Origin of Solar Sytem Flashcards
3 Theories of Origin of the Solar System
Planetesimal Theory
Tidal Theory
Nebular Hypothesis
• Proposed by Victor and Safronov and Developed by Thomas Chowder Chamberlin and Forest Ray Moulton
• Describe the formation of the planet as asserted in the nebular hypothesis through the COLLISION BETWEEN THE SUN AND ANOTHER STAR.
• The smaller masses quickly cooled to become solid bodies called _______ .
• As their orbits crossed, the larger bodies grew by absorbing the _______ , thus becoming planets.
Plantesimal Theory
• Proposed: James Hopwood Jeans’ and Harold Jeffreys
• Planets were formed from the SUBSTANCE THAT WAS DRAW OUT OF THE SUN.
• As a speeding MASSIVE STAR passed near the SUN, it pulled off material due to GRAVITATIONAL ATTRACTION.
• The pulled off material subsequently condensed to form the planets.
Tidal Theory
• Developed: Immanuel Kant and Pierre-Simon Laplace in 18th Century
• _____, a great CLOUD OF GAS and DUST begins to COLLAPSE due to GRAVITATIONAL PULL.
• The cloud, the more it contracts, the more rapid it spins.
• Spinning cloud flattens into a pancake-shaped object with a bulge at the centre.
• As ______ collapses further, local regions contract on their own due to gravity. – The local regions become the Sun and the planets.
• Fog Theory a.k.a Kant-Laplace Theory (Five stages of the Solar System Formation)
Nebular Hypothesis
The solar system comes from a high-temperature gas ball. The mass of gas ball ________, and then heating and then become a disk-shaped.
The disk ________ faster and faster, so that no part of the disk that was thrown out and then the temperature decreased.
The disk become a sphere due to rotation, because of fast rotation some of the fog from gas ball mass escape.
Some fog formed the core of the largest mass in the middle, while the small part formed around Accretion cooling process.
The cores of smaller masses turn into planets, while most of the remains in a state of high-temperature flare and call the sun.
• In the Milky Way, a slowly rotating gas and dust cloud dominated by hydrogen and helium starts to contract due to gravity.
• It is almost the same with the nebular hypothesis, but there are some additional aspects from modern knowledge and fluids and states of matter.
Protoplanet Hypothesis
All stars start as a nebula. A nebula is a large cloud of gas and dust. Gravity can pull some of the gas and dust in a nebula together. The contracting cloud is then called a protostar. A protostar is the earliest stage of a star’s life. when the gas and dust from a nebula become so hot that nuclear fusion starts. Once a star has “turned on” it is known as a main sequence star. When a main sequence star begins to run out of hydrogen fuel, the star becomes a red giant o red super giant.
A star is born
After a low or medium mass or star has become a red giant the outer parts grow bigger and drift into space, forming a cloud of gas called a planetary nebula. The blue-white hot core of the star that is left behind cools and becomes a white dwarf. The white dwarf eventually runs out of fuel and dies as a black dwarf.
A dying red super giant star can suddenly explode. The explosion is called a supernova. After the star explodes, some of the materials from the star are left behind. This material may form a neutron star. Neutron stars are the remains of high-mass stars. The most massive stars become black holes when they die. After a large mass star explodes, a large amount of mass may remain. The gravity of the mass is so strong that gas is pulled inward, pulling more gas into a smaller and smaller space. Eventually, the gravity becomes so strong that nothing can escape, not even light.
The most accepted theory of the Solar System
Nebular Hypothesis
They proposed the Nebular Hypothesis
Immanuel Kant and Pierre Simon
5 Stages of the solar system formation
• collapse
• spinning
• flattening
• condensation
• accretion
is a large cloud of gas and dust.
A dying red super giant star can suddenly explode. The explosion is called