Org Ana: Pleura and Lungs Flashcards
describe the apex of the lungs
it projects into the neck
1 in above the medial third of clavicle
describe the right lung
from sternoclavicular joint it reaches behind sternal angle until xiphisternal joint
describe the left lung
begins behind sternoclavicular joint and deviates laterally beyond the lateral margin of sternum at 4th costal cartilage to become the cardiac notch
describe the lower border of the lung
follows a curved line crossing the 6th rib and 8th rib midaxillary and reaches the 10th rib posteriorly
for left lung after 4th ICS it produces a cardiac notch then turn laterally to 6th ICS and downward to 8th rib then posteriorly to T10
describe the posterior border of the lung
extends down from the spinous process of C7 to the T10 1.5 in away from midline
what is the oblique fissure
from spine of scapula down lateral and anterior following the course of 6th rib to 6th costochondral junction
left lung: upper lobe lies above and anterior; lower lobe below and posterior
what is the horizontal fissure
only on the right bc it has 3 lobes
runs horizontal along the 4th CC to meet oblique fissure at the midaxillary line of 6th rib
upper lobe lies above and middle and lower lobe lies below
what is the purpose of pleural reflection
indicates the limit of pleura bc the lungs need space to expand
where is the cervical pleura located
at apex of lungs and bulges upward into the neck
where is the anterior border R pleura located
behind the SC joint almost reaching midline behind the sternal angle up to the xiphisternal joint
where is the anterior border L pleura located
similar but at 4th CC it deviates laterally to extend to lateral margin of sternum to form cardiac notch
where is the lower border of pleura located
crosses 8th rib in midclavicular line and 10th rib at midaxillary line and reach 12th rib lateral border of erector spinae
what is the costodiaphragmatic recess
distance between the lung and pleural border
space between lung at pluera to allow the lungs to expand
compare the lungs and the costal line of pleural reflection
- lungs: rib 6
- costal line of pleural reflection: rib 8
- lungs: rib 8
- costal line of pleural reflection: rib 10
- lungs: rib 10
- costal line of pleural reflection: rib 12
describe the apex of the heart
formed by left ventricle and corresponds to apex beat at the 5th left ICS 3.5 in to midline
describe the superior border of the heart
formed by roots of the great blood vessels from 2nd left CC (sternal angle) .5 in front of sternum up to 3rd right CC .5 in from edge of sternum
describe the left border of the heart
left ventricle from 2nd CC from edge of sternum and apex beat
describe the right border of the heart
formed by R atrium from the 3rd right CC from the edge of sternum to the 6th right CC
describe the inferior border of the heart
formed by the right ventricle and apical part of the left ventricle from 6th right CC from sternum to apex beat
what is posterior injury to the back of the chest
trauma can possibly cause vertebral fracture with associated SCI or paraplegia of LE
if severe trauma - scapula can be injured (madami muscles)
what is sternum fracture
usually sternum in resilient bc of CC - not common
occurs in high speed MVA
heart lies posterior to the sternum and may be contused; hematoma
what is rib contusion
most common injury
bruising of rib due to trauma
pain and tenderness
pain in breathing
what is rib fracture
commonly occurs at the angle of rib - 5th to 10th rib most common
upper ribs less common since arms and shoulders protect it
common complication is pneumothorax due to penetration of lungs
- severe trauma
- portion of fractured rib pierces the pleural cavity and into lungs
- puncture of lungs and air will be released and it will cause lung collapse
- heart shifted to other side bc too much air in the remaining lung pushes it
what is flail chest
an injury to a section of ribs causing is to be detached or float - multiple fractures
life threatening - pneumothorax and respiration may cause floating ribs to be sucked in and out
signs and symptoms:
- pale and cool skin
- weak pulse and tachycardia
- paradoxical chest movements
- cyanosis
- pain when breathing = intubate
explain paradoxical chest movement
injured area moves opposite - naiiwan
inhale: ribs rise but flailed section sucks in
exhale: ribs fall but flailed section bulges out
what is thoracostomy
creating and maintaining an opening into the thoracic cavity using needle or chest tube
what are the indications for thoracostomy
pleural effusion
open pnuemothorax
prophylaxis pre-op in truma patients
what is the safe triangle
position of chest drain
anterior border of lats
lateral borer of pec major
apex of axilla
horizontal line level of nipple