Organ Pathologies Flashcards
LV Blood Deficiency
Pallor, Dizzy
Numbness/tingling limbs
Blur vision Night blindness Dry hair/nails Spasm/cramps Amenorrhea
T: pale
P= thready, choppy
TX pts: nourish blood, tonify LV, LV8, CV4, SP6, ST 36, BL17, 18, 20, 23
LV Yin Deficiency
S/S: Dizzy Insomnia
Numbness/tingling limbs
Blurred vision Dry hair/nails MM weakness/cramps
T= red, no coat
P= floating, empty, rapid
TX points= Tonify LV, nourish yin, clearly empty heat, LV8, CV4, SP6, ST36, KD3, KD6, LV2
LV Qi Stagnation
S/S: Depression, irritable, sighing
Distension breasts, chest, abdomen Poor appetite, belching Dysmennorhea
T= Normal, thin white coat
P= wiry
TX points= Pacify LV, Move Qi, LV3, 13, 14, TW6, PC6, GB34
LV yang rising
S/S: Headache w distension (migraine), Dizziness/vertigo,
Tinnitis, Insomnia,
PMS, Wkns low back/knees
T= red sides
P= wiry, thready, rapid
TX pts= Add GB 20,43,44 to calm mind/pull heat SP6, LV8, ST36 KD3, 6
HT Qi Deficiency
S/S: Palpitations, Shortness of breath, Spontaneous sweating, Listlessness
T= pale, white coat
P= thready, weak, or missed beat
TX pts= Tonify Ht Qi, HT5, PC6, BL15, CV17, CV6, GV14
HT Yang Deficiency
S/S: Palpitations, shortness of breath, chills, cold limbs, cyanosis-lips
T= pale, swollen, wet
P= thready, weak, deep
TX pts= Tonify Ht, warm yang, same pts as Qi (HT5, PC6, BL15, CV17, CV6, GV14)
HT Yang Collapse
S/S: palpitations, feeble, weak, Shallow breathing, profuse sweating, mental cloudy, cold limbs, cyanosis-lips
TX pts= Rescue yang, CV4, 6, 8, GV 4, 14, 20, BL15, 23, PC6, ST36
HT Blood Deficiency
S/S: palpitations, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia, poor memory, pale lips, scanty menses, infertility
T= pale, then, dry
P= choppy, fine
TX= nourish Ht yin, Calm mind, clear heat, HT7, PC6, CV14, 15, CV4, KD7, HT6, SP6
HT Blood Stasis
S/S: palpitations, stabbing/pricking pain, oppression/compression in chest, dysmenor, post partum bleeding
T= purple
P= choppy, wiry, knotted
TX pts= move blood, tonify and warm HT, clam mind, PC4, HT7, CV17, SP10, KD25, BL14, 17
Hyperactive HT
S/S: palpitations, insomnia, restless, flushed face, thirty, heavy period & discharge
T= red w/ ulcers
P= full, rapid
TX pts= clear heat, drain fire, calm mind, HT7, 9 CV15, SP6, LI11, LU7, KD6, GV24, 19
Heat in PC
S/S: Fever at night, confusion, delirium, body hot, cold hands/feet
P= fine, rapid
T= red, dry
TX pts= Clear nutritive Qi, PC9, HT9, KD6, Reduce all but KD6
PC Fire
S/S: palpitations, hot, tight chest, mouth ulcers, rapid breathing, thirst, restless, insomnia, disturbed sleep
T= red, macula’s, swelling tip, yellow coat
P= full, rapid, overflowing
Tx pts= drain PC/HT fire, PC8, HT8, BL14, CV14, 17, LI11, GV19, 24, LV2, SP6
PC Blood Deficiency
S/S: dull ache, stuffiness, in chest, palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, poor memory
T= pale, thin, slightly dry
P= choppy, fine
Tx pts= nourish bl, move qi, PC6, BL14, 17, 20, HT7, CV4, 14, 15, 17
PC Qi Stagnation
S/S: Palpitations, chest pain & distension, SOB, sighing, globus hysterics, depression, poor appetite
T= pale, purple sides
P= empty w/ overflow
Tx pts= Move qi, PC6, HT5, 7, BL14, LU7, LI4, CV14, 15, 17, ST40
Dysfunction of SP controlling blood
S/S: pale, sallow complexion, poor appetite, lassitude, blood in stools, excess menses
T= pale
P= thready, weak, fine
TX pts= CV12, ST36, SP1, 3, 4, 6, 10, BL17,20, 21
SP Yang Deficiency
S/S: Poor appetite, lassitude, cold limbs, weak limbs, lies curled up, edema
T= Pale, wet, white coat
P= deep, slow, weak
TX= Tonify/warm SP yang, CV12, ST36, SP3, 6, 9, BL20-22, CV9 ST28
Damp Heat in SP & ST
S/S: fullness sensation, poor appetite, feeling of heaviness, loose stools, offensive odor, scanty dark urine
T= red, yellow sticky coat
P= soft, slippery rapid
TX pts= damp & clear heat, SP6, 9, GV9, LI11, BL20, 22, GB34, CV9, 11, ST22, 28
LU Wind Cold Invasion
S/S: aversion to cold, fever, dry cough, runny, clear nose
T= thin, white coat
P= superficial floating, tight
Tx pts: release ext, expel cold, LU7, BL12, GV16, GB20
LU Wind Heat Invasion
S/S: Aversion to cold, fever, HA, body aches, thirst, sneezing, block or runny nose, yellow discharge
T= red, thin yellow coat
P= superficial floating, rapid
Tx pts= release ext, expel cold, LU7, Bl12, GV16, GB20
Phlegm Dampness in LU
S/S: cough w/ sticky sputuc, throat gurgle & sputum, SOB, full chest
T= swollen, sticky white
P= slippery
TX pts= release exter, clear heat, stim LU fen, LU7, 10, LI4, 11, TW5, GV14, 16, BL12, GB20
Phlegm Heat in LU
S/S: barking cough- yellow sputum, SOB, wheezing, thirsty, constipated, yellow urine
T= red, swollen, sticky yellow
P= slippery, rapid
Tx pts= Resolve phlegm, clear heat, LU1, 5, 7, 10, LI11, BL13, CV12, ST40
LU QI Deficiency
S/S: Feeble cough, SOB, Weak voice, spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind/cold, frigid
T= pale, thin coat
P= weak, empty
Tx pts= Tonify LU, Qi, warm LU7, 9, BL13, GV12, CV12, ST36
LU Yin Deficiency
S/S: dry cough, unproductive, little sputum, dry mouth, NIGHT SWEATS, MALAR FLUSH, FEVER PM
T= red, no coat
P= floating, rapid
Tx pts= Tonify LU Yin, Nourish LU9, 10, BL43, 13, SP6, CV4, 12, 17, LI11
LU Dryness
S/S: Dry mouth, throat, cough, skin, thirst, hoarse
T= dry
P= empty (XU)
Tx= Moist LU, Nourish fluid, LU9, CV4, KD6, SP6, CV12, ST36
KD Qi Deficiency
S/S: Sore/weak low back and knees, frequent urination, incontinence, enuresis, Nov emission, white vaginal discharge, leucorrhea
T= pale, white coat
P= thready, weak
TX pts= reinforce KD qi, Tonify yang, BL23, GV4, KD3, BL32, 52, CV4, 6, KD20
KD Yang Deficiency
S/S: Sore/ weak low back and knees, pallor, cold limbs, impotence, infertility, low libido
T= pale, wet white coat
P= deep, weak
TX pts= Tonify & warm KD & BL23, GV4, CV6, KD3, 7, BL52
KD Yin Deficiency
S/S: sore/ weak low back and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, no t emission, premature ejaculation, NIGHT SWEATS, MALAR FLUSH, FEVER PM
T= red, no coat
P= Fine, rapid
TX= Nourish KD yin CV4, KD3, 6, 9, 10, SP6, LU7, CV7
Food Retension ST
(Food accumulation disorder)
S/S: distension, fullness, pain, foul belching w/ regurgitation, poor appetite, loose stool/constipation
T= thick coat
P= rolling, full, slippery
TX= Resolve FAD, ST qi, CV13, 10, SP4, PC6, KD21, ST19, 21, 40, 44, 45, CV12
Cold Invasion ST
S/S: Fullness & pain, relieved w/ warm, vomiting, cold limbs
T= thick, white, slippery coat
P= deep, slow tight
TX= Expel cold, warm ST, ST Qi, ST21, SP4, CV13, ST34, or ST36
Stomach Fire
S/S: epigastric pain/burn, thirst for cold, sour regurgitation, foul breath, appetite, vomit after eating
T= red, yellow, dry coat
P= rapid
TX= Drain ST fire, ST QI, ST21, 44, 34, CV11, 12, 13, LI4, 11, SP15
Insufficient ST Yin
S/S: no appetite, slight burning, constipation, dry mouth
T= red, little moisture
P= thready, rapid
TX= Nourish ST yin/fluid, CV12, ST36, SP3, 6
Dampness GB
S/S: Jaundice, can’t digest fats, hypochond pain, dull HA, turbid urine, lack of thirst
T= thick, sticky white coat
P= slippery, wiry
TX= Resolve damp, clear GB, GB24, 34, LV14, GV9, CV12, BL19, 20, TW6
Deficient GB
S/S: dizzy, blur vision, nervous, indecisive, sighing, restless dream, early waking
T= pale, normal
P= weak
TX= Tone/warm GB, LV Qi, GB40, LV8, ST36, SSP6, CV4, SP6, LV3
Pain from SI Qi disturbance
S/S: sudden severe abdominal pain distension, constipation vomiting
T= thick, white, coat
P= deep, wirey
TX= ST39, CV6, GB34, ST25, SP6, LV3
LI Dryness
S/S: Dry Stools- hard to expel, constipation, dry mouth, thin body, foul breath
T= dry, red
P= fine wiry
TX= Promote fluid, ST36, SP6, CV4, ST25, KD6, SP15
Damp Heat LI
S/S: Abdominal pain not relieved by BM, strained BM, blood/mucus stools, dark urine, sweating, heavy sensations
T= red, yellow sticky coat
P= slippery, rapid
TX= Clear heat/damp, LI11, SP6, 9, 10, ST25, 27, 37, BL25, CV6, 12, BL20
Damp Heat BL
S/S: Frequent urgen urination, UTI, burning, dribbling, deep yellow
T= red, thick, sticky yellow
P= rapid
TX= SP6, 9, BL22, 28, 63, 66, CV3, ST28