Endogenic Processes Flashcards
endo means
Formed located or occurring beneath the surface of the earth.
-geological processes that, occur beneath the surface of the Earth. It is associated with
energy originating in the interior of the solid earth.
-The ground we live on is moving all the time. The forces within the earth that cause the ground to move are called
Endogenic Processes
a German meteorologist, proposed that continents that we know today once been joined together in one giant landmass
Alfred Wegener
continents that we know today once been joined together in one giant landmass called
pangea means
all land
-the theory holds that the outermost rigid layer of the earth os broken into several segments called plates, and these lithospheric plates are in motion.
-the plates are moving at a speed that estimated at 1 to 10 cm per year.
plate tectonics
When two forces push towards each other from opposite sides, the rock layers will bend into folds.The process by which folds are formed are due to compressional forces known as folding. There are large-scale and small-scale folds. Large-scale folds are found mainly along destructive plate boundaries.
The process of forming a fault is faulting. The line of fault which appears on land surface is known as fault line. These lines are often lines of weakness which allow molten rock to rise up onto the eart surface when there is active volcanic activity nearby.
residual heat energy that was present in the earth when it formed 4.5 billion years ago. Heat generated during earth’s formation.
primodial heat
During the early stage of the Solar System formation, gravitational Accretion generated a significant amount of heat contributing to the initial warmth of the young Earth. Heat released from collison of planetary objects uring the early formation of the planets.
accretion energy
Heat generated as materials are compressed, occurs in a close system when gas is compressed without the exchange of heat with its surroundings.
adiabatic conpression
Heat from the earth’s core
core formation energy
Heat generated by long-term radioactive decay.
radioactive heat
direct heat transfer through physical contact
transfer of heat through the movement of fluid, When a fluid, such as air or a liquid, is heated and then travels away from the source, it carries the thermal energy along.
refer to regions within a fluid or substance where heat is transferred through the movement of the material itself. This process is known as convection, and it plays a significant role in various natural phenomena
comvection zones
Happens when magma generated and develops into igneous rocks.
The rising magma in the mantle convection cell brings the heat to the surface, transferring heat to the overlying rocks. The transfer of heat due to the convection is accompanied by a decrease in pressure or decompression associated with the spreading of the tectonic plates.
mid oceanic ridges
The transfer of heat and the compression result to magma generation. The source of heat for ________ is much deeper. Magma froms by pressure, high temperature, magma chambers- once magma is formed, it collects and accumulate in magma chambers.
mantle plumes
are regions where one tectonic plate is being pushed beneath another into the Earth’s mantle. As the subducting plate descends into the mantle, the high pressure and heat cause it to undergo a process called partial melting.
subduction zones
The chemical components and geologic characteristics of the rock change because of exposure to heat & pressure.
Rocks push or squeeze against one another where the stress produced is directed towards the center.
Rocks pulled apart. Rocks may separate in opposite direction.
Some of the portion of a plate at the edge may break away in different directions. Eventually making the plate smaller inside.
The crust become compact, thus making it look smaller.
the formation of igneous rock by solidification of magma beneath the earth’s surface.
-is part of endogenic process that explain how rocks are made deep within the Earth as molten materials cools and becomes solid.
is the process by which the hot molten materials from the earth’s interior finds its way out. The phenomenon of eruption of molten rocks(magma) onto the surface of the Earth or a solid-surface planet.
A volcano is a vent or opening on planet’s surface which allows molten rock called magma, volcanic ash and gas to escape out onto its surface. A volcano gives a look like a mountain from which lava erupts. The hot magma erupting from a volcano is called lava.
funnel shaped pit at the top of a volcano. Formed when material is blown out of the volcano by explosions
when the Volcano collapses due to an empty magma chamber
often form the largest and tallest volcanoes. They are the most explosive and dangerous of the types of volcanoes.
composite volcanoes
Usually smaller in size than composite volcanoes, and the eruptions are smaller also. They form into steep cone shaped hills.
cinder cone volcanoes
do not erupt or explode like composite or cinder cone volcanoes. this volcanoes have much smaller eruptions producing less ash.
Shield volcanoes
are tiny bits of rocks and volcanic materials that get blasted into the air during volcanic eruptions.
- Low viscosity magma -Effusive Lava Flow-slowly moving
-Lava fountains
-Strombolian Activity - intermittent explosive burst of gas
hawaiian eruption
Relatively small but violent explosions of viscous lava Create columns of ash and gas and occasional pyroclastic flows
-Ash plumes, magma viscosity, ash cloud and ash fall, repeated explosion
volcanian eruption
The largest and most violent of all Explosive eruptions, ____ eruptions send columns of pulverized rock, ash, and gases that rise miles into the atmosphere in a matter of minutes.
-vast amount of volcanic gases and ashes, climate impact, Lahars- moving mud flow
pinian eruption
A smooth and Continuous lava crust. ________ forms when the effusion rate is low and consequently the velocity of lava flow is slow. Pahoehoe lava flow is usually at least 10 times slower than typical AA lava flow.
is a rough rubbly crust of a lava flow. It is a major lava flow type.
AA lava
- A distinctive lava flow Morphology that has been appearing in our dredges is form when hot lava flows into water and cools rapidly, creating long tubes and bulbous pillow-Shaped mounds of rock. are found not only in the ocean but also under glaciers that overlie volcanoes.
pillow lava
lava flows are common if the silica content of lavas is higher (composition of basaltic andesite to rhyolite). Associated by low-intensity eruptions.
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