Orthodontic Clincial Exam Flashcards
When is the right time for an orthodontic check up ?
No later than the age of 7 (already have posterior molars) (impacted canines take a long time, minimum 3 years)
Can you treat a class III after age 9?
No you would have to wait until complete growth
What is our goal?
Recognize orthodontic problems that should ideally be adresssed
What is the purpose?
Develop a diagnostic database
Order of clinical exam to tx plan
Clinical exam —> diagnostic database —> problem list —> TX objectives —> Tx plan
Elements of the diagnostic database
Orthodontic clinical exam, orthodontic records
Patient interview purpose
Establish chief complaint
Frontal view
Profile view
Frontal view
Facial thirds, symmetry
Profile view
Lips, nose, chin relationship
(Convex, straight, concave)
Amount of incisor and gingival display on smile
Buccal corridors
Tooth proportions
Black triangles
Tooth contacts
Skeletal classification
Horizontal distance of the upper incisor ahead of the lower incisors
Negative overjet
Upper incisors are behind the lower incisors
Class III
Vertical distance, the upper incisors overlap the lower incisors
Upper back teeth fit inside lower teeth
Upper and or lower teeth are crowded
Deep bite
Upper front teeth cover lower front teeth too much
Excess spacing
Excess space between teeth
Mid line misalignment
Mid-lines of upper and lower arches do not line up
Open bite
Back teeth are together with space between the front teeth
Lower front teeth protrude
Radiographs evaluate
AP and vertical relationship
Skeletal and dental
Growth status - do different to during different stages of growth
Dental development and eruption
Identification of missing teeth
Presence of pathology