Orthopaedic Trauma Day 4 Flashcards
what is the most common long bone fracture?
tibia shaft fracture
what must be done when a patient presents with a tibia shaft fracture? (3)
investigate for open wounds
evaluate for compartment syndrome
NV exam
what is the treatment for a tibia shaft fracture? (2)
immediate reduction at bedside
intermedullary nail
what are 4 risks for tibia shaft fractures?
compartment syndrome
fat emboli
tibia shaft fracture
very common injury that occurs with twisting
ankle fractures
what is the lateral malleolus ankle fracture classification based on?
based on fracture site at the distal fibula
lateral malleolus fracture that occurs below the syndesmosis and is typically non-operative
weber A
lateral malleolus fracture that occurs at the level of the syndesmosis and treatment depends on stability
weber B
lateral malleolus fracture that occurs above the syndesmosis and is typically operative due to instability and disruption of he syndesmosis
weber C
what classification of lateral malleolus ankle fracture is most important and why?
weber B
need to determine whether surgery is needed
fracture that occurs below the syndesmosis and is usually an isolated stable fracture without instability
lateral malleolus fracture weber A
a patient presents with swelling, ecchymosis, and pain to their lateral ankle over the distal fibula. Dx?
lateral malleolus fracture weber A
what is the treatment for a lateral malleolus fracture weber A?
immobilization in high boot (WBAT) x 6-8 weeks
what surgical treatment may be needed for a lateral malleolus fracture weber A depending on displacement?
ORIF (open reduction internal fixation)
identify fracture and treatment
lateral malleolus fracture weber A
immobilization in high boot (WBAT) x 6-8 weeks
identify fracture and treatment
lateral malleolus fracture weber A + displacement
fracture that occurs at the level of syndesmosis and must be evaluated for stability with gravity or manual stress exam
lateral malleolus fracture weber B
how do you know if a lateral malleolus fracture weber B is stable?
no medial or lateral clear space widening with stress exam
an increased medial clear space >5mm in a lateral malleolus fracture weber B indicates injury to what?
deltoid ligament injury
an increased lateral clear space or decreased tibiofibular overlap in a lateral malleolus fracture weber B indicates injury to what?
syndesmosis injury
what is the treatment for a stable lateral malleolus fracture weber B? (2)
high fracture boot +WBAT
f/u w/ WB xrays to confirm stability
what is the treatment for an unstable lateral malleolus fracture weber B? (2)
splint NWB
+ ORIF (open reduction internal fixation)
lateral malleolus fracture weber B
what is the possible associated injury?
lateral malleolus fracture weber B
+ medial clear space widening
possible deltoid ligament injury
stable or unstable?
what is the possible associated injury?
lateral malleolus fracture weber C
possible deltoid ligament injury (d/t medial clear space widening)
stable or unstable?
lateral malleolus fracture weber B
fracture that occurs above the syndesmosis and is commonly associated with disruption of the syndesmosis
lateral malleolus facture weber C
what is the treatment for a lateral malleolus fracture weber C? (2)
splint NWB
ORIF (open reduction internal fixation)
lateral malleolus fracture weber C
a medial malleolus and fibula fracture
bimalleolar ankle fracture
bimalleolar ankle fracture
what is the treatment for a bimalleolar ankle fracture? (2)
splint NWB
ORIF (open reduction internal fixation)
medial malleolus + fibula + posterior malleolus fracture
trimalleolar fracture
what is the treatment for a trimalleolar fracture? (2)
splint NWB
ORIF (open reduction internal fixation)
trimalleolar fracture
involves the proximal 1/3 fibula and is associated with a medial malleolus fracture or deltoid ligament injury
maisonneuve fracture
what should an isolated medial malleolus fracture raise suspicion for?
maisonneuve’s injury (1/3 proximal fibula fracture)
a patient presents with medial ankle pain and proximal leg pain. what are they suspicious for?
maisonneuve fracture
maisonneuve fracture
stable or unstable?
lateral malleolus fracture weber C
reduce, splint NWB, ORIF
weight bearing articular surface of the distal tibia in which the talus gets forced into the distal tibia causing an intra-articular fracture
pilon fracture
what are the 2 treatment options for a pilon fracture?
External fixation with delayed ORIF
+ NWB x 12 weeks
what should we evaluate for in a pilon fracture? (3)
low back pain (L1 fx)
post traumatic arthritis
compartment syndrome
pilon fracture
midfoot injury with disruption of lisfranc ligament leading to disruption of TMT joint complex
lisfranc fracture
a patient presents with plantar bruising, swelling throughout midfoot, TTP over TMT joints, and inability to BW. what are they suspicious for?
lisfranc fracture
what is the treatment for a lisfranc fracture? (2)
splint NWB
ORIF (open reduction internal fixation)
how are lisfranc fractures misdiagnosed?
as foot sprain
lisfranc fracture
lisfranc fracture
what imaging is helpful to identify extent of lisfranc injury and for surgical planning?
what should we look for in a negative xray/subtle lisfranc fracture?
fleck sign from 2nd metatarsal
fleck sign indicating lisfranc fracture
what is the most common tarsal fracture?
calcaneus fracture
what should we assess if a patient has a calcaneus fracture? (3)
lumbar spine
calcaneus fracture fragment usually displaces with variable comminution, resulting in heel shortening and valgus deformity
intra-articular fracture of calcaneus
what is a common occurrence with calcaneus fractures?
fracture blisters
what is the treatment for a calcaneus fracture? (2)
well padded splint NWB
a patient presents with swelling and bruising on his hindfoot and has difficulty with WB. what is the patient suspicious for?
calcaneus fracture
calcaneus fracture
extra-articular fracture of the calcaneus, that results from avulsion of bifurcate ligament
anterior process fracture
what is the treatment for a calcaneus anterior process fracture?
WBAT in fracture boot x 4 weeks
anterior process fracture
what does a tongue type fracture require?
Urgent ortho eval
Achilles and calcaneus avulsion with strong contraction of the gastroc-soleus muscles
tongue type fracture
a patient presents with a posterior heel with skin breakdown/tenting. what are they suspicious for?
tongue-type fracture
what is the treatment for a tongue type fracture? (3)
split in plantar flexion position
tongue type fracture
what is the most common fractured metatarsal in adults?
5th metatarsal
what is the least common fractured metatarsal in adults?
1st metatarsal
in which metatarsal are stress fractures most common? what imaging detects it?
2nd metatarsal
which zone/fracture is one that occurs in the articular surface for metatarso-cuboid joint?
zone 1 / avulsion fracture
which zone/fracture is one that occurs in the articulation of 4th and 5th MT?
zone 2 / jones fracture
which zone/fracture is one that extends 1.5cm distal to the tuberosity?
zone 3 / dancer’s (stress) fracture
what are 2 treatment options for a zone 1 5th metatarsal fracture? (2)
fracture boot x 4-6 weeks
hard soled shoe WBAT x 4-6 weeks
5th metatarsal zone 1 fracture
why is there poor healing in a zone 2 5th metatarsal fracture? (jones)
blood supply in area
what is the conservative treatment for a zone 2 5th metatarsal fracture (jones)?
fracture boot NWB x 6-8 weeks, then WBAT in boot x 4 weeks
what is the operative treatment for a zone 2 5th metatarsal fracture (jones)?
surgical screw with 2 weeks NWB, then WB in boot x 4-6 weeks
zone 2 5th metatarsal fracture (jones)
commonly associated with stress fracture, has a length healing time of 20 weeks, and can cause a cavus foot (high arch)
zone 3 5th metatarsal fracture
what is the conservative treatment for a zone 3 5th metatarsal fracture (stress/dancer)?
NWB x 6-8 weeks, then WB
what is the surgical treatment for a zone 3 5th metatarsal fracture (stress/dancer)?
surgical screw + 2 weeks NWB, then WB in boot x 4-6 weeks
zone 3 5th metatarsal fracture (stress/dancers)