Oral Exam: Performance & Limitations Flashcards
What are the four dynamic forces that act on an airplane during all maneuvers?
In what flight condition are the sum of the opposing forces equal?
In steady-state, straight and level, and unaccelerated flight, the sum of the opposing forces are equal to each other. They cancel each other out…
What is an airfoil?
An airfoil is a device which gets a useful reaction from air moving over its surface, primarily LIFT.
Examples… Wings, horizontal tail surfaces, vertical tail surfaces, and propellers.
What is the angle of incidence?
The angle formed by the longitudinal axis of the airplane and the chord line of the wing.
- Measured where the wing is attached to the fuselage.
- Fixed and not manipulated by the pilot.
What is a relative wind?
The direction of the airflow with respect to the wing.
-When a wing is moving forward and downward, the relative wind moves backward and upward….
What is the angle of attack?
The angle between the chord line of the wing and the direction of the relative wind.
-Not fixed and manipulated by the pilot.
What is Bernoulli’s Principle?
The pressure of a fluid(liquid/gas) decreases at points where the speed of the fluid increases.
- High speed air flow is associated with low pressure and low speed airflow with high pressure.
- The airfoil of an aircraft creates lift because the slow air flowing below has a higher pressure than the fast moving air above it
What are several factors which will affect both lift and drag?
- Using flaps and or the ailerons. (increase)
- Icing will increase drag and decrease lift
- Increasing angle of attack will increase lift and drag until limit is reached
- An increase in speed(air velocity) will increase lift and drag
- Air density
- increase causes lift and drag to increase
- decrease causes lift and drag to decrease
What is torque effect?
Newton - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction…
- A left turning tendency… As the engine turns the propeller to the right, an equal force is applied in the opposite direction to the left.
- It is the greatest when at low airspeeds with high power settings and at high angles of attack.
How does the airplane react to torque effect on the ground and in the air?
Ground: During the takeoff roll, the left side of the plane is being forced down by the torque. The additional force on the left wheel causes friction and drag turning the plane to the left. (Counter with right rudder)
In flight: The plane will roll/bank to the left at low speeds with high power settings like on takeoff or climbing with a high angle of attack. (Use more right rudder)
What are the 4 left turning tendencies??
Torque effect
Spiraling slipstream effect
Gyroscopic Precession
What is the spiraling slipstream effect?
The propeller creates a spiral of air that flows around the fuselage and strikes the left side of the vertical stabilizer/rudder…
-The force increases as power increases and causes the plane to yaw to the left.
What is P-Factor?
The propeller is essentially an airfoil that produces lift. As the propeller spins clockwise, the descending blade on the right has a higher angle of attack creating more lift, yawing the plane to the left…
-This is more noticeable at higher power settings in a nose high attitude.
What is gyroscopic precession?
A spinning propeller acts as a gyroscope and force applied to it is manifested 90 degrees ahead in the direction of the rotation. When a taildragger is on takeoff roll and the tail raises, this applies a downward force on the top of the propeller. This force is manifested 90 degrees to the right, which ends up pushing the nose to the left.
What is centrifugal force?
The equal and opposite reaction of the airplane to the change in direction. It acts equal and opposite to the horizontal component of lift. (The apparent outward force on an object when it is rotated.)
What is load factor?
Load factor is the ratio of the total load supported by the airplane’s wing to the actual weight of the airplane and its contents. Also expressed as the ratio of a given load to the pull of gravity.
*Centrifugal force experienced during curved flight increases the load factor of the plane.
For what 2 reasons is load factor important to pilots?
1) Because of the obviously dangerous overload that it is possible for a pilot to impose on the aircraft structure.
2) Because an increased load factor increases the stalling speed and makes stalls possible at seemingly safe flight speeds.
What situations may result in load factors reaching the maximum or being exceeded?
Level Turns:
Load factor increases exponentially after a bank has reached 45 or 50 degrees. Load factor is 2Gs in a 60 degree bank turn. At 80 degrees it is 5.76Gs (The wing must produce lift equal to these load factors if altitude is to be maintained)
Severe vertical gusts cause a sudden increase in angle of attack, resulting in large loads which are resisted by the inertia of the airplane.
The amount of excess load that can be imposed upon the wing depends on how fast the airplane is flying. At speeds below maneuvering speed, the airplane will stall before load factor can become excessive. When above maneuvering speed, the limit load factor for which an airplane is stressed can be exceeded by abrupt or excessive application of the controls or by strong turbulence.
What are the different operational categories for aircraft and within which category does your aircraft fall?
Normal…… Load factor: +3.8 to -1.52
Utility……… Load Factor: +4.4 to -1.76
Aerobatic……. Load Factor: +6.0 to -3.00
what effect does an increase in load factor have on stalling speed?
As load factor increases, stalling speed increases. Load factor increases as angle of attack increases. Any airplane can be stalled at any airspeed…. (Stalling speed increases in proportion to the square root of the load factor…)
What is maneuvering speed?
Maneuvering Speed is the maximum speed at which the limit load can be imposed (either by gusts/turbulence or full deflection of the control surfaces) without causing structural damage.
- The speed below which, in smooth air, a pilot can fully deflect ONE flight control without risk of damaging the structure of the airplane.
- Speeds up to maneuvering speed allow an aircraft to stall prior to experiencing an increase in load factor that would exceed the limit load of the aircraft.
What effect does an increase/decrease in weight have on maneuvering speed?
Maneuvering speed increases with an increase in wight and decreases with a decrease in weight.
Define “loss-of-control-inflight” (LOC-I)…
What are several situations that might increase the risk of an LOC-I accident occurring.
(LOC-I) is defined as a significant deviation of an aircraft from the intended flight path and if often results from an airplane upset.
- Maneuvering is the most common phase of flight for LOC-I accidents to occur, but they do occur in all phases of flight.
- uncoordinated flight, equipment malfunctions, pilot complacency, distractions, turbulence, and poor risk management increase the risk of an LOC-I accident.
What causes an airplane to stall?
The direct cause of every stall is an excessive angle of attack. Each plane has a particular critical angle of attack where the airflow separates from the upper surface of the wing and a stall occurs, usually 16 to 20 degrees.
what is a spin?
A spin is either a controlled(recoverable) or uncontrolled(possibly unrecoverable) maneuver in which the airplane or glider descends in a helical path while flying at an angle of attack greater than the critical angle of attack. Spins result from aggravated stalls in other a slip or a skid. A spin cannot occur if a stall hasn’t occurred.
what causes a spin?
The primary cause of an inadvertent spin is exceeding the critical angle of attack while applying excessive or insufficient rudder. This causes one wing to be stalled more than the other.
when are spins most likely to occur?
- Engine failure on takeoff during climb out - pilot tries to stretch glide to landing area by increasing back pressure or makes an uncoordinated turn back to departure runway at low airspeed.
- Crossed-control turn from base to final (Slipping or skidding turn) pilot overshoots final and makes uncoordinated turn a low airspeed.
- Engine failure on approach to landing = pilot tries to stretch glide to runway by increasing back pressure
- Go-around with full nose-up trim = pilot applies power with full flaps and nose-up trim combined with uncoordinated use of rudder.
- Go-around with improper flap retraction = pilot applies power and fully retracts flaps too soon resulting in a rapid sink rate and an instinctive increase in back pressure.
What procedure should be used to recover from an inadvertent spin?
P - Power reduced to idle
A - Ailerons positioned to neutral
R - Rudder apply full opposite of rotation
E - Elevator apply positive/forward of neutral movement to break stall.
-once the spin stops, neutralize the rudder and apply back pressure and throttle to return to level flight.
What causes adverse yaw?
When turning an airplane to the left for example, the downward deflected aileron on the right produces more lift and drag on the right wing. The extra drag and lift on the right wing initially pulls the nose to the right instead of to the desired direction to the left…
What is ground effect?
A condition of improved performance experienced when operating near the ground. Operating close to the ground (usually a distance equivalent to the wingspan) reduces the wing’s upwash, downwash, and wingtip vortices. This increases lift and reduces drag.
What major problems can be caused by ground effect?
During Landing = Lift is increased and drag can be decreased by 40% when one-tenth a wingspan above the surface causing the airplane to excessively float down the runway without landing. It is possible to run out of runway and options….
During takeoff = Due to increased lift and a decrease in drag, the aircraft seems capable of takeoff well below the recommended speed. If the pilot climbs out of ground effect too soon, airspeed is too slow and induced drag increases making climb out difficult or not possible and the plane will fall back to the runway. This is especially concerning when high temperatures are present, there is high density altitude, or the plane is operating at a high gross weight.
Define empty weight….
The weight of the airframe, engines, all permanently installed equipment, and unusable fuel. Depending on certification, either untrainable oil or full reservoir of oil is included.
Define gross weight….
The maximum allowable weight of both the airplane and its contents.
Define Useful load
The weight of the pilot, copilot, passengers, baggage, usable fuel, and drainable oil.
Define Arm
The horizontal distance in inches from the reference datum line to the center of gravity of the item.
Define Moment
The product of the weight of an item multiplied by its arm. Moments are expressed in pound-inches.
Center of Gravity
The point about which an aircraft would balance if it were possible to suspend it at that point. expressed in inches from datum.
Define datum
An imaginary vertical plane or line from which all measurements of arm are taken. Established by the manufacturer.
What characteristics will be adversely affected when an aircraft has been overloaded?
- higher takeoff speed
- longer takeoff run
- reduced rate and angle of climb
- lower maximum altitude
- shorter range
- reduced cruising speed
- reduced maneuverabliity
- higher stalling speed
- higher landing speed
- longer landing roll
- excessive weight on the nose wheel
What effect does a forward center of gravity have on an aircrafts flight characteristics?
Higher stalling speed - stalling angle of attack is reached at a higher speed due to increased wing loading.
Slower cruise speed - increased drag, greater angle of attack is required to maintain altitude
More stable - increases longitudinal stability
Greater back elevator pressure required - longer takeoff roll, higher approach speeds and problems with landing flare.
what effect does a rearward center of gravity have on an aircraft’s flight characteristics?
Lower stalling speed - less wing loading
Higher cruise speed - reduced drag, smaller angle of attack is required to maintain altitude.
Less stable - stall and spin recovery more difficult, the center of gravity is closer to the center of pressure, causing longitudinal instability.
What factors affect the performance of an aircraft during takeoffs and landings?
Air density (density altitude)
Surface winds
runway surface
upslope or downslope of runway
Define Density altitude
Density altitude is pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature.
Define pressure altitude
The altitude indicated when the altimeter setting window is adjusted to 29.92(standard pressure). Used to compute density altitude, true altitude, true airspeed and other performance data.