ORTHO Flashcards
Another name for hip pinning
ORIF - Open Reduction Internal Fixation
General Precautions for Hip Pinning
1) Weight Bearing Status
2) Edema Management
3) Look for signs of cast impingement
4) Check pain status
5) No smoking to allow faster healing
6) Check for precautions in specified movements - Physician’s orders
Weight Bearing Precautions
NWB: non-weight bearing, 0% through the fracture site - 6 to 8 weeks duration
TDWB: touch down weight bearing, 25% of the individual’s weight may be placed through the fractured part of the body - 2-4 weeks duration
PWB: partial weight bearing - 50% of the individual’s weight may be placed through the fractured part of the body - 2-4 weeks duration
WBAT: weight bearing as tolerated - 75% of the individual’s weight may be placed through the fractured part of the body
What are the reasons for the precautions for Hip Pinning?
1) Facilitate Healing
2) Decrease Pain
OT Intervention Focus with Hip Pinning
1) Improve Balance
2) Improve Transfers
3) Improve UE ROM
4) Address Endurance - EC/WS or remediate endurance
List any equipment used for Hip Pinning
- Walking device prescribed by PT
- May use dressing equipment if needed at the beginning but not really needed for the hip surgery
Priority Problem List for Hip Pinning
1) Standing Balance
2) Mobility
3) UE Muscle Strength
4) ADL
5) Endurance
What is another name for Hip Replacement?
THA - Total Hip Arthroplasty
What are the general precautions for Hip Replacement?
Movement restriction
Movement Restriction for Posterolateral approach
- No hip flexion over 90 degrees - no bending
- No Adduction - no crossing legs, knees or ankles
- No internal rotation - no wiggling foot inward - pigeon toe
Movement Restriction for Anterolateral approach (anterior lateral approach
No hyper extension of legs - bringing leg back
- No Adduction - no crossing legs, knees, ankles
- No external rotation - no wiggling foot outward - duck foot
What is the reason for the precaution for the hip replacements?
Precautions: movement restriction to prevent dislocation
OT Intervention Focus for Hip Replacements
1) Precautions Management
2) Improve Functional Mobility - bed mobility and transfers
3) Improve UE muscle strength / improve endurance
List equipments for Hip Replacement
1) Sock Aid
2) Reacher
3) Dressing Stick
4) LH shoe horn
5) LH sponge bath
6) raised toilet seat
7) Shower bench
8) Leg lifter
9) Adapted Shoes
Priority Problem List for Hip Replacements
1) Precautions
2) ADL
3) Mobility
4) UE Muscle Strength
5) Standing Balance
6) Endurance