Orthopaedic Examinations Flashcards
What are the main components of MSK examinations?
Look, feel, move, special tests, joint above/ below, neurovascular supplies
What are the components of the GALS examination?
Gait, arms, legs , spine
What do you look for when assessing gait?
Symmetry, smoothness and ability to turn quickly
What is the special test for foot and ankle exam?
Simmons test (for Achilles’ tendon rupture)
How is special test for foot and ankle performed?
Ask patient to lie prone and squeeze calf, look for plantar flexion on foot. If absent could be Achilles’ tendon rupture
What is the function test for ankle exam?
Ask patient to brace against wall and stand on tip toes
Where do you palpate on foot and ankle exam?
Metotarsalphalangeal, mid-tarsal and sub talar joints
Medical and lateral malleoli
Anterior joint line
Achilles tendon, palpation of individual toes of indicated
Define varus malformation
Medial angulation towards the midline
Define valgus malformation
Deformation angled laterally away from the midline
What movements need to be tested in foot and ankle examination?
Toe flexion and extension
Ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion
Inversion and eversion (sub Tamar joint)
Rotation (mid foot)
How does one test for common perineal nerve function in foot and ankle exam?
Toe extension and sensation on the dorsum of the foot
How does one test for tibial nerve function in a foot and ankle exam?
Plantar flexion and sensation on the sole of the foot
What vessels need to be palpated in foot and ankle exam?
Posterior tibial (behind medial malleolus) and dorsalis pedis
What structures need to be palpated in elbow exam
Olecranon process, medial and lateral epicondyles and radial head
What is the function test for elbow exam?
Move hand behind head and hands toward mouth
What are the special tests for elbow exam?
Medial epicondylitis palms up extend, and flex against resistance
Lateral epicondylitis pals down, flex and extend against resistance
How does one test for ulnar nerve function in an elbow exam?
Resisted abduction of little finger
Sensation on lateral side of little finger
How does one test for median nerve function in an elbow exam?
Abductor pollicis brevis and thumb sensation
How does one test for radial nerve function in an elbow exam?
Wrist extension and sensation of the dorsum of hand at base of thumb
What are heberdens nodes?
Firm knobbly swellings on the distal interphalangeal joints caused by osteophytes due to osteoarthritis
What are bouchard’s nodes?
Firm knobbly swellings on the proximal interphalangeal joints caused by osteophytes due to osteoarthritis
What does one need to feel in a hand and wrist exam?
Thenar eminences, flexor tendons, anatomical snuffbox, MCPs, DIPs, PIPsabd vase of thumb (using thumb and index finger). Styloid process of radius and ulnar head