- Which amongst the following is not a cause of acquired
(a) Infection of mastoid
(b) Trauma to TMJ
(c) Infection of the middle ear
(d) Infection of inner ear
(d) Acquired micrognathia is of postnatal origin and results
usually from disturbance in the area of the temporomandibular
joint like infection of mastoid, middle ear or
joint itself.
- Which amongst the following is not a clinical feature of
(a) Steep mandibular angle
(b) Severe retrusion of chin
(c) Prominent chin button
(d) Deficient chin button
(c) Micrognathia is characterized by severe retrusion of chin,
steep mandibular angle and a deficient chin button.
- Indicate the incorrect statement regarding macrognathia
(a) It is commonly associated with Paget’s disease
(b) Patients tend to have a short ramus
(c) Excessive condylar growth predisposes to macrognathia
(d) Patients have a prominent chin button
(b) Macrognathia may be associated with other diseases like
Paget’s disease, fibrous dysplasia, acromegaly, etc. and
shows features like increased ramus height and length of
6 MCQs in Oral Pathology
mandibular body, decreased maxillary length, prominent
chin button increased gonial angle, etc.
- Facial hemiatrophy is not associated with which of the following
(a) Bell’s palsy
(b) Trigeminal neuralgia
(c) Jacksonian epilepsy
(d) Delayed eruption of teeth
(a) Progressive hemifacial atrophy is an uncommon,
degenerative condition characterized by atrophic changes
affecting one side of the face. Possible causes include trophic
malfunction of the cervical lymphatic nervous system,
trauma and viral or Borrelia infection.
- Cleft of the primary palate occurs
(a) Anterior to incisive foramen
(b) Posterior to incisive foramen
(c) Between lateral incisor and canine
(d) Between canine and 1st premolar
(a) A complete cleft palate includes cleft of hard palate, soft
palate and uvula. Cleft anterior to the incisive foramen is
called cleft of primary palate, while cleft posterior to incisive
foramen is defined as cleft of secondary palate
- Minimal form of clefting of palate is seen in
(a) Soft palate
(b) Uvula
(c) Hard palate and soft palate
(d) Posterior to incisive foramen
(b) Clefting occurs in a wide range of severity. Clefting of uvula
is the minimal form of cleft.
- Increased risk of development of squamous cell carcinoma
is associated with which of the following developmental
(a) Cheilitis granulomatosa
(b) Heck’s disease
(c) Cheilitis glandularis
(d) Fibromatosis gingivae
(c) It is an unusual clinical presentation of cheilitis that develops
in response to various sources of chronic irritation. There
is progressive enlargement and eversion of lower lip that
significantly exposes it to actinic damage which may be a
potential predisposing factor to development of squamous
cell carcinoma.
- If a patient has multiple intestinal polyps, cutaneous melanocytic
macules, rectal prolapse and gynecomastia, he/she is probably
suffering from
(a) Gardner syndrome
(b) Goltz-Gorlin syndrome
(c) Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
(d) Grinspan syndrome
(c) It is an autosomal dominant, inherited disorder characterized
by multiple intestinal polyps and concomitant
mucocutaneous melanocytic macules
- Fordyce’s granules is heterotopic collection of _______ in oral
(a) Sweat glands
(b) Salivary glands
(c) Hair follicles
(d) Sebaceous glands
(d) Occurrence of sebaceous glands in oral cavity may result
from inclusion in oral cavity, of ectoderm having some of
the potentialities of skin.
- Heck’s disease is caused by ________ virus
(a) Herpes simplex
(b) Human papilloma
(c) Varicella zoster
(d) Epstein-Barr
(b) It is caused by human papillomavirus HPV-13 and probably
HPV-32. It is different from other HPV lesions in that it
produces extreme acanthosis and hyperplasia of stratum
spinosum with minimal surface projection or connective
tissue proliferation
- A well-circumscribed, soft, sessile, bilateral, nodular mass which
is located lingual to mandibular canines between mucogingival
junction and free gingiva could most likely be
(a) Peripheral giant cell granuloma
(b) Pyogenic granuloma
(c) Retrocuspid papilla
(d) Peripheral ossifying fibroma
(c) Retrocuspid papilla is a developmental lesion microscopically
similar to giant cell fibroma. It occurs on the
gingiva lingual to the mandibular cuspid, is frequently
bilateral and typically appears as a small, pink papule that
measures less than 5 mm in diameter.
- Which amongst the following is not a cause of macroglossia?
(a) Hemangioma
(b) Lymphangioma
(c) Down’s syndrome
(d) Leukemia
(d) It is an uncommon condition characterized by enlargement
of the tongue. The enlargement may be caused by
a wide variety of conditions including both congenital
malformations and acquired diseases. The most frequent
causes are vascular malformations and muscular
- Which one of the following is a synonym of fissured tongue?
(a) Lingua nigra
(b) Scrotal tongue
(c) Geographic tongue
(d) Lingual varix
(b) Scrotal/fissured tongue is a common condition characterized
by presence of numerous grooves on dorsal surface of
tongue. Cause is uncertain but may be heredity. Aging and
local environmental factors may also play some role.
- Median rhomboid glossitis occurs
(a) Anterior to circumvallate papillae
(b) Posterior to circumvallate papillae
(c) Tip of tongue
(d) Lateral border of tongue
(a) Clinically median rhomboid glossitis appears as a welldemarcated
erythematous zone that affects the midline,
posterior dorsal tongue and often is asymptomatic
- Histopathological features of benign migratory glossitis closely
resemble that of
(a) Lichen planus
(b) Psoriasis
(c) Systemic lupus erythematosus
(d) Erythema multiforme
(b) Hyperparakeratosis, spongiosis, acanthosis, elongation of
epithelial rete ridges and collections of neutrophils (Munro
abscesses) are also seen in psoriasis.
- Amongst the following causes, the least probable cause of hairy
tongue is
(a) Smoking
(b) Poor oral hygiene
(c) Epstein-Barr virus
(d) Radiation therapy
(c) Epstein-Barr virus is responsible for causing hairy
leukoplakia which occurs on the lateral surfaces of tongue
and is associated with HIV or other immunosuppressive
- A nodular mass near base of tongue with presenting complaints
of dyspnea and dysphagia and without a demonstrable
thyroid gland could most probably be
(a) Reactive lymphoid aggregate
(b) Lymphoid hamartoma
(c) Lingual thyroid nodule
(d) Lymphoepithelial cyst
(c) Lingual thyroids may range from small, asymptomatic
nodular lesions to large masses that can block the airway.
The most common clinical symptoms are dysphagia,
dysphonia, and dyspnea. Diagnosis is best established by
thyroid scan using technetium 99m
- Stafne cyst/Stafne defect is an aberrant collection of _____ gland
tissue within a deep depression in the mandible
(a) Sweat glands
(b) Sebaceous glands
(c) Mucous glands
(d) Salivary glands
(d) Stafne defect presents as an asymptomatic radiolucency
below the mandibular canal in the posterior mandible,
between the molar teeth and the angle of the mandible.
- Apart from maxillary lateral incisor, which other tooth is
commonly affected by microdontia?
(a) Mandibular premolars
(b) Maxillary canines
(c) Mandibular central incisors
(d) Third molars
(d) Isolated microdontia within an otherwise normal dentition
is not uncommon. The maxillary lateral incisor is affected
most frequently, followed by third molars.
- Fusion of teeth involves a confluence of
(a) Enamel only
(b) Enamel and dentin
(c) Dentin only
(d) Cementum only
(b) Fusion is defined as a single-enlarged tooth or joined (i.e.
double) tooth in which the tooth count reveals a missing
tooth when the anomalous tooth is counted as one.
- In association with which syndrome does talon cusp usually
(a) Rubinstein-Taybi
(b) Down
(c) Hereditary ectodermal dysplasia
(d) Gardner
(a) A talon cusp (dens evaginatus of anterior tooth) is a welldelineated
additional cusp that is located on the surface of
an anterior tooth and extends at least half the distance from
the cementoenamel junction to the incisal edge
- Dilated odontome is a synonym of
(a) Dens invaginatus
(b) Talon cusp
(c) Dens evaginatus
(d) Macrodontia
(a) Dens invaginatus is a deep surface invagination of the crown
or root that is lined by enamel. Two forms—coronal and
radicular are recognized
- With which variation in coronal morphology is dens evaginatus
(a) Peg-shaped laterals
(b) Shovel-shaped incisors
(c) Dilaceration
(d) Distomolar
(b) Dens evaginatus is a cusp-like elevation of enamel located
in the central groove or lingual ridge of the buccal cusp
of permanent premolar or molar teeth. Frequently, dens
evaginatus is seen in association with another variation of
coronal anatomy, shovel-shaped incisors. Affected incisors
demonstrate prominent lateral margins, creating a hollowed
lingual surface that resembles the scoop of a shovel.
- The base of invagination of crown/root in dens invaginates
(a) Dystrophic dentin
(b) Dystrophic enamel
(c) Necrotic pulp tissue
(d) Dystrophic cementum
(b) Coronal dens invaginatus has been classified into three
major types. Type I exhibits an invagination that is limited
to the crown. The invagination in Type II extends below the
cementoenamel junction and ends in a blind sac that may
or may not communicate with adjacent dental pulp. Large
invaginations may become dilated and contain dystrophic
enamel in the base of the dilatation. Type III extends through
the root and perforates in the apical or lateral radicular area
without any immediate communication with the pulp.