6 Exogenous Pathogens Flashcards
Cold (Yin)
Aversion to cold
Pain: severe, sharp & cramping
Secretions: clear & watery
External: chills>fever, body ache, headache
T = Pale w/ white moist coat P = slow & tense
Heat (Yang)
Four Bigs: Fever, Redness, Thirst, Pulse
T = Dry red w/ yellow coat P = rapid
Damp (Yin)
Heavy, turbid, lingering, slow
Pain: heavy, bloated, itching
Joint swelling
Secretions: copious, cloudy, sticky
Dry (Yang)
Dry nostrils, cough, lips, mouth tongue, skin Pulse: floating
Wind (Yang)
Spearhead of 1,000 conditions
External affects LU, Internal affects LV
Summer heat
High fever, sweating, HA
Rapid Pulse, red tongue, thirst
Cold VS Hot
Movement. Face. Temp. Thirst. Urine. Tongue. Pul.
Cold=Slow.White. Cold Limb. N/A. Clear. Pale/white c. Slow/deep
Heat=Quick. Red. Red face. Thirst. Dark. Red/yellow coat. Rapid/full
Malar = Yin Deficiency
5 heart heat (chest/palms/soles) = Heat Whole face redness = Yang excess
Nervous System Yin Deficiency =
Malar Flush, Insomnia, Warm hands/feet
Kidney Yin Deficiency =
Low back pain, knee pain, freq urination, inability to sustain erection