✔️ [Org] OED, Organizational Effectiveness & Development Flashcards
Line of authority within an organization.
Chain of Command
Way an organization groups jobs to coordinate work.
Way an organization groups its tasks and then aligns those groups for better effectiveness and efficiency.
Refers to the number of individuals who report to a supervisor.
Span of control
Work groups that assist line units by providing specialized services, such as HR.
staff units
Organizational structure in which departments are defined by the services they contribute to the organization’s overall mission, such as marketing and sales, operations, and HR.
Functional Structure
Refers to the extent to which rules, policies, and procedures govern the behavior of employees in an organization.
Work groups that conduct the major business of an organization.
Line units
Process of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions.
Organizational development
^ HR acts to develop a team in order to improve customer service, efficiency, and processes. What activity does this illustrate?
Organizational structure in which geographic regions define the organizational chart.
Geographic structure
Organizational structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both; results in some employees reporting to two managers rather than one, with neither manager assuming a superior role.
Matrix Structure
Organizational structure in which functional departments are grouped under major product divisions.
Product Structure
Major Organizational elements that need to align with strategy:
the way the org separates and connects it’s pieces
the policies that guide behavior and work, how tasks are performced, and the tech used
the set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors shared by members of the org and passed to new members
principals that the org and its leaders have explicitly selected as a guide for decisions and actions
the model of behavior that leaders set for the rest of the org “
Organizational Effectiveness Development (OED) Intervetion, defined:
- An OED can be seen as a stepping in to interrupt the status quo or current state in order make changes that can improve outcomes. Often described as “strategic strategies”, meaning there’s multiple actions that are focsed on org performance improvement
- A business case would need to be created to begin. It needs to use data to illustrate the need for the intervention by outlining KPI’s that will be used to track the success of achieving the outlined goals.
- Needs to be measured after it’s completed to assess it’s efficacy
- The clients perception of the experience is important
- identify and correct potential problems before they begin affecting performance.
- prepare the org to take advantage of anticipated opportunities
- Ex: structures that allow employees to make decisions quickly and independently
Proactive Interventions
- these make changes that bring an org back on course towards it’s strategic strategy.
Remedial Interventions
- “Analysis Paralysis” when data is collected and discussed but the org fails to act on anything
- objectives are too grand or number of changes is too great, sometimes smaller steps are better
- Leadership isn’t involved: happens when theyre not involved in planning. Clear rollout needs to happen
- Wrong messengers are used: clear comms
- Communication is too sudden:
- Comminication is too late:
- Communication is not aligned with the org’s realities:
- Communication is too narrow
Why interventions fail
What do interventions look at?
Interventions look at how the structure of the org is helping or hindering the orgs strategic process
When to use an intervention:
- When the org is failing to meet strategic objectives due to inefficient structures
- When the org changed it’s competitive strategies and needs to develop new skills and traits
- When the org is failing to meet strategic objectives due to inefficient structures
- When the org changed it’s competitive strategies and needs to develop new skills and traits
When to use an intervention:
- When the org is failing to meet strategic objectives due to inefficient structures
- When the org changed it’s competitive strategies and needs to develop new skills and traits
- Refers to elements that support an org’s functioning such as mission/value, decision making, comms, processes, systems
- Must acknowledge the integrated nature of the design
Redesigning the org:
- providing leaders with the structural diagnosis of the root cause of the performance issues
- helping leaders evaluate a range of clear design options
- ensuring leadership alignment with short and long term strategic goals by id’ing weakness and strength
- continually monitoring the structure for alignment w the business strategy
- planning for internal and external resources to deliver
HR’s Role in Org Strategy:
Degree to which tasks are performed as separate jobs
Work Specialization:
matrix structure bb
🔐 The matrix structure creates a dual rather than a single chain of command. As a result, some employees report to two managers rather than one, either neither being superior to the other. The project or program manager interacts with the employee about project work; the functional manager may be responsible for regular performance reviews and career development. The structure requires good communication and collaboration btwn the managers. Without it, employees become overworked and stressed.
“🔐 RACI =
- For any given activity, individuals will be assigned a certain role”
Responsible: Jon
Accountable: Mart
Consult: Larry
Inform: Jamie
A RACI chart helps an org establish clarity around its critical activities by assigning responsibility and describing communication needs. AThese charts can be a helpful exercise when an org is restructuring or introducing new activities or processes
Gaps in Required Knowledge and Skills:
- A gap analysis must be performed between the skill set needed now or in the future, as defined in the current job
- Problems are addressed by training, coaching, and mentoring
- JDs revised to meet current needs
Ex: an OED intervention may ID a strategic need for a deeper pool of supervisory/managerial talent
Intervention aimed at Culture:
- Describe the current culture
- Identify the aspirational culture
- Identify the gaps and conflicts
- Develop change initiatives
Ex: an org that has made a public commitment to diversity may discover that its workforce is not diverse, that it’s mgmt still represents only one cultural perspective, therefore not attracting diverse candidates. Here, you would focus on:- new recruiting proces
- enhanced onboarding
- educating cultural differences
- an office is established to collect, invesitage, and brief mgmt on employee complaints about discrimination
- Individuals come together around common activity and shared goals. Members are polite, but there is little sense of trust, shared experience, or common values.
- Individuals move past politeness, and there may be higher levels of discord as perspectives, styles, and agendas clash. This may be painful, but valuable communication is occurring.
- Over time, effective groups build trust and establish relationships. They create rules that guide behavior. They begin to establish a group identity and to identify “outsiders.” This can sometimes take a negative form; “group think” can impel members to adopt the same positions and reject outside views. This can dampen innovation and creative problem solving.
- The group becomes fully productive, collaborative, and mutually supportive.
- The leader plays an important role in helping the group move as quickly as possible through the common reactions to change and become fully productive again.”
Describes the amount of difference btwn the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the members on a team
Diversity of Skill:
Refers to where the power to make decisions is concentrated on the team. No defined leader, no overriding authority
Dispersion of Authority
- the typical longevity of a team. Ex: Hr is high permanence. task force is low permanence bc it’s for a short period of time
Benne and Sheats bb
🔐 Benne and Sheats found that individual’s roles in a group can change under different circumstances. For example, a group leader who is very task-focusd at first may gradulal become more focused on social roles as the group agrees on a direction and individual responsibilites.
Benne and Sheat’s 3 basic roles within groups:
Task roles:
- help get the wrok done. those performing in this role propose solutions or collaborate in group problem solving
Social Roles:
- maintain relationships and positive group function. importance of social ties
Dysfunctional Roles:
- Weaken the group and reduce productivity. when someone attacks others, dominates, resists; negative.
the nature of how people work (what they do or create together) and how they coordinate and collaborate their efforts (how they work together)
Team building
Inter and intragrpoup
Intergroup: between members of a group
Inrtagroup: between two different groups
what is an intervention designed to do?
An organizational intervention is intended to change the organization’s design, structure, and/or culture to improve performance across the organization.
companies w a prodct structure…
Companies with a product structure usually have separate divisions for different products, and each division has its own functional departments.
The first stage of designing an organizational effectiveness and development intervention
requires an understanding the challenges
This would include determining the target audience’s readiness for the upcoming change