origin/insertion/action/NS Flashcards
brachiocephalicus (cleidomastoideus) O/I
O: clavicular intersection, I: mastoid process
brachiocephalicus (cleidobrachialis) O/I
O: clavicular intersection, I: crest of humerus
sternocephalicus O/I
O: manubrium of sternum, I: ramus of mandible
trapezius cervicis O/I
O: funiculus nuchae, I: spine of scapula
trapezius thoracis O/I
O: supraspinous ligament, I: spine of scapula
brachiocephalicus (cleidomastoideus) A/NS
A: unilateral - advances limb or turns head, NS: accessory, axillary and cervical nerves
brachiocephalicus (cleidobrachialis) A/NS
A: bilateral - flexes head and neck, NS: accessory, axillary and cervical nerves
sternocephalicus A/NS
A: unilateral - turns head and neck, bilateral - flexes head and neck, NS: ventral branch of accessory nerve
trapezius cervicis A/NS
A: elevate, advance scapula, NS: dorsal branch of accessory nerve
trapezius thoracis A/NS
A: elevate, retract scapula, NS: dorsal branch of accessory nerve
gluteus medius O/I
O: aponeurosis of longissimus lumborum, ilium, and sacrosciatic ligament, I: greater trochanter of femur
biceps femoris O/I
O: sacrum, sacrosciatic ligament, ischial tuber, I: fascia lata-patella, lateral patellar ligament, calcaneal tuber
semitendinosus O/I
O: Cd 1-2 and ventral part of ischial. tuber, I: tibial crest, crural fascia, calcaneal tuber
gluteus medius A/NS
A: extend hip and abduct thigh, NS: cranial gluteal, caudal gluteal
biceps femoris A/NS
A: extend hip and abduct thigh, NS: caudal gluteal and sciatic
semitendinosus A/NS
A: extend hip, flex stifle, extend hock, NS: caudal gluteal and sciatic