organization of the Immune system Flashcards
430 BC: Plague in Athens
Historian Thucydides wrote: “Only those who had recovered from the plague could nurse the sick because they would not contract the disease a second time”
Reports suggest that the dried crusts derived from smallpox pustules were either inhaled or inserted into small cuts in the skin (a technique called variolation ) in order to prevent this disease.
small pox is caused by
variola major
Edward Jenner 1798
cowpox injection can stop small pox infection
Louis Pasteur
The induction of immunity to Cholera.
Pasteur hypothesized that aging had weakened the virulence of the pathogen and that such a weakened or attenuated strain could be administered to provide immunity against the disease.
He called this attenuated strain.
(from the Latin vacca, meaning “cow”), in honor of Jenner’s work with cowpox inoculation.
Louis Pasteur In 1881
In 1881, Sheep and Bacillus anthracis
Pasteur 1885
In 1885, Pasteur administered his first vaccine to a human, a young boy who had been bitten repeatedly by a rabid dog, was inoculated with a series of attenuated rabies virus preparations.
Elie Metchnikoff In 1883,
Metchnikoff hypothesized that cells, rather than serum components, were the major effectors of immunity
Elvin Kabat, in 1930,
soluble components in serum could neutralize or precipitate toxins and could agglutinate (clump) bacteria
hummoral immunity
Because these antibodies were contained in body fluids (known at that time as the body humors ), the immunologic events they participated in was called
Humoral immunity
passive immunity
This form of immune protection that is transferred between individuals is called passive immunity
Quick solution
Active immunity
Active immunity: Administration of a vaccine or natural infection in the host
antigen – any agent (molecule) that binds to components of the immune response – lymphocytes and their receptors – antibodies and the TcR.
immunogen – any agent capable of inducing an immune response.
hapten – is antigenic but not immunogenic unless it is attached to a carrier molecule of some sort which supplies the immunogenicity.