Ortho Flashcards
torticollis in infancy
wry (twisted) neck deformity
contracture of the sternocleidomastoid (forms an intramuscular fibroma)
torticollis is caused in newborns by
uterine malposition (breech delivery) birth trauma
DDx of torticollis in older CH
neurogenic/CNS mass inflammatory (local head & neck infxns) traumatic ocular strabismus hysterical & psychiatric
Dx of torticollis often requires?
simple radiographs
consider CT of brain to uncover neurogenic causes
tx of torticollis
ROM exercises
occasionally surgically released
scoliosis is?
lateral curvature of the spine
often assoc. w/ rotation
idiopathic in 80% of cases
historical factors suggesting a pathologic cause
left thoracic curves are more often associated w/ spinal pathology (syrinx or tumor)
midline skin lesion
screening exam for scoliosis should be performed when?
< 12 yrs
standing erect (plumb line) and toe-touch
leg length comparison (screeens for compensatory scoliosis)
radiographs for scoliosis indicated for?
5 degrees or more
higher risk of progression
DDx of pathologic scoliosis
secondary congenital neuromuscular constitutional traumatic neoplastic
secondary scoliosis
muscle spasm
leg length discrepancy
congenital scoliosis
d/o of spinal development
often w/ bone, renal, urogenital or neural abnormalities
neuromuscular scoliosis
cerebral palsy
muscular dystrophy
spinal muscular atrophy
constitutional scoliosis
metabolic d/o’s
scoliosis curve severity
0-15 degrees 15-25 25-45 45+ 60+
mgnt of scoliosis
unlikely to progress monitor regularly bracing vs. operative operative intervention may cause pulmonary compromise
CH & walking general info
infants bend their hips, knees & ankles more than adults to improve balance
their ft are externally rotated & widely spread
they walk at a faster cadence but a slower velocity b/c of shorter stride length
on avg, infants begin to crawl when
9 months
on avg kids begin to walk w/ assistance at
12-14 months
on avg. kids begin to walk independently when
15 months
on avg kids begin to run when?
@ 18 months
ch develop a nml adult gait pattern around what age?
3 yo
genu varum
tibial bowing
nml up to 6 mon-2yrs
genu valgum
knock knees
nml at ages 3-8 yrs
concerning features of a limp
nocturnal pain/limp
pain at rest
systemic findings: fever, wt loss, lymphadenopathy, HSM
pain out of proportion to exam findings
PE for limping
general exam, inspect bilaterally attention to contusions, erythema, edema, rashes & temp of affected area ROM of affected & adjacent joints neurovascular status & strength gait: do your best
plain radiographs
fx, effusion, lytic lesions, osteoid osteoma
knee pain may be reflection of hip patho
in CH that lacks obvious focus of pain
limited in acute osteomylelits
why are plain radiographs limited in acute osteomyelitis?
appears on x-ray up to 1 wk after onset of pain
ULS for limping
effusion- esp. for hips
developmental dysplasia of hip
bone scan for limping
useful for eval of acute osteomyelitis & suble fx’s
MRI for limping
mores specific for osteomyelitis & neoplasm
labs for infxn & limping
CBC blood cx ESR CRP consider Lyme titers
labs for muscle tenderness & limping
renal fx if CK elevated
return to exam to ensure no necrotizing fasciitis
joint aspiration & limping
include Gram stain, cx, cell count, glucose & protein of fluid
DDx of limping- causes localized to the limb
strain, sprain, contusion fx limp length inequality transient (toxic) synovitis septic arthritis osteomyelitis developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH) slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) Legg-Calve-Perthes dz (LCPD) Osgood-Schlatter patellofemoral syndrome osteoid osteoma neoplasm of bone, joint of soft tissue
DDx for limping trivial causes
hair tourniquets (may NOT be trivial) blisters nail trauma ill-fitting shoes subcutaneous FBs plantar warts
DDx for limping & systemic causes of arthritis
Henoch-Schoenlein purpura (HSP) rheumatologic dz Kawasaki dz serum sickness Lyme dz IBD gonorrhea & meningococcemia neoplasm
DDx limping and abdominal pathology
psoas muscle abscess
DDx limping and pelvic pathology
PID or abscess
ovarian torsion/cysts
DDx limping & genitourinary pathology
testicular torsion/ epididymitis
inguinal hernia
DDx limping & back pathology
muscle strain
discitis, herniated disc
DDx limping & neurologic pathology
tumor: spinal/cerebral/cerebellar/retroperitoneal
A 0-2 yr old comes into the office with hip pain. What’s on your DDx?
DDH (developmental dysplasia of hip)
septic arthritis
A 3-5 yr old comes into the office w/ hip pain. What is on your DDx?
transient synovitis
A 4-7 yr old comes into the office w/ hip pain. What is your DDx?
A 10-15 yr old comes into office w/ hip pain. DDx?
A 0-2 yr old w/ knee pain. DDx?
septic arthritis
A 10-15 yr old w/ knee pain. DDx?
subluxing patella chondromalacia
Osgood Schlatter