Cardiology Flashcards
Chest pain is a frequent pediatric complaint & is most often related to what?
musculoskeletal in origin
CP & older children are most likely to have what type of reason for it?
younger CH are more likely to have CP d/t what?
respiratory dz: cough, asthma, pneumonia
etiologies of CP
MS idiopathic psychogenic/psychiatric respiratory d/o's GI cardiac breast pulmonary vascular d/o's toxic exposure
approach to CP
acute vs. chronic pleuritic vs. non-pleuritic co-morbid risk factors herald signs of serious causes r/o severe distress
heral signs of serious causes
CP w/ exertion
acute pain that is acutely worsening
acute onset of fever w/ CP
findings on hx or exam referable to cardiac or respiratory systmes
chest tenderness is very reassuring against what?
cardiac source
initial workup for CP usually starts w/ what?
chest plain film
MS sources of CP
chest tenderness w/ or w/o mvnt overuse injury/strain of chest wall m. direct trauma slipping rib syndrome precordial catch (Texidor's twinge) costochondritis
direct trauma & CP
rib fracture
contusion of chest wall
slipping rib syndrome
involves 8th, 9th, 10th ribs slipping & impinging on intercostal n.
precordial catch (Texidor’s twinge)
sharp pain at the left sternal border, lasts < 3 mins
pain at sites of costal cartilage reproduced by eliciting tenderness over the costochondral junctions or with AP compression of the chest
involves pleuritic CP
respiratory source of CP
illnesses w/ persistent/forceful cough pneumonia +/- pleural effusion asthma +/- pneumomediastinum spontaneous pneumothorax pleurisy
some causes of spontaneous pneumothorax
cystic fibrosis
Marfan’s syndrome
pulmonary vascular d/o’s as sources of CP
pulmonary embolism
pulmonary HTN
acute chest syndrome
pulmonary embolism
rare in CH but can occur in those with risk factors
classic presentation= acute onset of pleuritic CP, dyspnea, hypoxia- presentation not always classic
risk factors for pulmonary embolism in CH
oral contraceptives
termination of pregnancy
trauma, particularly of lower extremities
pulmonary HTN
pain typically related to underlying heart or lung dz
acute chest syndrome
chest source crisis in pts w/ sickle cell dz
psychogenic source of CP
anxiety d/o or conversion d/o
anxiety d/o or conversion d/o
relative or friend w/ cardiac dz
FH of depression, somatization
triggered by stress
GI source of CP
reflux esophagitis
intrathoracic FB
pill esophagitis
reflux esophagitis sx’s
burning, substernal pain- worse w/ reclining or certain pain
may be assoc. w/ esophageal spasm (mimicks angina)
severe cases complicated by esophageal candidiasis
mammary source of CP
females: mastitis, thelarche, pregnancy, fibrocystic dz
males: gynecomastia
cardiac source of CP
rare cause of CP in CH
co-morbid risk factors raise likelihood of cardiac-source CP
cardiac ischemia
myocardial infarction
mitral valve prolapse
pericarditis & myocarditis
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM)
what are some co-morbid risk factors that raise the likelihood of cardiac-source CP
Kawasaki’s dz
chronic anemia
stimulant use- cocaine, amphetamines
cardiac ischemia may result from
anomalous coronary arteries
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO)- coarctation of the aorta, aortic dissection
cardiac infxn
embolic phenomena- endocarditis, aneurysm d/t Kawasaki dz
medium vessel vasculitis
pulmonary HTN, valvular dz (congenita or acquired), cardiomyopathy, subaortic stenosis, arrhythmia
myocardial infarction
rare in CH
herald sign- pain w/ exertion
what is a herald sign
pain w/ exertion
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM)
autosomal dominant inheritance
systolic murmur worsening w/ change from lying to standing or w/ squat/Valsalva (procedures that reduce blood return to ventricles-reduced preload)
pain w/ exertion
fever respiratory distress sharp, stabbing substernal CP often unable to lie flat (pain improves w/ sitting up or leaning forward) friction rub, distant heart sounds jugular venous distension pulsus paradoxus
what are you looking for in pre-sports physicals?
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM)
if a murmur worsens with reduced preload, most likely d/t what?
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM)
pain develops over a few days fever systemic symptoms (vomiting, lightheadedness, etc.) gallop rhythm (S3, S4 sounds) tachycardia orthostatic HoTN CXR- cardiomegaly abnormal EKG
what is the MC pediatric dysrhythmia?
supraventricular tachycardia
pediatric arrhythmias
sinus arrhythmia can be very pronounced in CH- HR slows w/ expiration
mechanisms of pediatric arrhythmias include
intra-atrial reentry
AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
AV accessory conduction- Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, slurred upstroke of the QRS (delta wave)
murmur description
intensity (grade I-VI)
timing- relationship to cardiac cycle, duration
variation w/ position- increase in intensity w/ lying to standing or Valsalva in generally concerning for HOCM
how loud it is I- can barely hear it w/ stethoscope II III IV V VI- can hear w/o stethoscope
harsh & soft
holosystolic- you don’t hear S2
midsystolic/earlysystolic- you hear the heart beat in between
will localize to specific valves
all murmurs that come from the heart that are normal are?
systolic murmurs