Organisatorisk læring, Levitt & March (1988) Flashcards
Hvordan definerer Levitt og March (1988) begrebet ”organisatorisk læring”?
Organisationer lærer ved at indkode historiske erfaringer i de rutiner, der guider adfærden i organisationen.
Hvordan beskriver de “Learning”
… we have defined learning as a process rather than as an outcome.
Hvordan beskriver de “‘Routines”
The generic term “routines” includes the forms, rules, procedures, conventions, strategies, and technologies around which organizations are constructed and through which they operate.
It also includes the structure of beliefs, frameworks, paradigms, codes, cultures, and knowledge that buttress, elaborate, and contradict the formal routines.
Regler, procedurer, teknologier
Hvad er “Kompetencefælder/Competency traps”
A competency trap can occur when favorable performance with an inferior procedure leads an organization to accumulate more experience with it, thus keeping experience with a superior procedure inadequate to make it rewarding to use
Jo mere organisationer udvikler kompetencer til at løse problemer på en specifik måde, jo sværere bliver det at løse det på en ny måde
Hvad er “Superstitious learning”
Superstitious learning occurs when the subjective experience of learning is compelling, but the connections between actions and outcomes are misspecified
Superstitious learning often involves situations in which subjective evaluations of success are insensitive to the actions taken. (… ) the subjective feeling of learning is powerful, but it is misleading.
Hvad er “Organizational Memory”
Routine-based conceptions of learning presume that the lessons of experience are maintained and accumulated within routines despite the turnover of personnel and the passage of time.
Rules, procedures, technologies, beliefs, and cultures are conserved through systems of socialization and control. They are retrieved through mechanisms of attention within a memory structure.
Organisationens evne til at lære og udvikle rutiner. Består af Organizatioal search og Trail-and-error
Hvad er “Diffusion of Experience”
Learning from other organization
(Organizations capture the experience of other organizations through the fer of encoded experience in the form of technologies, codes, procedures, or similar routines (Dutton & Starbuck 1978). This diffusion of experience and routines from other organizations within a community of organizations com- plicates theories of routine-based learning. (329))
Hvad er “Ecologies of learning”
Organizations are collections of subunits learning in an environment that consists largely of other collections of learning subunits (Cangelosi & Dill 1965)
- lærer altså fra organisationer i samme felt og “efterligner” deres rutiner.
Hvad er “Effective learning”
Making organizational learning effective as a tool for com- prehending history involves confronting several problems in the structure of organizational experience:
A. The paucity of experience problem (fortid/fremtid – manglende forudsigelser pba. historie ift. forandringer i omverdenen)
B. The redundancy of experience problem: Ordinary learning tends to lead to stability in routines, to extinguish the experimentation that is required to make a learning process effective.
The complexity of experience problem: Organizational environments involve complicated causal systems, as well as interactions among learning organizations. (333)
Samlet set indebærer “effective learning” en organisations evne til konstant at forbedre sig selv ved at indsamle og dele viden, reflektere over sine handlinger og eksperimentere med nye tilgange
Hvad er “The Intelligence of Learning”/
The concept of intelligence is ambiguous when action and learning occur simultaneously at several nested levels of a system (March 1987)…..
managerial illusions of control, risk taking, and playful experimentation may be more intelligent from the point of view of a community of organizations than from the point of view of organizations that experiment. (335)
Antagelser om adfærd i organisationer
- Mennesker handler ikke nytteoptimerende og rationelt
- Organisationer er derevet af rutiner (“stndard operating procedures”) og handlinger baseret på “logic of appropariateness or legitimacy”
Selvom erfaring ifølge Levitt og March (1988) er et af kernelementerne for organisatorisk læring, udpeger de flere faldgruber eller begrænsninger ved direkte erfaringsbaseret læring. Hvilke to af følgende svarmuligheder er blandt disse?
- Kompetencefælder (competency traps)
- Overtroisk læring (superstitious learning)
(fortolket erfaringer), (flertydig succes)
Hvad mener Levitt & March (1988) organisationer skal gøre, for at blive en effektiv lærende organisation?
Ved at opsamle og indarbejde resultater af erfaringer opbygget gennem organisationens levetid i rutiner, som vil guide organisationens adfærd.
Hvilke to måder lærer organisationer på i følge Levitt og March
Organizatioal search
-Organisationen trækker på de samlet erfaringer de har
-Prøver sig frem og lærer af deres fejl
Hvad er organisatorisk intelligens?
Organisationens evne til at lære af sig selv og de andre organisationer