Endocrinology Flashcards
Hypoglycemia in neonates
very common 1st 3 days of life (metabolic needs outstrip E stores)
serum level <55 mg/dL +symptoms= abnormal
DDx of hypoglycemia- causative illness
heart failure
liver dysfunction
DDx of hypoglycemia- intoxications
drug effects
ackee fruit
DDx of hypoglycemia- inadequate substrate
ketotic hypoglycemia
maple syrup urine dz
DDx of hypoglycemia
hyperinsulinism including factitious (Munchausen by proxy)
DDx of hypoglycemia counter-regulatory hormone deficiency & metabolic d/or inhibiting normal response
gluconeogenesis glycogenolysis fatty acid oxidation organic acid metabolic d/o galactosemia
Adrenal basics
hypothalamus makes CRH
CRH stimulates pituitary
pituitary makes ACTH
ACTH stimulates adrenal cortisol & androgen production
Adrenal aldosterone production is related to?
renin & angiotensin, not really ACTH
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
caused by absence of adequate adrenal function
adrenals may be congenitally hypertrophic from excess pituitary stimulus
may be obvious at birth d/t ambiguous genitalia at birth (excess steroid precursors converted to excess androgens)
salt-losing congenital adrenal hyperplasia
infants- manifests as mineralocorticoid deficiency, usu. w/o virilization
hyponatremia & hyperkalemia by age 5 to 7 days
MCC of salt losing CAH
21-hydroxylase deficiency
salt-losing CAH presentation
often mistaken for hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
in HPS, hypochloremia & low to normal K+ is present
Tx of salt-losing CAH
oral glucocorticoids & mineralcorticoids
Addison dz (primary adrenal insufficiency)
autoimmune destruction of adrenal cortex
glucocorticoid & mineralcorticoid deficiencies
Addison dz presentation
hyperpigmentation salt craving postural hypotension fasting hypoglycemia episodes of shock w/ severe illness
Tx of Addison dz
oral glucocorticoids & mineralcorticoids
What is secreted in response to low calcium
what raises serum calcium & depresses phosphate?
low PTH, low calcium, high phosphate confirms what?
a problem w/ PTH production= hypoparathyroidism
hypoparathyroidism often results from?
DiGeorge syndrome
what is necessary for PTH production?
neonatal tetany may result from?
dietary hyperphosphatemia in a newborn fed cow’s milk
rickets results from what type of deficiency?
Vitamin D
not from hypoparathyroidism
vitamin D (after hydroxylation twice) enhances what?
calcium absorption & bone deposition
typically d/t trauma or shock
tx of panhypopituitarism
growth hormone replacement (esp. in CH)
thyroxine replacement
glucocorticoid replacement
diabetes insipidus (free water loss, hypernatremia)-tx w/ desmopressin
attention to sex hormone replacement depending on age & gender
Diabetes Mellitus
defined as fasting blood sugar >126 mg/dL
2-hr postprandial blood sugar over 200
sporadic hyperglycemia is common in children when?
during illness
screening test for DM (diagnostic in adults)
glycated hemoglobin (HgbA1C)
Type I DM
insulin deficiency
autoimmune destruction of pancreatic B cells
What is the MC endocrine problem in CH?
Type I DM
1/300-500 under 18 yo
What is the 1st finding in Type I DM?
postprandial hyperglycemia
Type I DM has higher rates in what population?
People are prone to________________with more complete insulin deficiency
Clinical presentation of Type I DM
polyuria (may manifest as enuresis)
polyphagia (often w/ paradoxical wt loss)
dehydration/ketosis- abdominal pain, vomiting, worsening mental status/fatigue, breath & sweat ketosis
Labs for Type I DM
glucose level
electrolytes & kidney function
UA- glycosuria, ketones, low pH
lab surveys for auto-antibodies & insulin-like growth factor depend on preferences of local endocrinologists
diabetic ketoacidosis
inability to maintain anabolic state
increased glucose levels
increased glucose levels in diabetic ketoacidosis causes what
renal osmotic fluid losses
loss of intravascular fluid volume
loss of total body Na+, K+: reported Na+ artefactually low w/ high glucose
ketosis by lipolysis
acidosis worsened by both ketonemia, lactic acid/ dehydration
What is unusual in diabetic ketoacidosis & confirmation of its source should be determined
Diabetic ketoacidosis tx
restoration of intravascular fluids
restoration of anabolic state
how does restoration of intravascular fluids help in diabetic ketoacidosis
often helps reduce acidosis & glucose levels; excessive IV fluid repletion can cause cerebral edema & be fatal; electrolyte restoration; acid shift will alter K+ levels
how does restoration of anabolic state help in diabetic ketoacidosis
exogenous insulin restored euglycemia & halts ketone production
what often follows the original dx of Type I DM
“honeymoon” period- original DKA set off by acute illness while capacity for insulin production is low but not insufficient for well periods
long term tx goals of type I diabetes
insulin regimen
complications to avoid in chronic mgnt of type I diabetes
renal failure visual impairment cardiovascular dz iatrogenic hypoglycemia ketosis during dehydrating circumstances
type II DM
insulin resistance- hyperinsulinemia, reduced sensitivity to insulin
DKA presentation less common
gradual onset of sx’s
growing more common in younger pts (correlates w/ obesity)