Orthopeadics Flashcards
Rupture anterior cruciate ligament
Sport injury High twisting force applied to bent knee Loud crack, pain, rapid joint swelling Poor healing Intense physiotherapy/ surgery
Ruptured posterior cruciate ligament
Hyperextension injuries
Tibia lies back on the femur
Paradoxical anterior draw test
Rupture of medial collateral ligament
Leg forced into valgus via force outside the leg
Knee unstable when put into valgus position
Méniscal tear
Rotational sporting injury
Delayed knee swelling
Joint locking (patient may develop skills to unlock the knee close)
Recurrent episodes of pain and infusions are common, often following minor trauma
Chondromalacia patella
Seen in teenage girls following an injury to knee example dislocation of patella
Typical history of been ongoing downstairs or at rest
Tenderness, quadriceps wasting
Dislocation of the patella
Most commonly occurs as a traumatic primary event, Either through direct trauma or through severe contraction of quadriceps with knee stretched in valgus and external rotation
Genu valgum, Tibial torsion and high riding patella are risk factors
Skyline x-ray views of patella are required, although displaced patella may be clinically obvious
An osteochondral fracture is present in 5%
The condition has 20% recurrence rate
Anterior interosseous nerve innervation
Flexor pollicis longus
Pronator quadratus
The radial half of flexor digitorum profundus (the lateral 2 out of 4 tendons)
Median nerve from start to finish
The median nerve is formed by the union of lateral medial root respectively from the lateral C5,6,7 and medial C8 and T1 cords of the brachial plexus.The media route passes anterior To the third part of the axillary artery.The nerdy sounds natural to the brachial artery closest to it simply medial side usually passing anterior to the artery. Deep to the bicipital aponeurosis and the median cubital vein at the elbow
How many tunnels lie in the extensor retinaculum?
6 tunnels
Extensor retinaculum attachements
The pisiformand triquetral medially
The end of the radius laterally
Axillary artery branches
1, 2-2, 3-3-3 Superior thoracic-1 Acromiothoracic(thoracoacromial)-2 Lateral thoracic-2 Subscapular-3 Anterior circumflex humeral-3 Posterior circumflex humeral-3
Deltoid ligament
Medial side of the ankle Contains: 4 ligaments Tibiotalus posterior Tibiocalcaneus Tibionavicular Tibiotalar anterior Restrains the valgus tilting of the talus
Lateral ligament complex of the ankle
Anterior talofibular Calcanrofibular Posterior talofibular They resist valgus stress on the ankle Restraint to anterior translation of the tali’s within the Morris joint
Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament
The transverse tibiofibular ligament
Interosseus membrane
Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament
Danis -Weber classification
A- fracture below the level of syndesmosis
B-fracture at the level of syndesmosis(level of the tibial plafond)
C-fracture above the level of sybdesmosis includes Maisonneuve fracture(proximal fibula fracture)-ankle instability