organic chemistry Flashcards
what is crude oil and how can it be separated
-a mixture of different hydrocarbons
-can be separated by fractional distillation as the different chain lengths of the molecules mean they have different boiling points
describe the fractional distillation of crude oil
-the mixture is vapourised before entering the vapourising column
-the vapours rise, cool and condense according
-the products are separated and removed for different uses
why is cracking needed
to break long carbon chain molecules into smaller more useful molecules
describe thermal cracking
-high temperature
-high pressure
-high proportions of alkanes and alkenes
describe catalytic cracking
-produces aromatic compounds
-lower temperature
-normal pressure
-zeolite catalyst
what are catalytic converters used for
-internal combustion engines may produce oxides of nitrogen (can cause acid rain) and carbon monoxide (toxic gas)
-catalytic converters use a rhodium catalyst to convert these harmful products into more stable products such as CO2 or H2O
why are carbon particulates harmful
-they are small fragments of unburned hydrocarbons
-they can cause respiratory problems and contribute to global dimming
what is flue gas desulfurisation
-the combustion of hydrocarbons that contain sulfur forms sulfur dioxide which causes air pollution and acid rain
-calcium oxide is used to neutralise the gas in flue gas desulfurisation
how do alkanes become halogenoalkanes
-they react with halogens in the presence of UV light
initiation step
Cl2 –> 2Cl*
propagation steps
Cl* + CH4 –> *CH3 + HCl
CH3 + Cl2 –> CH3Cl + Cl
termination step
*CH3 + *CH3 –> C2H6
common nucleophiles
what is nucleophilic substitution for
forms alcohols from halogenoalkanes
what is elimination for
-when a halogenoalkane is heated to a high temperature under alcoholic conditions.
-the nucleophile acts as a base and accepts a proton
-an alkene is formed