Neurology Flashcards
What are the components of a neurological systems review?
Fits/faints/funny turns? Headaches? Memory problems? Altered vision? Hearing difficulties? Speech and swallowing difficulties? Weakness? Numbness/ tingling? Balance coordination issues? Incontinence/erectile dysfunction?
Define Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Type of Motor Neuron Disease, typically has LMN signs in arms and UMN signs in legs. Can have genetic component, chromosome 21
What are headache red flags?
High severity headache, fever, new onset neurological deficit, cognitive dysfunction, change in personality, recent head trauma (3months), made worse by cough, sneeze, exercise or change in posture, halos around lights or worse in dark, jaw claudication answers scalp tenderness.
What is the MRC grading scale for power assessment?
0) no power
1) twitching but no movement
2) movement, but cannot overcome gravity
3) can overcome gravity
4) movement against gravity and resistance
5) normal muscle strength
What structures are composed of upper motor neurons?
Motor cortex
Spinal cord
White matter tracts
What structures make up lower motor neurons?
Motor nerves
Nerve root
Neuromuscular junction
Anterior horn cell
What are the signs of UMN disease?
Increased reflexes
Increased tone
What are the signs of LMN disease?
Decreased reflexes, normal/decreased tone, fasciculations
What is brown-sequard syndrome?
A hemi section of the spinal cord. Causes UMN signs ipsilateral to the side of injury. Additionally there will be decreased sensation of vibration and proprioception ipsilaterally. HOWEVER as the spinothelamic tracts decussate upon entering spinal cord pain and temperature sensation will be diminished on the contralateral leg
Where would a lesion causing homonymous hemianopia be?
Occipital cortex or optic radiation
Where would a lesion be causing bitemporal hemianopia?
Optic chiasm
Where would a lesion causing monocular blindness be?
Optic nerve
What are CT scans used for?
Identifies acute collections of blood, use in trauma, sub arch harmorrhage, stroke and polycystic kidney disease + headache
What do you use MRI for?
Intrinsic brain/spine pathology. Use in MS, suspected caused equina
Derangements of what electrolytes can result in limb weakness?
Potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium