✔️ [Org] Structure of HR Function Flashcards
HR structural alternative in which headquarters HR specialists craft policies and HR generalists located within divisions or other locales implement the policies, adapt them as needed, and interact with employees.
Functional HR Model
HR structural alternative that allows organizations with different strategies in multiple units to apply HR expertise to each unit’s specific strategic needs
The embedded HR department advises corporate HR on local conditions that may affect policy
Dedicated HR Model
HR structural alternative in which centers with specific areas of expertise develop HR policies in those areas; each unit can then select what it needs from a menu of these services.
Shared Services HR Model
Systematic and comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s HR policies, practices, procedures, and strategies.
The most desired outcome of this is a clear sense of where performance could be improved and an action plan for implementing these improvements
HR Audit
Process by which an organization contracts with third-party vendors to provide selected services/activities instead of hiring new employees.
An organizational structure that leverages staff expertise in certain areas to improve the entire organization’s strategic performance.
Centers of Excellence (COE)
Arrangement in which an enterprise and a vendor share different tasks within a larger complex, often strategic responsibility.
Locates contractors within the HR organization so there’s managerial control over the contractor
All HR personnel located within HR department; delivers services to entire organization.
Centralized HR Model
HR staff within each function, business unit, or location carrying out required activities.
Decentralized HR Model
Generalists who usually report to managers outside of the HR structure but indirectly report to HR and work to consult and help link their business area to the proper areas of the HR department.
HR staff report directly to HR senior management but also report to other departments through the senior management positions.
Matrix HR Model
Focuses on how well the org is complying with current employment laws and regulations
Compliance Audit
Helps the org maintain or improve a competitive advantage by comparing its practices to those of employers identified as having exceptional HR practices
Best Practices Audit
Focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of systems and processes to determine whether they align with the HR departmental and/or org strategic plan
Strategic Audit
Focuses on a specific area in the HR function
Function-Specific Audit
Shows growth in employee productivity. It is calculated by subtracting nonemployment expenses (e.g., materials, rent, utilities) from revenue, and dividing the difference by the number of employees.
Shows the productivity of retained employees, sometimes via training for employees or managers
Human capital value-added metric