M+R = Marriage and Divorce Flashcards
Positives of arranged marriages
1) They can take pressure off the couples themselves to meet or marry someone by a certain age
2) Your parents already approve of your parent which can make your relationship easier
Negatives of arranged marriages
1) The parents might not pick someone you like or are interested in and you’re too scared to say no
2) You can feel pressure into it
3) Later in the relationship you may find someone you like by yourself
Why do forced marriages happen
- To ensure land, property and money
- To strengthen family links
- To protect culture ideas
- To control unwanted behaviour or sexuality
Negatives of forced marriages
1) May not like who they’re marrying
2) Emotional effect
3) Honour killings
4) Abuse
Christian view on divorce
“ What god has joined together, let no man separate… anyone who divorces his wife, except for martial unfaithfulness and marries another woman commits adultery” - Matthew 19:3
Reasons for divorce
- It can end toxic relationships so one person won’t be harmed anymore
- They can escape harmful situations like domestic abuse
- People can get out of forced marriages
Reasons against divorce
1) Can cause lots of problems with custody
2) Can have an emotional impact causing mental health problems
3) Children might blame themselves
4) Young kids won’t understand
Jewish response to divorce
“ If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her… he writes a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house” - Deuteronomy 24:1
Christian view on marriage
“Two are better than one … if either one of them falls down, one can help the other up” - Ecclelastes 4:9
Humanist response to marriage
“Humanists see marriage as an equal partnership that invoke mutual love and respect… you’re free to marry wherever you want and declare your love in a way that feels right for you” - Humanist scottish society
Humanist response to forced marriage
Humanists believe in seeking happiness in your own life and helping others to do the same - they don’t believe in anything that goes against someone’s human rights
Islamic response to forced marriage
“When a man gives his daughter in marriage and she dislikes it, the marriage shall be (rejected) “ - Bukhari 67:43