Anatomy Flashcards
Beaches for coeliac axis
Left gastric
Hepatic: right gastric, gastroduodenal, superior pancreaticoduodenal, cystic
Splenic: branches: Pancreatic, short Gastric, left gastroepiploic
2nd metatarsal fracture
March fracture
Contents of popliteal fossa
M-L Popliteal artery(deepest structure) Popliteal vein Sciatic nerve above Tibial nerve below Common perineal below Lymph nodes( draining the lateral side of door and heel) Fat Bursar
Structures passing through lesser and greater sciatic foramina
Media to lateral
Pudendal n
Internal pudendal artery
Nerve to obturator internus
Contents of deep perineal pouch
Urethral sphincter
Transversus perinei
Dorsal nerve of penis, muscular branches of the perineal nerve
Deep and dorsal arteries of penis, stem of origin of artery to the bulb of the penis, urethral artery
Cervical rib is due to ?
Élongation of the transverse processes of the 7th cervical vertebra
Carotid sheath contents
Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Vagus nerve
Neoplastic polip
Villious adenoma
Which layers miss in oesophagus
Which fascia will expose ansa cervicalis
Pretracheal fascia
Level for the left kidney
Rectal fascial structure
Denovilliers fascia anterior
Waldeyers fascia
Elbow joint innervation
Onufs nucleus’s
Anterior horn of S2
Origin of neurones to the external urethral sphincter
Which structure sep the ulnar artery from the median nerve
Probable teres