organization of I.S pt 2 Flashcards
All these immune cells originate
from __?
All these immune cells originate
from Hematopoietic Stem Cells(HSCs
The process by which Hematopoietic Stem Cells(HSCs) differentiate into mature blood cells is called hematopoiesis
Primary lymphoid organs
Primary lymphoid organs
including the Bone marrow and the Thymus
Function: regulate the development of immune cells from immature precursors.
Secondary lymphoid organs
Secondary lymphoid organs
including the spleen, lymph nodes, and specialized sites in the gut and other mucosal tissues
Function: coordinate the encounter of antigen with antigen-specific lymphocytes and their development into effector and memory cells.
where do HSCs reside ?
the bone marrow,
what 2 capabilities are HSCs defined by ?
HSCs are defined by two capacities:
The ability to regenerate or “self-renew”
The ability to differentiate into all diverse blood cell types.
Granulocytes: Neutrophils, Basophils, Mast cells, or Eosinophils
All granulocytes have multi-lobed nuclei
The cytoplasm contains granules that are released in response to contact with pathogens.
Migrate into tissues in response to infection
Myeloid Antigen-Presenting Cells
Myeloid Antigen-Presenting Cells
(monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells)
Professional antigen-presenting cell (APC)
Considered cellular bridges between the innate and adaptive immune systems
what molecules are inside granules of neutrophils
examples of neutrophils
proteases, protease inhib., histamines,
elastase, collagenasem defensinsm lysozyme
function of neutrophils
most abundant
cause direct harm to pathogens, vasodialation, tissue remodeling,
what molecules are inside granules of eosinophils
eosinophil examples
cationic proteins.
cytokines. and
eosinophil peroixdase, major basic proteins (release histamine)
function of eosinophils
induce ROS, anti-parasitic, vasodialation, antiviral activity, modulation of adaptive immunity
what molecules are inside granules of basophil/ mast cells ?
give examples of basophils
cytokine, lipid mediators, histamine
IL4, IL13
Function of basophils
modulation of adaptive immunity, regulate inflammation, vasodialation, smooth m. contraction
Lymphocyes Can be broadly subdivided into three major populations
B and T lymphocytes and NK Cells
B cells mature in _ for birds birds
and __ in mammals.
Bursa of Fabricius in birds
Bone marrow in mammals.
B Cell receptor
BCR is a membrane-bound immunoglobulin (antibody) molecule that binds to antigen.
Activated B cells differentiate into effector cells known as __
Activated B cells differentiate into effector cells known as plasma cells
T Cell Receptor
Only recognize processed pieces of antigen (typically peptides) bound to cell membrane proteins called major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
T Cell diffrentiate into 2 type _ and_
T cytotoxic (TC), T helper (TH) cells
chich type of T cell is CD4 and which is CD8
CD4= helper
Cluster of diffrentiaition
T Helper 1,2 AND 17
T helper type 1 (TH1) cells regulate the immune response to intracellular pathogens
T helper type 2 (TH2) cells regulate the response to many extracellular pathogens.
T helper type 17 cells (TH17), so named because they secrete IL-17, play an important role in cell-mediated immunity and may help the defense against fungi.