Organizational Communication Flashcards
Theories of organizational culture
Organizational cultures are created, perpetuated, and changed through communication.
The importance of being able to “read” organizational culture
- Organizational culture= $$$
- Can predict performance
- Can foretell the future
- Before employment (is this really a place you want to work?)
- When applying pay attention to culture (increases odds of success)
- As a new employee (quick diagnosis= quick success) “Orinetation”
Organizational Culture
Organizational values Mission Goals Beliefs Methods of achieving goals Climate Methods of passing on the culture Rites, rituals, and traditions
Classical Approaches
Based on “the machine metaphor”
- Specialization, Replicability, Standardization, Predictable.
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Classical approaches are problematic!
He created the term “Theory X” to describe a style of management, typical X style manager will think the typical person is lazy and will try to work the least amount
as they can.
- The average person works as little as possible
- People lack ambition, dislike responsibility and prefer to be lead.
-Leaders are special people and
- workers are self centered and don’t have the needs of the organization in mind.
- They resist change
- People are gullible and not particularly bright.
Managers are responsible for organization, control, and the economic interest of the organization.
- employees must be directed and controlled.
- Without this management, people would be passive or even resistant to organizational needs.
Human Relations Approaches
Focus on social factors and satisfaction of the human needs of the worker
- Began in the late 1930’s
EX. Douglas McGregor (1960)
He believed that these Theory X beliefs are widely held, but incorrect.
Advocated Theory Y management
- Work is as natural as play or rest.
- External control and threat of punishment are not the only ways to achieve organizational goals.
- People can exercise self-direction and self-control
- Commitment to organizational objectives is sufficient motivation.
- The average person can learn to accept responsibility and even seek it.
Management Y
Satisfaction and self-actual inaction can be sufficient rewards to motivate achievement.
- humans are naturally imaginative and creative by nature
- Therefore the tools to solve organizational problem are distribute widely (not just in management)
- Under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potential of the average human being are only partially utilized.
The Human Resources Perspective
Recognized abuses of both classical approaches and human relation approaches.
Combines elements of both
- Employees are seen as assets who contribute to organizational goals.
- Cultivate resources
Renisis Likert’s System IV
System 1 TELLS: The exploitive authoritative organization
- Motivation through fear and threats
- Downward (and inaccurate) communication
- Top-level
System II SELLS: Benevolent authoritative organization
- motivation through economic and ego rewards
- Top-down decision making and control
- Does not value exploiting the worker
- Management believe the authoritative style is “best for the worker”
System III CONSULTS: The consultative organization
- Decisions still made at the top
- Employees are consulted
- High lvl of communication
System IV JOINS: The participative organization
- Decision making by all organizational members
- Goals are established by groups
- Control is at lol organizational levels
- Communication is upward, downward, and horizontal
- Value all members contributions