Origins - Definitions Flashcards
Fundamentalists or Literalist christinans
Take the word of the bible literally and believe everything happened exactly as it’s written in the bible. Their beliefs are based on faith alone
Liberal christian’s
They look at the bible and symbolically and base their beliefs on faith and science reason. An examples of a liberal christian is Pope Francis
Scientific materialist
They completely reject religious explanations for the origins of life and universe, instead looking to empirical evidence and proof which can be trialed and tested. An example of a scientific materialist is Richard Dawkins
General revelation
The ways in which God makes himself known to everyone. E.g. the beauty and complexion of the natural beauty world
Special revelation
When God reveals himself directly to an individual or group - he has chose these people especially e.g Moses and the burning bush
Originating in or based on observations or experience
Ex nihilo
Out of nothing
Imago dei
In Gods image