Ortho Final Leg/Ankle/Foot Flashcards
Motion of Talocrural Joint
Motion of Subtalar joint
Contributes to supination/Pronation
Motion of Transverse Tarsal Joint
Contributes to pronation/supination
Extrinsic muscles of the foot
tibialis anterior/posterior
Fibularis Longus
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot
Abductor Hallucis
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Quadratus Plantae
Primary ligaments that support the arch of the foot?
Long Plantar Ligament
Short Plantar Ligament
Plantar Calcaneonavicular Ligament (spring)
Plantar Fascia
Anterior Dorsiflexion
Tib Anterior
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Lateral (Eversion)
Fibularis Longus
Fibularis Brevis
Deep Posterior (Inversion)
Tibialis Post
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Superficial Posterior (Plantar Flexion)
Gastroc Soleus
Where are 2 Sesamoid bones on the foot?
On the plantar side of the 1 MTP joint in the tendon of Flexor Hallucis BREVIS
Ankle muscles work to togeether to allow the foot to do what?
- Keep foot from catching in gait - Dorsiflex
- Propel body forward (Plantar Flex)
- Maintain ankle stability in standing and Gait (inv/ev)
- Maintain balance
What is the Great Toe (Hallux) most needed for
Propulsion and Balance
The forefoot and lower leg are linked together through what structure?
If the rear foot is hypomobile…
the forefoot will make up for it
What does PES Cavus do?
foot cannot absorb shock and puts more pressure onto met heads and calcaneus
What does PES planus do?
Foot cannot be a rigid lever leading to more stress on support muscles, ligaments, and 1st MTP
Inversion Sprain (roll ankle, most common)
Damage to one of all lateral ligaments
Eversion Sprain
Damage to deltoid ligament
High Ankle Sprain
damage to the interosseous membrane and distal tibiofibular ligaments
(from excessive DF and foot forced outward)
What is the most common stress fracture?
followed by metatarsals
Should exercises for stress fractures be open chain or closed chain?
OPEN Chain
What do you stretch for Tib Anterior (Lateral Shin Splints) Tendoinitis ?
Tibialis Anterior
Gastroc Soleus
What do you Strengthen for Tib Anterior (Lateral Shin Splints) Tendonitis?
Tib Anterior with Eccentric Control
*exercises with orthotics to minimize over pronation
What do you stretch for Tib Posterior (Medial Shin Splints) Tendonitis?
Gastro Soleus
(fibularis longus/brevis)
What do you strengthen for Tib Posterior (Medial Shin Splints) Tendonitis?
Tib Posterior (Inversion) with eccentric control