Organic Analysis Flashcards
CO2 Test
Bubble through lime water
Solution turns cloudy
H2 Test
Apply a lit splint
A squeaky ‘pop’ occurs
O2 Test
Apply a glowing splint
The splint will re-light
CO32- Test
Add H2SO4
Effervescence (as CO2 is given off)
High/ Low Resolution Mass Spectrometry
high= measure to 1 dp
low= measure to 5 dp
Why can’t a mass spectrometer which measures m/z ratios to 1 decimal place tell the difference between C10H16O4 and C11H4O4?
They have the same molecular mass to 1 decimal place
Why can’t high resolution mass spectrometry tell the difference between propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol?
They have the same molecular formula, so their molecular mass will be exactly the same
Why does C have a relative molecular mass of 12.00000?
12C is a standard reference
Infrared Spectrometry
Infra red energy is absorbed by bonds which makes the bonds vibrate.
The bonds vibrate at the same frequency as the Infra red energy
Inside IR spectrometer
IR passed through sample
Some IR radiation absorbed, some transmitted
Detector plots spectra of IR intensity
Example answer
“The spectrum represents a ketone because it has an absorption matching the C=O bond from 1680-1750cm-1”
Why does the spectrum represents a ketone and not a carboxylic acid?
‘because it has an absorption matching the C=O bond from 1680-1750cm-1 but no O-H peak from 2500-3000 cm-1’
What happens to CO2 when IR hits it?
O-H bonds in water, C=O bonds in CO2, C-H bonds in methane absorb IR radiation
IR emitted by earth not allowed to escape into atmosphere
Distinguishing between Propan-1-ol and Propan-2-ol
These both contain the O-H alcohol
A computer database can be used on the fingerprint region below 1500cm-1 to identify which sample is which alcohol.
How can mass spectrometry be used to confirm that a compound is definitely ethyl butanoate?
Compare with a known spectrum from a database, it should be an exact match