc herniation
Supine, raise extended legs for 30 secs
What’s Minor’s sign for?
How do you perform?
Sit then stand and put one hand on back
What’s shoulder depression test for?
How do you perform?
Brachial plexus lesion
Apply pressure down on shoulder, flex head
What’s soto hall test for?
How do you perform?
Disc herniation
SLR + flex head
What’s valsalva test for?
How do you perform?
Space occupying lesion
bear down
What’s vertebral artery test for?
How do you perform?
Vertebral art. compression
Extend head, lat flex, rot – hold 30 sec
What’s Wright’s test for?
How do you perform?
Palpate both radial pulses, raise arms
What’s the Ddx for the shoulder?
rotator cuff tear, tendinitis, dislocation
What’s Apley’s scratch test for?
How do you perform?
Rotator cuff tear, tendinitis
Touch finger tips to middle of back
What’s Drop arm test for?
How do you perform?
Rotator cuff tear
Abduct both arms to 180, then move them down in adduction
What’s glenohumeral apprehension test for?
How do you perform?
Dislocated shoulder
Cross painful arm, push on elbow toward painful shoulder
What’s impingement test for?
How do you perform?
Shoulder lesion
Abduct arm, rotate medially + passively elevate it
What’s Lippman’s test for?
How do you perform?
Bicipital tendinosis
Palpate bicipital groove
What’s speed’s test for?
How do you perform?
Bicipital tendinosis
Resisted shoulder flexion
What’s Yergason’s test for?
How do you perform?
Bicipital tendinosis
Flex elbow, resists supination/lateral rotation
Ddx Wrist/Hand/Elbow?
tennis elbow, dequervain’s, carpal tunnel
What’s Cozen’s test for?
How do you perform?
Tennis elbow (extensor tendonitis / lateral epicondylitis)
Resisted wrist extension in pronated/flexed arm
What’s Finkelstein’s test for?
How do you perform?
De Quervain’s disease
Hold thumb in hand and ulnar deviate
What’s Mill’s test for?
How do you perform?
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
Palpate lateral epicondyle
What’s Phalen’s test for?
How do you perform?
Carpal tunnel
Backwards prayer
What’s Retinacular test for?
How do you perform?
Tight reticular ligament or capsule
Hold PIP, flex DIP, Flex PIP, Flex DIP
What’s Tinel’s sign for?
How do you perform?
Carpel tunnel
Tap over median nerve
What’s valgus/varus stress test for?
How do you perform?
Med/Lat collateral lig instability
(Valgus is medial both 6 letters)
Apply stressors
What’s a Ddx for the hip/pelvis?
TFL contracture, SI lesion, spondylolithesis, dislocation, gluteus weakness
What’s ely’s test for?
How do you perform?
Tight rectus femoris, lumbar lesion, contracture of TFL, osseous hip lesion
Prone, flex knee to butt
What’s Gaenslen’s test for?
How do you perform?
SI lesion, hip pathology, likely L4 lesion
Supine, one leg off table, bring the other knee to your chest
What’s Hibb’s test for?
How do you perform?
Spondylolithesis, facet syndrome, SI lig sprain
Prone, flex knee, move leg laterally
What’s Nachla’s test for?
How do you perform?
Tight rectus femoris, upper lumbar lesion
Prone knee bending
What’s Ober’s test for?
How do you perform?
Contraction of TFL
Lateral decubitus, affected leg up, flex knee, raise leg, let it fall
What’s Ortolani click test for?
Who are you doing this test on?
How do you perform?
Congenital hip dislocation
An infant only
Flex hip/knees, abduct/rotate hips
What’s Patrick’s test for?
How do you perform?
Hip arthritis, bursitis, lig sprain
Cross legs (tabletop)
What’s pelvic rock test for?
How do you perform?
SI lesion
Rock the pelvis back and forth
What’s Telescoping test for?
Who are you doing this test on?
How do you perform?
Congenital hip dislocation
infant only
Move legs like you are adjusting a telescope
What’s Thomas’ test for?
How do you perform?
Tight hip flexor
Bring knee to chest while supine
What’s Tredenlenburg test for?
How do you perform?
Glut med weakness
Stand, flex 1 knee
What’s Yeoman’s test for?
How do you perform?
SI joint dysfunction
Prone, extend hip with knee extended/flexed
Ddx the Knee?
ACL, PCL, lat/med meniscus, collat ligs, patella
dislocation, chondromalacia patella, effusion
What’s Ant/Post drawer test for?
How do you perform?
Sit on foot, pull leg
What’s Apley’s compression test for?
How do you perform?
Medial/Lateral meniscus tear
Apley’s coMpression = Meniscus
push ankle, while knee is flexed in prone
What’s Apley’s distraction test for?
How do you perform?
Collateral Ligament sprain
Apley’s distraction = Ligament
pull ankle, while knee is flexed in prone
What’s apprehension compression test for?
How do you perform?
Patellar dislocation
Press patella laterally
What’s bounce home test for?
How do you perform?
Torn meniscus
Passively extend knee “bounce home”
What’s lachman’s test for?
How do you perform?
ACL injury
Move tibia forward to femur
What’s McMurray test for?
How do you perform?
Meniscus fragment in joint
Flex patient hip and knee, internally/externally rotate knee
What’s Patellar femoral grinding test for?
How do you perform?
Chondromalacia patella
Press on patella while patient contracts quads
What’s Reduction click for?
How do you perform?
Menisci fragment in joint
What’s valgus/varus stress test for (knee)?
How do you perform?
MCL/LCL sprains
What’s the knee joint effusion tests for?
How do you perform?
Ballot, bulge
Bulge test = minor effusion
(milk medial side of patella, then stroke lateral side)
Ballot = major effusion
What’s the Ddx of the ankle/foot?
med/lat talofibular lig, hypertonic gastrocs, foot defect, stress fracture, DVT, flat feet, tibial torsion
What’s the ant/post drawer tests for? (ankle)
How do you perform?
Medial/Lateral Talofibular ligament lesion
Excess motion on side the ankle turns away from
What’s the dorsiflexion test?
How do you perform?
Gastrocnemius/soleus hypertonicity
Dorsiflex ankle
What’s the Forefoot adduction test?
Who do you test this on?
How do you perform?
Forefoot adduction test
Structural foot defect (for INFANTS)
Excessive forefoot adduction, try to bring foot to neutral position
What’s the Forefoot squeeze test?
How do you perform?
Stress fracture or neuroma
Squeeze metatarsal heads
What’s the Homan’s sign?
How do you perform?
Dorsiflex patient’s foot
What’s the talor tilt test?
How do you perform?
Torn calcaneofibular ligament
Talus is tilted from side to side
What’s test for rigid or supple flat feet?
How do you perform?
Observe arch in three positions (standing, standing on toes, seated)
Rigid flat feed: no arch present
Supple: Arch absent only while standing
What’s the Thompson’s test?
How do you perform?
Ruptured Achille’s Tendon
Squeeze gastrocs toward midline
What’s the tibial torsion test?
How do you perform?
Measure angles between malleoli Toe-in or toe-out torsion