origin/insertion/action/NS 2 Flashcards
O: pelvic symphysis, I: medial patellar ligament and medial surface of tibia
quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris)
O: body of ilium, I: tibial tuberosity
quadriceps femoris (vastus lateralis)
O: lateral surface of the femur, I: tibial tuberosity
quadriceps femoris (vastus medialis)
O: medial surface of the femur, I: tibial tuberosity
quadriceps femoris (vastus intermedius)
O: cranial surface of the fermur, I: tibial tuberosity
tibialis cranialis
O: lateral condyle of tibia, I: 3rd metatarsal and tarsal bones 1 and 2
peroneus tertius
O: extensor fossa of femur, I: 3rd metatarsal, 3rd tarsal, calcaneus, 4th tarsal bone
long digital extensor
O: extensor fossa of femur, I: extensor process of 3rd phalanx
lateral digital extensor
O: lateral collateral ligament of stifle joint and adjacent areas of tibia and fibula, I: tendon of insertion of long digital extensor
O: supracondyloid tuberosity of femur, I: calcaneal tuberosity
superficial digital flexor
O: supracondyloid fossa of femur, I: calcaneal tuber, proximal extremity of 2nd phalanx and distal extremity of 1st phalanx
deep digital flexor
O: lateral condyle and lateral border of tibia and fibula, I: flexor surface of 3rd phalanx
interosseus (suspensory ligament)
O: distal row of tarsal bones, and proximal extremity of 3rd metatarsal bone, I: abaxial surface of proximal sesamoids and conjoined tendon of insertion of the long and lateral digital extensor mm.
A: adduct limb, NS: obturator
quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris)
A: flex hip, extend stifle, NS: femoral n.
quadriceps femoris (vastus lateralis)
A: extend stifle, NS: femoral n.
quadriceps femoris (vastus medialis)
A: extend stifle, NS: femoral n.
quadriceps femoris (vastus intermedius)
A: extend stifle, NS: femoral n.
tibialis cranialis
A: flex the hock joint, NS: deep peroneal n.
peroneus tertius
A: flex the hock when the stifle is flexed, extend stifle when tarsus extended, NS: branches of deep peroneal n. (Sensory only)
long digital extensor
A: extend the stifle and digit, flex the hock, NS: deep peroneal n.n
lateral digital extensor
A: extend the digit, flex the hock, NS: superficial peroneal n.
A: flex the stifle joint, extend the hock, NS: tibial n.
superficial digital flexor
A: flex the digit, extend the hock, flex stifle, NS: tibial n.
deep digital flexor
A: flex the digit, extend the hock, NS: tibial n.
interosseus (suspensory ligament)
A: support the fetlock (prevent overextension), NS: branches of tibial n. (sensory only)